Friday, February 23, 2024

5648. PHOTOGRAPHY TIPS: Central Public Library re-opened in Jan 2024.

 PHOTOGRAPHY TIPS: Central Public Library re-opened in Jan 2024. Use tripod and ISO 400.

 Re-opened Central Public Library is impressive. 21 Feb 2024, 3.33pm

 Canon R5, AV, tripod, 35mm, 1/6sec, f/11, SO 400. 







21 Feb 2024 visit.  

I was looking for Manga books in this beautifully designed re-opened Central Public Library (CPL). There is a section stocked with some manga and Western comic books.

The re-opened Central Public Library is impressive at the entrance and inside. No more shelves of international newspapers now! More nooks and corners and a variety of reader's seat arrangements and lots of open spaces.

I rate this new layout of the Basement One CPL as 5-stars.

PHOTOGRAPHY TIP: Use a tripod or support your phone/handphone on some railings to get a stable image. Use ISO 400 as the entrance is dark.

I share a photo of the impressive entrance (as compared to the dull gates of the older library) with viewers.

21 Feb 2024, 3.33pm
Canon R5, AV, tripod, 35mm, 1/6sec, f/11, ISO 400.




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