Friday, July 12, 2024

5941. PHOTOGRAPHY TIPS: Stabilise your camera. sunset clouds

PHOTOGRAPHY TIPS:  Stabilise your camera or smartphone with both free hands. Sunset clouds.


Grandma Judy (L) ought to put down her shopping bags to get a sharp photo of the pink clouds using her iPhone 14.

This photo was taken with a Canon R5, TV, 25mm, 1/1000 sec, f/4.5, ISO 6400.
Jul 2024. 7.24pm. Bishan Park sunset.  

I stabilise my camera on a support (fuse box outside Grub cafe) to focus on the block of apartments.
I set ISO to AUTO.











Thursday, July 11, 2024

5940. PHOTOGRAPHY TIPS: Florists in wet markets. Use zoom lens.

PHOTOGRAPHY TIPS: Florists in wet markets. Use zoom lens

Canon 550D, 75-300mm lens. 75mm, 1/125 sec, f/5.0, ISO 100. 19 Feb 2011. 12.14pm. Inlay lake, Myanmar“P” Mode. 







Wednesday, July 10, 2024

5937. PHOTOGRAPHY TIPS: Botero's horse image is sharp using iPhone 15 Pro Max

PHOTOGRAPHY TIPS: Botero's horse image is sharp using iPhone 15 Pro Max 


Fernando Botero’s horse using iPhone 15 Pro Max. (Photographer in green).
9 Jul 2024. Singapore.

1.  The bright yellow warning cone beside the horse's left hind leg has been photoshopped away using "Remove Tool" as it is distracting.

2. Note the "converging" lines above and towards the horse
 directing viewer's attention to the horse's head!






5936. PHOTOGRAPHY TIPS: Use TV Mode for outdoor flowers to get sharp image.

PHOTOGRAPHY TIPS: Use TV Mode for outdoor flowers to get sharp image.

Heliconia psittacorum (parrot's beak, parakeet flower, parrot's flower, parrot's plantain, false bird-of-paradise) is a perennial herb

9 Jul 2024. 3pm. The Metropolis, Buona Vista. Overcast, drizzling.

Canon R5, TV Mode important as there are breezes swaying the flowers and foliage.
105mm, 1/500 sec, f/4.5, ISO 500






Monday, July 8, 2024

5935. Vet Case. Severe generalised shell rot in a red-eared slider.

 SINGAPORE - 8 MAY 2024: A 3-year-old red-eared slider has abnormal pale yellow upper shell which has a hole in the midline. Her eyes are swollen and closed. She has severe generalised shell rot. 

SINGAPORE - 8 MAY 2024: A 3-year-old red-eared slider has a hole in her upper shell which is not normal dark green in colour. Swollen and closed eyes, no appetite. Severe generalised shell rot.

SINGAPORE - 4 JUN 2024: Generalised severe SHELL ROT in a 3-year-old red-eared slider. Its carapace (upper shell is yellowed and has a hole in the midline), eyelids are swollen and closed. 

SINGAPORE 4 JUL 2024: Normal SHELL in a 3-year-old red-eared slider after treatment for shell rot. Its carapace (upper shell is dark green), eyelids not swollen, eyes are open. Hole in mid-line shell.

Saturday, July 6, 2024

5934. SMARTPHONE PHOTOGRAPHY: iPhone 15 of light box "Books Kinokunyia" - use a support to get sharp image.

SMARTPHONE PHOTOGRAPHY: iPhone 15 of light box "Books Kinokunyia".

Best to stabilise your handphone on a support to get a sharp image, e.g. a pile of books.

SINGAPORE - 5 JUL 2024: Relocated to Takashimaya Shopping Centre in Nov 2014,  Kinokuniya Singapore Main Store occupies a large area of 38,000 sq. ft filled with books and related products.







Friday, July 5, 2024

5933. VET CASE. A community cat has tooth ache and bad breath.

 Vet 1 quoted $1,700. Community cat with salivation, bad breath and no appetite fed by Auntie for past 2 years.

Auntie has $400. Mavis (donor) pays $300 and lends Auntie $1,000 to be paid in 4 monthly instalments.

Auntie decided to get cat treated by Vet 1 although she has 50% lower fees from Vet 2. 

Auntie feeds a few community cats daily twice a day using her income as a cleaner.

Where: HDB estate in Singapore.
When:   3 Jul 2024

How it happened:  Mavis was in the area for recreation, met the Auntie. Mavis is a hamster lover and had 2 dwarf hamsters treated by me. Phoned me for quotation.

Why it means so much to me?

Community cats need to be fed to survive as food courts have had culled or banned them nowadays.
The feeder is usually an auntie who pays their food. Veterinary treatment usually need donations.
Auntie could have saved around $900 if treated by me.
Every dollar saved helps to sustain her feeding bills in the long term.  

Who are our community cats? Community cats are cats that reside in public spaces across Singapore. They tend to roam within a fixed neighbourhood where they are cared for by volunteer feeders. A good way to identify a community cat is to check if its left ear has been tipped.



Tuesday, July 2, 2024

5931. PHOTOGRAPHY TIPS: "HANDS ON". A zoom lens is more useful in certain street photography.

PHOTOGRAPHY TIPS:  A zoom lens is more useful in certain street photography. Canon 550D. 75-300mm lens.  23 Jul 2011, 6.16pm. P Mode. 80mm, 1/1000 sec, f/4.5, ISO 1000.

MALAYSIA - 23 JUL 2011. ''HANDS ON''.  Jonker Walk, Malacca. A well-dressed elderly man is hands on splitting open the thorny durian to get at its pungent fruits. Several tourists look at him in surprise. Why would he risk staining his suit and tie with durians?







Monday, July 1, 2024

5930. PHOTOGRAPHY TIPS: Central African Rock Python. Use zoom lens.

 PHOTOGRAPHY TIPS: Central African Rock Python. Use zoom lens.

Central African Rock Python. Jonker Walk. Malacca. Canon 550D. 75-300mm. 

140mm 1/320sec, f/5.6, ISO 400. 

In 2011, I used "P" Mode as I did not want the hassle of changing settings. Nowadays, I would have used AV Mode which is a recommended mode for fast situations. 

I would have used f/11, ISO 400 and set shutter speed as AUTO.   
