Tuesday, November 26, 2019

3328. The young female cat has multiple circular wounds. - what not to do in video production

Nov 26, 2019. The following is the guideline to produce a script. The script is in 2 columns. Left column is for the narrative. Right column is to indicate where to insert the footage, image or illustrations. Use the following movie structure to produce your video.  Refer to:

HOOK - video footage around 60 - 120 seconds preferred to images but can have both.
             - must attract attention to continue viewing.

TITLE - The young cat has multiple circular wounds. Is it ringworm?

Setting - Singapore apartments. Show some scenes of the township.
What is the problem?
How is the problem diagnosed?
Laboratory tests to aid diagnosis.


How to resolve the problem? 
Treatment depends on the cause or causes.


Outcome - Good or bad response to treatment.
Tips and advices to cat owners. 




Video shows left, right, back, front, upper and lower body of cat with or without circular lesions

Use this image, not any others esp. not dog images

TITLE - The young cat has multiple circular wounds. Is it ringworm?

Setting - Singapore apartments

What is the problem?  - Skin lesions - many circular ones from  ... cm to ... cm across in all 4 limbs.

Infected wounds do not heal as the cat keeps licking them. Need pain killers and anti-inflammatory medication

Circular pattern indicates incisor and canine teeth bite marks from another cat

How is the problem diagnosed?

The wounds look very much like ringworm. (INTERN - to define ringworm and show some images of ringworm)

One example of ringworm in a kitten

Feline ringworm
Ringworm also infects dogs

Laboratory tests to aid diagnosis

How to resolve the problem?
Treatment depends on the cause or causes.
1. Traumatic injuries from bites likely as there are two other cats in the home. What gender and age are they? Litter box sharing? Food bowl sharing? Any other significant issues like bullying? Is this the youngest cat?
2. Ringworm cannot be ruled out.  Lab test
3. Chemical burns. History of use of chemicals on the flooring
4. Allergies to food, environment. Lab test 

Show an image of the left side of the body, the lower belly view and upper top backbone view

left elbow sores and wounds

Show the right elbow image.  The following images are wounds in the hind limbs - check and narrate

Clipping bald is essential in skin infection treatment. Decontaminate and easy to cleanse skin

Images of the hind limbs? Before clipping. After clipping. Narrate. Pus expressed.......


After clipping bald the areas with skin lesions, treatment involves the following: The pus in wounds are expressed. 
Pus - bacterial infection under the skin and in the ulcer. Intern to define "pus"

Every day, the owner will clean the wounds thoroughly with antiseptics. Anti-fungal and antibiotic cream is applied onto the wound. Antibiotics and anti-inflammatory injection are given.

Outcome - The wounds should heal well with time. 

Tips and advices to cat owners.  Caterwauling is the reason that the owner sends in the cat for spaying. She is on heat and is a noise nuisance.

No spaying till the wound recovers in around 2 weeks. Anti-caterwauling medication like Ovarid. What is Ovarid? Intern to elaborate.



For More Information...
Credits to Vets, Veterinary Assistants, Intern (your name and date of video completion)

*Use also this Credit To Vets image, although it is in portrait size.

NOTE. The intern still has to draft her script as the above is not 100% written.

Recent completed video needs to be edited to remove the dog image and to narrate according to the appearance of the footage and images. Intern should not use irrelevant footage of the video to narrate the case study (see the ending part)  

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