A stray cat has a gigantic facial abscess. Cat fight or malar abscess?
Use Video 1/2 HOOK at 0:00 - 0:12 in Part 1/2.
Images x 2. BKTP Vet Educational Image. "Warning to viewer...." Image.
This 10-year-old female spayed calico cat wandered around the factory premises. The owner saw her swollen face, said to be a duration of 3-4 days. IMAGE THIS CAT and normal cat face.
TREATMENT OF FACIAL ABSCESS IS LANCE AND DRAINAGE Toa Payoh Vets treated her under anaesthesia by lancing and draining the foul-smelling pus from the swelling.
TREATMENT OF MALAR ABSCES IS TOOTH EXTRACTION. Her upper 3rd premolar cheek teeth was loose and decayed, hence confirming that the diagnosis was a MALAR or cheek abscess. This cat's loose malar tooth was extracted by Dr Sing. The other remaining teeth were given a dental scaling if normal.
DIFFERENCE BETWEEN A MALAR AND CAT FIGHT FACIAL ABSCESS In a CAT FIGHT FACIAL ABSCESS, the malar tooth would usually be normal and its roots would be firm. Cat fight abscesses usually do not have loose malar teeth unlike in in this case.
In 2022, a stray cat is rarely seen in public. (Video of a stray cat in the playground - Narrate - Singapore children are happy to see a stray cat as most of them do not have cats as pets. Howeve they are not comfortable stroking the stray cat. Some stray cats are careful of people as they have had been hunted by the town council contractors using nets, medicated food and traps. Their numbers had been reduced considerably by the town councils culling them. Some members of the public complain about noisy cats fighting at night outside their residences and spraying urine onto their garden. During the SARS period, cats were said to be a carrier of SARS viruses infecting people and large numbers were removed by the contractors employed by the authorities. THE CAT WELFARE SOCIETY
Those seen are the kind efforts of The Cat Welfare Society and the community of stray cat caregivers sending the cats for sterilisation by the vet and then released in public places like playgrounds and parks. You can identify them. They do not have normal shaped ear tips as the left ear tip had been cut away after sterilisation (IMAGES).
OUTCOME FOR THIS CAT WITH GIGANTIC FACIAL ABSCESS The cat was an inpatient for 3 days at Toa Payoh Vets. The owner did not bring her to Toa Payoh Vets for help or review. He said the cat had recovered fully after two weeks and he had enjoyed his trip to Seoul with his elderly friends when the cat was an inpatient. (Video of him travelling). He was most happy that his stray cat survived the anaesthesia and kept her strictly indoors after the treatment (Video of factory premises and area and cat images comparing swollen face with one not swollen).
A stray cat (Video 2/2) has a gigantic facial abscess. Cat fight or malar abscess? This is Part 2/2. HOOK same as for Part 1/2 -The cat had a big right facial swelling (show video footage of the swelling as in Part 1/2).
In Part 1/1, Mr Tan, the owner brought the cat to Toa Payoh Vets for consultation. Mr Tan decided to travel overseas as planned (video footage Korea trip), leaving the cat with Toa Payoh Vets for anaesthesia and surgery of the facial abscess.
1. DEFINE ABSCESS. Abscess is a localised collection of pus.
What Is a Cat
The main difference is that a cat with a cat fight abscess does not have rotten teeth and inflamed gums.
"Your cat needed to be sedated and anaesthesized for surgery," Dr Sing advised Mr Tan. "As she is aged and the blood test showed she is very sick, she may not survive the anaesthesia".
"I know the high risk," Mr Tan replied. "I had sent sick stray cats to the vet for anaesthesia and some did die on the opeating table." He signed the Anaesthesia Surgery consent form so that he knew the advantages and disadvantages of treatment compared to non-treatment.
2. SURGERY. The rotten and loose malar tooth is extracted if it is present. In this case, it had dropped off earlier. Then the abscess is lanced using a scalpel blade (IMAGE) and drained.
This was performed during anaesthesia. IMAGES as below
The cat was an inpatient for 3 days and went home. She recovered fully after two weeks. This stray cat was fortunate that Mr Tan was kind enough to send her for early treatment of her Malar Abscess. She recovered fully after two weeks at home to recuperate and be nursed by Mr Tan.
Flea and deworming treatment were done by Mr Tan as the cat was infested with fleas. The fleas hopped onto this cat's fur from contact with another flea-infested stray cat. (IMAGE of fleas). Fleas pass on worms to the cat, hence deworming was advised.
Stray cats are homeless cats but MOST pet cats will wander outdoors if given a choice of freedom to roam. The community of caregivers will give them food and water (IMAGES), but they rarely bring them to the vet for dental check ups to prevent Malar tooth abscess.
HOOK - 10-second footage of consultation and anaesthesia/surgery with least bloody scenes. Video at:
Pt 2/2 is at:
Video - Part 2 shows surgical treatment - lance and drain the abscess, dental scaling and extraction of the decayed upper right premolar tooth.
MIDDLE AND CONCLUSION - Narrate the slides
The diagnosis was
Malar AbscessThe cat’s white blood cells at the infected roots of the malar tooth eliminated the bacteria. Pus formed and spread to the nasal sinus
A gigantic facial swelling below the eye appeared. This was a Malar Abscess The 10-year-old cat recovered fully two weeks after surgery
Pt 1/2 video. Consultation with Dr Sing Kong Yuen. A factory cat has a gigantic facial abscess.
Pt 2/2 is at:
Video - Part 2 shows surgical treatment - lance and drain the abscess, dental scaling and extraction of the decayed lower right premolar tooth. Flea and deworming treatment were advised.
Dr Sing Kong
Yuen, BVMS (Glasgow)
rare case of a gigantic facial abscess in a stray cat kept in a
factory in Ang Mo Kio. The vast majority of facial abscess cases are
cat fights leading to bacterial infections inside the face. There
will be swellings below the lower eyelids. Soon, the swellings
ruptures into holes draining pus.
Cats do suffer from Malar
Abscesses, equivalent to Carnassial Tooth Abscesses in the dog.
However, Malar Abscesses are rare in cats. I had encountered one or
two cases at Toa Payoh Vets. The only treatment is EXTRACTION of the
decayed loose malar tooth.
This case could also be a Malar
Abscess case as stray cat owners rarely take the cats for dental
check ups annually. This cat was permitted to stray in the factory
grounds and must have had fought with other cats.
The cat
recovered fully after treatment including drainage of the
foul-smeling pus. The owner and his wife used to house stray cats in
rented Pasir Ris boarding kennels which have had been demolished by
the government.
Part 1/2 is this video is also shown on FACEBOOK on Mar 4, 2019.
care-giver contacted me at 10 am. He used to keep over 20 stray cats
in a kennel place in Pasir Ris kennels some 20 years ago. Now he has
this cat and another two cats in his factory shop in Ang Mo Kio. This
cat lived in the factory unit but roamed freely within the factory
according to him and had never been sick for over 10 years.
"How long has the cat has a swollen face?" I asked him.
"3-4 days," he said. That was an explosive ballooning of
the cat's right facial area in just 3-4 days. The bad odour of rotten
eggs wafted up when I incised the abscess. It indicated a
flesh-eating gas-forming bacterial infection. What to do?
cat was anaesthesized. Xylazine 0.01 ml + Ketamine 0.1 ml IM which
was the least dose to sedate. Isoflurane gas and oxygen via gas mask
was given to top up the anaesthesia when needed. The swelling was
lanced with a scalpel blade. Foul smelly thick brownish red pus
flowed out of the cut. I used 3% hydrogen peroxide as an antiseptic
after releasing the pus into the kidney dish.
Then I used
copious amounts of normal saline to irrigate and clean up the inner
part of the skin wound. Blood test showed very high numbers of white
blood cells and neutrophils indicating a severe bacterial infection.
Prompt treatment by the owner saved this cat's life as the
infection spread rapidly within 3 days. The cat did not have fever or
become emaciated, showing that the owner did seek early veterinary
The old cat woke up fast from anaesthesia as
the dosage given was very low. The risk of dying on the operating
table is very high in old pets, hence the use of isoflurane gas top
up is the safest procedure rather than a higher dose of injectable
sedatives. She went home with oral antibiotics and painkillers.
UPDATE: As at Mar 9, 2019, no complaint from the care-giver.
The cat had fully recovered and was eating as normal. He still
wandered freely in the factory premises.
Cat facial abscesses
are due to cat fights. This cat was neutered. In general, it is best
to neuter the male cat and keep the cat at the factory shop/home to
prevent cat fights during wanderings. This cat recovered fully after
two weeks.
The diagnosis was
Malar AbscessThe cat’s white blood cells at the infected roots of the malar tooth eliminated the bacteria. Pus formed and spread to the nasal sinus
A gigantic facial swelling below the eye appeared. This was a Malar Abscess The 10-year-old cat recovered fully two weeks after surgery
1/2 video. Consultation with Dr Sing Kong Yuen. A factory cat has a
gigantic facial
2/2 is at:
- Part 2 shows surgical treatment - lance and drain the abscess,
dental scaling and extraction of the decayed lower right premolar
tooth. Flea and deworming treatment were advised.
Part 2/2 contains surgical procedures on treatment of the malar
abscess in this cat. Viewer discretion is advised.
This infected RIGHT upper 3rd premolar tooth in this jaw had decayed and dropped off before treatment. The bacterial infection of its roots HAD spread upwards to the SINUS of the face (IMAGE) over a short period of 3-4 days to form the gigantic facial abscess. This is diagnosed as as malar or carnassial tooth abscess.
Video - Part 2 shows surgical treatment - lance and drain the abscess, dental scaling and extraction of the decayed lower right premolar tooth. I advised to owner to deflea and deworm this cat. Fleas were crawling all over her fur (IMAGE).
As at Mar 9, 2019, no complaint from the factory owner. The cat had fully recovered and was eating as normal. She was a spayed cat but still wandered freely in the factory premises. She was infested with fleas (IMAGE). It is best to keep the spayed cat indoors to prevent cat fights during wanderings. Fortunately for the cat, she did not die under anaesthesia as she was septicaemic DURING ANAESTHESIA. . (DEFINE SEPTICAEMIA). She recovered fully after two weeks.
Pt 1/2 is at:
PHOTOS are at:
From a plot point of view: Set-up, Conflict, Resolution
From an emotional POV, Attraction, Tension, Satisfaction
From a thematic POV. Subject, Development, Fulfillment.
Grab the reader's attention by establishing the genre and mood, which create the anticipation of desired feelings such as laughter for a comedy or tension in a thriller.
First, introduce the main character with whom the reader will bond. You estabish the main problem which captures the reader's interest and creates curiosity and anticipation as to how the protagonist will solve his dilemma. The opening hook is an essential emotional element in this act.
Several types of opening:
1. Hero in action. Introduce the protagonist in the middle of conflict (most common opening, most effective---character bonding and drama). This hero in action opening gives you a choice to focus on e.g. character's uniqueness or character empathy (misfortune or mistreatment).
2. Villain in action.
3. Backstory/prologue eg. traumatic prologues
4. Spectacle e.g stunts, special effects, over-the-top events generate thrill for the reader. Joyous occasions like a wedding (The Godfather).
5. Mystery. Intriguing event that arouses curiosity in the reader, making him wonder what is going on, is also a great way to open a script. Alien, The matrix,E.T. --- where are we? Who are these characters, what are they talking about, what's going on?
6. Unique world. World of the mafia (The Godfater), world of aliens on earth (Men in Black), the Amish world, panoramic bird's-eye view of a future Los Angeles - Blade runner.
7. Exposition. As long as the basic information about the world of your story is intereswting and crucial to the understanding of the plot e.g. the scrolling exposition (Star Wars).
8. Breaking the fourth wall. A rare but effective way to open a story with a character speaking directly to the reader which creates immediacy and connections. e.g. voice-over eg. American Beauty or Sunset Boulevard or having the character speak directly into the camera, thus "breaking the fourth wall", e.g. High Fidelity, Ferris Bueller's Day off or Annie Hall.
9. Book-ended flashback A popular device or structure to open period pieces or detective stories that involves investigation of a past event. Eg. Titanic, Amadeus, Citizen Kane, The Bridges of madison County or Double Indemnity. Make sure the past is more important than the one in the present.