Vet Case Study. X-ray. A 30-year-old red-eared slider passes fresh blood for 2 days. Why?
Vet medicine is full of surprises.
This 30-year-old red-eared slider passes fresh blood for 2 days. Very weak and had poor appetite for 2 weeks. X-ray shows pelvic bone fractures stuck near its cloaca. Why would the pelvis fracture?
He was well cared for and given good food. 30 years is the
life-span of red-eared slider generally.
But why did his
pelvis fracture?
Old age osteoporosis? Imbalanced diet during old age (too much good food?). Lack of exercise? He had UVA and UVB lighting, switched on the whole day at times.
Owner said he had no fall from heights but traumatic injury is likely the cause of pelvic fractures. He was unlikely to be stepped on
He has a fatty neck collar,
possibly owing to being overweight. He passed away on the 3rd day
after passing cloacal blood.