Thursday, November 28, 2019

3319. A young active red-eared slider has a swollen right thigh. What is the problem?

Video of physical examination

A 16-month-old red-eared slider has a swollen right thigh


The red-eared slider makes a good pet as over 80% of the residents live in apartments.
Toa Payoh Township
Gem Residencs condo, Toa Payoh

Red-eared sliders are the only turtle species permitted as pets in Singapore. No other species like the Star Tortoise (search my blog for image).

1.  Physical examination

2.  Laboratory tests - X-ray

3318. Singapore stories: An optician has several eye examination machines.

Nov 27, 2019.

I was introduced to this optician who has more eye examination machines than his peers. Very good confidence in him as the eye visuals are stunning.

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

3317. Final Video: Urethrostomy in an old Shih Tzu

INTERN to create vet educational video

History of case:

Video of dog now able to pee. Get from owner. Frequent urinary catheterisation means coming to Toa Payoh Vets every few days as the dog could not pee again and again after catheterisation. 

SURGERY - Urethrostomy


Dog is very old and hence all owners are very worried about death on the operating table.



The urethra behind the os penis has been cut open. The sutures stitch skin to the mucosa of the urethra.
This surgery of making a hole in the urethra is called urethrostomy

The stitches are removed 14 days later. The dog will pee out from this opening

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

3328. The young female cat has multiple circular wounds. - what not to do in video production

Nov 26, 2019. The following is the guideline to produce a script. The script is in 2 columns. Left column is for the narrative. Right column is to indicate where to insert the footage, image or illustrations. Use the following movie structure to produce your video.  Refer to:

HOOK - video footage around 60 - 120 seconds preferred to images but can have both.
             - must attract attention to continue viewing.

TITLE - The young cat has multiple circular wounds. Is it ringworm?

Setting - Singapore apartments. Show some scenes of the township.
What is the problem?
How is the problem diagnosed?
Laboratory tests to aid diagnosis.


How to resolve the problem? 
Treatment depends on the cause or causes.


Outcome - Good or bad response to treatment.
Tips and advices to cat owners. 




Video shows left, right, back, front, upper and lower body of cat with or without circular lesions

Use this image, not any others esp. not dog images

TITLE - The young cat has multiple circular wounds. Is it ringworm?

Setting - Singapore apartments

What is the problem?  - Skin lesions - many circular ones from  ... cm to ... cm across in all 4 limbs.

Infected wounds do not heal as the cat keeps licking them. Need pain killers and anti-inflammatory medication

Circular pattern indicates incisor and canine teeth bite marks from another cat

How is the problem diagnosed?

The wounds look very much like ringworm. (INTERN - to define ringworm and show some images of ringworm)

One example of ringworm in a kitten

Feline ringworm
Ringworm also infects dogs

Laboratory tests to aid diagnosis

How to resolve the problem?
Treatment depends on the cause or causes.
1. Traumatic injuries from bites likely as there are two other cats in the home. What gender and age are they? Litter box sharing? Food bowl sharing? Any other significant issues like bullying? Is this the youngest cat?
2. Ringworm cannot be ruled out.  Lab test
3. Chemical burns. History of use of chemicals on the flooring
4. Allergies to food, environment. Lab test 

Show an image of the left side of the body, the lower belly view and upper top backbone view

left elbow sores and wounds

Show the right elbow image.  The following images are wounds in the hind limbs - check and narrate

Clipping bald is essential in skin infection treatment. Decontaminate and easy to cleanse skin

Images of the hind limbs? Before clipping. After clipping. Narrate. Pus expressed.......


After clipping bald the areas with skin lesions, treatment involves the following: The pus in wounds are expressed. 
Pus - bacterial infection under the skin and in the ulcer. Intern to define "pus"

Every day, the owner will clean the wounds thoroughly with antiseptics. Anti-fungal and antibiotic cream is applied onto the wound. Antibiotics and anti-inflammatory injection are given.

Outcome - The wounds should heal well with time. 

Tips and advices to cat owners.  Caterwauling is the reason that the owner sends in the cat for spaying. She is on heat and is a noise nuisance.

No spaying till the wound recovers in around 2 weeks. Anti-caterwauling medication like Ovarid. What is Ovarid? Intern to elaborate.



For More Information...
Credits to Vets, Veterinary Assistants, Intern (your name and date of video completion)

*Use also this Credit To Vets image, although it is in portrait size.

NOTE. The intern still has to draft her script as the above is not 100% written.

Recent completed video needs to be edited to remove the dog image and to narrate according to the appearance of the footage and images. Intern should not use irrelevant footage of the video to narrate the case study (see the ending part)  

Saturday, November 16, 2019

3326. NOV 2019 CASE STUDY. The hamster owner diagnosed correctly her hamster's everted cheek pouch

Nov 16, 2019

Singaporeans research the internet. This young lady owner in her mid 20s correctly diagnosed the red piece of tissue hanging out from the right side of her hamster's mouth as everted cheek pouch as she had watched a Youtube video from Toa Payoh Vets.

The right cheek pouch was inflamed and gangrenous in some areas. Under isoflurane gas anaesthesia, the vet cut away the cheek pouch with a scalpel. Then he stitch up the remaining part with two 3/0 absorbable stitches. The hamster woke up in less than 3 minutes after the end of anaesthesia.

If you scrutinise, the right eyelid of the hamster was bald and wet. It had tears as the hamster was crying in pain trying to pull out the pouch.

She was very happy to get her beloved hamster home on the same day, in the evening, after surgery.

Another video of a case at Toa Payoh Vets

Case 3. A 6-month-old dwarf hamster has an everted cheek pouch

6-month-old dwarf hamster

Thursday, November 14, 2019

3325. Relationship Advices For Young People: A zero-brained man


Feb 24, 2020


In a group, you may find a critical person who wants to show off to the boss or host at the expense of others, as illustrated in the following story. After dinner, the family members left the dining table to watch TV or do their own things. My host (Mrs Wong) was still at the dining table. My wife urged me to chat with Mrs Wong post-dinner. Normally I would not do so on seeing Mr Tan, an uninvited 74-year-old employee of Mrs Wong there.

"Why are you still here?" the stout old man’s small eyes squinted at me through his thick glasses. "I am here to converse with Mrs Wong" I was not surprised at his rudeness. Mrs Wong's family members avoided him like the plaque but that suited his purpose - to gain sole attention from Mrs Wong.

"You are not an employee!" Mr Tan raised his voice when I sat down next to Mrs Wong. "You should be in the living area watching TV with the others!" I was shocked at his declaration that only employees should be present post-dinner. Dinner at the boss' residence is not a perquisite of employment for Mr Tan. My wife and I were invited as Mrs Wong treated us as family.

Mrs Wong took her eyes off her smartphone text messages and said, "He is my guest! Are you not feeling well now?" She stood and repeated the question. I kept quiet as this man was trying to provoke me again. Mr Tan took advantage as Mrs Wong would never stop an old man from sharing her delicious food. After work, he just took a ride from Mrs Wong to her house for dinner. Unless he had disappeared to watch movies during office hours. No qualms about doing that as Mrs Wong still paid him in full.

Mr Tan coughed as if he had water in his lungs. He got up saying, "I am not well. I will go home," his eyes squinted towards me and pointed his index finger in my direction. "He is a zero-brained man!"

Mrs Wong's sister said "goodbye" when Mr Tan proceeded to the main door. "Don't ever say 'goodbye'," he told her off. "Say 'see you another time!'" He ought to say "thank you" but he could not care two hoots about his lack of manners.

During a previous post-dinner chat, he tried to impress us with the numerous movies he had watched when he ought to be at work. He announced, "I watched 'Wonder Woman' 15 times". He queried us, "What makes this movie a blockbuster movie? What is its hook?" We were dumb asses. So he said, "All men want her, but one man wants her dead!".

Mrs Wong was not a movie buff but she participated as a good host ought to. I was silent as I knew he was not bothered with any movie comments from me. "You watched this movie?" he queried my knowledge about a movie that he rated highly. "Yet you cannot remember the plots!". I did not retort. Why should I entertain him?

Later, I told Mrs Wong that I do not clutter my brain with movie plots as there is a limit to what the brain can store. "Besides, Mr Tan watches some movies more than once!"

Being 69 years old, I had interacted with a few obnoxious persons. They run you down in front of your boss or host to prove they are smarter. They love to make fun of your traits or work performances. Try to stay calm when you encounter the bad people.

In conflicts, one can either attack, escape or make peace.
For Mr Tan, I chose to "escape" as he does not want peace. I know Mrs Wong wished that I would speak up for myself sometimes as she would defend me when Mr Tan called me names. I could upset Mrs Wong if I attacked the old man. He had advised her to get rid of the scroungers (my wife and I) as we were frequently invited to Mrs Wong's dinners as she welcome us as family.

Do not create conflicts with your colleagues or family members by attacking them frequently. If you persist in having a foul mouth, you will be like Mr Tan - a person whom all "shiam" (avoid)! You will be a bitter old lonely person with no friends as you create disharmony during social gatherings.

3324. Greater Caucasus tour - Armenia images