Monday, August 16, 2010

164. Using social networking to help rescue cats

Article: Breed Rescue 2.0 by Janiss Garza
Cats USA 2101 Annual Volume 17

Today, I met a National Library Board officer at the Toa Payoh Public Library. She does not like cats personally. However she spoke to me about her friend who pays money to caregivers to feed the stray cats and had adopted 4 strays. "She is a stray cat militant!" the single lady in her late 30s who loves to read Newsweek and Times magazine told me. "Actually, she is a stray cat activist who cares very much about the welfare and treatment of the stray cats in Singapore" I said. I asked whether this friend is using social networking to help find homes for stray cats. She would find out.

How does social networking help rescue cats? According to the writer Janiss Garza, these are the ways:

1. Facebook, Blogs, Twitter and You-tube reach more people than an ordinary website to raise awareness, do fundraising for medical treatment and food etc and find homes for the rescued cats.

2. Must update content and give follow-up of what has happened to the cats.

3. Use "fan" pages and groups as an additional help to the main website. It has many applications to enhance experience of current andpotential supporters and volunteers. E.g. of a facebook group is
E.g received donations and one adoption because one of the volunteers has a blog and twitter account

4. marketer, S. McDuffee has the following suggestions:

4.1. Your blog is part of a subdomain of your own website e.g. instead of using or wordpress. Search engines love blogs and blogs may drive more traffic to your website

4.2 Connect with blogs for other rescues and interact.

4.3 "Create a page" link in facebook to set up a page on Facebook for your breed rescue that has no website.

4.4 Facebook fan pages are better than groups as they inspire dialogue between the rescue and its fans. The page's status updates will appear on the Facebook newsfeed of any befriender.

4.5 Integrate all together the blog posts, twitter blasts nto your facebook page. For your blog, do a search on facebook for "Blog RSS Feed Reader" to find the application to enable this for your blog and either the "Twitter" application or "selective Twitter" application to add Tweets to your rescue page. Add YouTube account for videos.Photos on

Use a flip video camera. cheap and easy to use.

5. All these aim to get more cats adopted.

2. The wall: Known as "newsfeed". Where updates are posted.
3. Status update: Known as "What's on your mind".
4. Fan page: A regular facebook profile set up by you.
5. Twitter: micro-blog
6. Tweet: a twitter post
7. Application or app.: software to add to your facebook profile or page to make it more interactive.
8. RSS feed: automatic syndication posting to you blog or twitter, facebook or facebook fan page.
9. URL shorteners for long URL or link. e.g. and tinyurl

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Generalised ringworm - thin husky

Sometimes a thin dog takes a longer time to recover.
"My Husky has been itchy >2 months. He scratches. He bites his tail. Have you got an e-collar for him?"

"E-collar is no use if you don't solve his skin problem."

"Groomer had clipped him bald. I believe the groomer's equipment is dirty. My vet said ringworm and gave me one big white tablet a day for my dog for 3 weeks."

"What's the name of the tablet?"
"I don't know," the marketing man was as slim as his Huskie.
"Did you follow up with your vet?"
"No, he did not ask me to come back after one month."

Microscopic exam of hairs. - ringworm
Anal sac full of thick grey oil when Mr Saw expressed the gland. "What is anal gland?" I explained to him that the infected gland caused his dog to bite his tail and rub backside on the floor. "Sometimes I see blood on the floor," the man in his 40s said to m.

1. Clipped bald including the head.
2. Irrigate ears.
3. Review in 1 month's time unless he is happy with skin.

eyeball prolapse 10-year-old shih tzu


Shih Tzu, Female, 10 years, 7 kg
27.7.10 eyeball prolapse with extensive corneal ulcerations
Lateral canthotomy, eyelids stitched. Eyeball was pushed back.
Owner wanted to take home immediately despite advice.
At home, the dog could rub eye against cushion corners etc even though she wore an e-collar. Came back on Day 3 with all stitches loose. Re-stitch on 4.8.10.

Came back on 13.8.10. Eye all red. Dog bites. Warded 2 days til 15.8.10 (Sunday).
Corneal vascularisation seen at edge. Photo taken on 15.8.10. Eyeball no longer prolapsed but corneal ulcerations still not fully healed as this is an old dog. Need to explain to the young lady that old dogs, like old people, takes a very long time to recover from wounds. More than 4 weeks in many cases.

Owner advised that healing will take >4 weeks as the dog is old. In young dogs, healing will take <2 weeks normally. Owner will clip ear hairs as they irritate the eyeball (when enclosed inside the e-collar) in my observations. Since dog bites, it will be better if the gentle lady owner does her own clipping. She has a grooming set.
Continue treatment at home. Meloxicalm 0.5 ml/day oral as pain-killer. It will be difficult to review due to economic reasons.

16l. Sunday Case: Male dog with testicular tumour - seminoma.

14 days after neuter, the dog came for stitch removal. Lab report: Malignant tumour comptaible with a seminoma. W

Thursday, August 12, 2010

160. What to do after surgery to remove testicular tumour?

Lab Retriever, Male, 6 years. Right undescended testicular tumour and atrophied right testicle removed 5 days ago. Greyish-white, large sized and multi-nodular suggested Sertoli cell tumour. To wait for histopathology on malignancy or no malignancy of cells.

The owner asked about post-op management.

This depended on blood test results. Significant findings are:
1. No disorders of liver and kidney function. Glucose is normal.
2. Haematology: Low haemoglobin and red cell count. Low PCV. Very low platelets count. Platelet clumping noted.

Urine results
1. pH=7.0, SG 1.027.
2. Abnormal findings: Protein 2+, Glucose 1+, Blood 4+, WCC >2250/uL, RBC 900/uL, epithelial cells 1053/uL. Bacteria 3+
Bad infection of bladder, prostate (painful and enlarged during rectal palpation), kidney localised as total blood WCC OK. Had been given IV Vit K1 in drip earlier.

1. Had been fed meat, rice 1X/day in the past. Very thin. Increase to 2x/day
2. Good quality premium dog food dry to be added. 1 egg/day for 14 days.
3. Antibiotics for next 14 - 20 days. UTI + prostatitis + bone marrow depression.
4. Review in 14 days.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Rotting flesh smell of right ear in 12-year-old Shih Tzu

Surprisingly, a young couple brought in a Shih Tzu with multiple warts. One big bleeding wart on the left ear.

"My vet does not do surgery on weekends, so we come to see you." the busy couple has only 6.30pm to 7 pm to see me. But today is Wednesday.

This is the second case of a dog owner who had been to the vet for the past few years with ear infections, so stinking but no cure. I inserted a cotton bud which came out of the vertical ear canal with bright yellow pus and strong stink.

"My vet would clean the ears and in bad smell, give an injection. We spent a lot of money over the last 4 years. The dog keeps shaking his head daily."

"How long the smell return?" I asked. "Is it over 2 weeks."
"No," the wife said. "A few days."

"A solution will be ear surgery." I got the Sheltie inside for them to see the surgery which was done as it is hard for the couple to visualise the procedure. I showed the horizontal canal opening. The Sheltie's left ear was operated some 8 days ago and the ear canal was clear. No head shaking. However, there was still some pain in the ear canal as the Sheltie moved away as I touched the opening of the horizontal ear canal.

1. Clipped bald
2. Take blood and urine for tests.
3. Irrigate ears
4. Electosurgery to remove warts. Count the number of warts. Marker pen.
5. Goes home with antibiotics for 14 days.

6. 10 days later, right ear canal wall opened up.

Omega 3 and Omega 6 oil for cat with recurring mouth ulcers

Stray cat now adopted by a young couple. His ulcers at the "adenoid" areas have healed 80%. Given canned food only. He had suffered a chronic disease, leading to "indolent ulcers" of the mouth and a high eosinophil count.

He likes the Omega 3 and Omega 6 oil 1 ml 2x/day. If his immune system is back to normal, I presume that he will no longer have oral ulcers and drool. He will not need anti-inflam steroids. Too early to know. Wait and see.