Saturday, October 21, 2017

3162. A 2-year-old dwarf hamster has a large ear tumour.

Oct 21, 2017

"How long is the hamster's life span?" the father of the 12-year-old daughter had brought the hamster to consult me today.

"Around 2 and a half to 3 years," I replied. "Usually said to be 2.5 years."
"This hamster is 2 years old," he said. "Around 6 months of life. Should she be operated to get the ear tumour removed?"

"6 months of life is equivalent to around 120 months in human age," I explained. "Besides, the hamster is already scratching his large ear tumour. It will become infected and painful. The hamster will stop eating later."

The father permitted the surgery as this is his daughter's pet.
"When the ear tumour is smaller, surgery is easier. Now part of the ear may need to be cut off together with the hamster!"

Pre-op video

  The ear tumour was excised today by Dr Daniel. This ear tumour surgery is a common surgery at Toa Payoh Vets.

3161. Unbelievable stories: A Samoyed barked at "deities"

Oct 20, 2017

"How is your Samoyed?" I asked the coffeeshop assistant who speaks in Cantonese, "Has she reduced weight?"

"No, no," she lamented as she carried the food dishes from the stall to the customer coming for breakfast. She was the typical aunty in her early 50s, matronly and with boyish cut in her hairstyle.
. "Dogs given the Hills' RD diet as according to the amount lose weight within 3 months," I was surprised to know that her dog was still plumpish. "Did you take your dog for walks?"

"I do everyday," she said loudly. "My dog would walk around a small area downstairs and would want to come back to the apartment. "She would not venture further."

"On the lst and 15th of the month (in Chinese calendar), my dog would bark loudly as if she sees spirits outside the area she would walk! This happens all the time! I have to quickly take her back to the apartment!"

Many believers make food offerings and pray on the lst and 15th of the month. That is part of the Chinese religion. But this dog barks on these two days.

"I have to bring her back home as her barking is so loud and would disturb the ground-floor neighbours. "In any case, she may be brave but I worry about that the deities my dog sees and so quickly take her home!"

A dog can see spirits? This is an unbelievable tale but the aunty does not joke and had been with her grandmother to visit temples since she was a little girl. So, she knows all about Chinese deities.

"Is there a deity with a dog?" I asked.
"Yes, he has 3 eyes and his dog saves people!"  I cannot remember the Cantonese name of this deity. There are many.  

3160. A 12-year-old Miniature Schnauzer has a large gum swelling - gum tumour or carnassial tooth abscess?


Oct 21, 2017

The dog came in for his annual vaccination. Physical examination showed a large gum tumour or a carnassial tooth abscess of the right upper 4th premolar tooth.

"I got a vet to do dental work for my dog 2 months ago," the owner told me. "My friend scolded me for permitting such an old dog to undergo anaesthesia,

He looked drunk as he could not walk normally, " she said "He needed a week to recover from anaesthesia."

So she did not want any more anaesthesia to do dental scaling. "The dog is eating well and looks good. I wish to try antibiotics first," she requested."I will come 2 months later if the gum swelling is still there."

A trim and active dog. So, antibiotics are given. The owner decided to wait and see.




Dog with his mouth openThe “carnasial” tooth or more correctly the upper fourth premolar is one of the primary chewing teeth of carnivores. It functions as a shearing tooth to shred food and is the largest tooth in your dog’s mouth. It is a somewhat flattened tooth in the upper jaw (maxilla) just below the eye.

Because this is a major tooth that is important in chewing (its role being slicing and grinding food being chewed) it is somewhat prone to injury and secondary problems. This tooth frequently accumulates excessive tarter, perhaps, in part because of its proximity to the duct of the parotid salivary gland1.

The upper fourth premolar often demonstrates extensive gingivitis and gum retraction. To prevent this buildup it is necessary to practice good oral hygiene and to maintain good oral health through regular brushing of the teeth and regular preventive dental care by a veterinarian1. Click here to see a video about how to brush your dog's teeth.

The carnassial tooth is particularly prone to “slab fractures” and cracking that often allow exposure of the root canal and result in secondary infections. Slab fractures of this tooth should be treated aggressively. Oral radiographs should be a regular part of the dental examination to evaluate the roots of all teeth. Cracked or broken teeth should be evaluated for exposure of the pulp cavity. If the pulp cavity is open there is an increased risk of infection.

Anatomy of the carnasial toothThe carnassial tooth has three distinct roots and each of them may be involved in an infection. Recent fractures may be sealed and capped but more long standing exposures may require a root canal. If infection is allowed to continue the root system will become infected and may ultimately cause an abscess formation.

Carnassial tooth abscesses may open and drain between the tooth and the gum tissue but it is common for the abscess to involve the maxillary facial bone that overlies the tooth. The result will be an abscess that extends to the facial tissue just below the eye.

Clinical signs of tooth abscess in dogs
Abscessed teeth will commonly drain around the gum line but in the case of the carnasial tooth the roots are very close to the skin just below the eye. Gaurdians may often see a draining track just below the eye that discharges blood tinged fluid and pus. A complete oral examination may reveal chips or cracks of teeth.

Causes of tooth abscess in dogsThe primary cause of carnasial abscesses is bacteria getting into the roots of the tooth either by way of the area between the gums and the tooth or more commonly from bacteria that enter the pulp cavity by way of a fracture or crack in the tooth2.

Diagnosis of tooth abscess in dogsThe most obvious sign of carnasial tooth abscess is a swelling on the side of the face just below the eye. Frequently this lump will drain blood or purulent material.
Less obviously the clinical signs will be visible as a draining tract in the mouth stemming from the area of the tooth root.
Confirmatory diagnosis and evaluation of the extent of an abscess requires dental radiographs that allow visualization of the entire root.
Treatment of tooth abscess in dogs
Depending on the duration and extent of the abscess there are two general treatment approaches. The first being a root canal and the second being extraction of the affected tooth. Antibiotics are given to prevent or resolve infections and pain relievers may well be needed. Root canal procedures require very specialized training and equipment and success is not assured. Extraction is curative but not simple. This tooth has three large roots and the tooth must be removed in two parts.
Although this is a major tooth the negative impact of extraction are minimal and your dog can function normally without the tooth.
Any fractured teeth should be evaluated by radiographs to determine the best treatment option

Prognosis of tooth abscess in dogs With prompt and appropriate treatment by a veterinarian skilled in veterinary dentistry, the prognosis for salvaging the tooth is good. In more long standing abscesses the prognosis is less positive. The prognosis with extraction is also very good, as mentioned above.

Prevention of tooth abscess in dogsFractures of the carnasial tooth and subsequent abscesses can be prevented by not allowing dogs to chew on rocks or bones, both of which are common causes of dental injuries.
Prompt attention to fractured teeth will help prevent abscess formation. Should your dog break or crack a tooth see your veterinarian at once to prevent the tooth from becoming infected.

3159. Royal Asia Veterinary Surgery, Yangon, Myanmar

1 June 2023.

Dr Sing Kong Yuen, BVMS (Glasgow) is the veterinary consultant for Royal Asia Veterinary Surgery, Yangon (RAVS). He had been the consultant since the founding of RAVS over 15 years ago.

RAVS is a thriving practice under Dr Thein Tun Aung who had worked in veterinary practices in Singapore for over 15 years and is able to communicate well in English. RAVS is considered a top veterinary surgery in Myanmar as Dr Thein performs various types of surgeries not available  at the other clinics.

Many cases such as rabies, parvovirus and distemper which can be prevented by vaccination can be seen in Myanmar. These are rarely seen in Toa Payoh Vets or Singapore's veterinary practices in 2023, as almost all puppies are vaccinated. Some 15 years ago, Dr Sing has seen distemper, kennel cough and other viral diseases in puppies.

Dr Thein Tun Aung (left)

Veterinary Reception Area

Veterinary Reception Area

The address is:
 Royal Asia Veterinary Surgery
 296A Than Thu Mar Road
 South Okkalapa township
 Yangon, Myanmar
 Tel: 01-85007115
 Emergency Tel: 09-4210-66887

Interesting case studies in the videos were seen during Dr Sing's visits pre-Covid 19 pandemic are:

Perineal urethrostomy surgery in the cat

Thursday, October 19, 2017

3158. A 10-year-old Shih Tzu had eye problem for 4 days.

"She is very thin and sick," I examined the lethargic and recumbent Shih Tzu with the swollen prolapsed eyeball with corneal ulcerations and descemeotocoele. "I need to do a blood test to check the health."

The daughter had surfed the net and asked to see me.  
"Vet 1 had done the blood test  2 days ago and said the report showed kidney failure,"  the mother had consulted Vet 1 who prescribed eye drops, antibiotics and stesolid enema. 
"Vet 1 advised an MRI scan and CT scan," the mother said. "I cannot afford it."
"Why would Vet 1 want an MRI scan for eye problem?"
"I complained about the dog being giddy."

Liver ALT 225 (less than 59), AST 398 (less than 81) -- suggestive of liver disorder.
Kidney urea 40.4 (4.2-6.3)
             creatinine 189 (89-177).

Haemoglobin 7.2   (12-18)
Red cell count 3.4   (5.5 - 8.5)
Total white cell count 27(6-17)
Haematocrite (PCV) 0.20   (0.37-0.55)
Platelets 46  (200-500). Platelet clumping noted.

Later in the afternoon, the dog passed away while beingiven IV drip.

3157. 2-year-old Corgi had 2 mummified foetus and one small live pup

Oct 19, 2017

"Corgis are hard to breed," the breeder said. "Hence the pups are expensive, over $10,000".

Record: Mated on Aug 17, 2017. One mating only if there is a tie, the breeder said.  So, this would be 62nd day of gestation. Black vaginal discharge seen today. The breeder went to Vet 1 to scan as the dam was overdue 2 days.

He used stethoscope. "Only one pup had heart beat. Do Caesarean section fast!"

The breeder thought the dam was short of 2 days but she was overdue by 2 days. Vet 1 had never performed Caesarean before. 2 vets were on leave. 1 had resigned. So the breeder came to Toa Payoh Vets as he did not want sn inexperienced vet to do the surgery. The fees are much lower at Vet 1.

"What happened to the 6 big healthy Dachshund puppies I did Caesarean section some weeks earlier?" I asked.
"3 died," he said sadly.
2 were bitten by the dam at 2 days of age. 1 died by itself."

Sunday, October 15, 2017

3156. A love bird, budgie and 2 cockatiels live in harmony

Sat Oct 15, 2017

The 4 birds were perched inside a carrier in harmony. They were less than 1 year old and were raised together at a young age by this lady owner.