Friday, February 23, 2024

5647. PHOTOGRAPHY TIPS: Sculptures "Family" at Family and Juvenile Court on 21 Feb 2024, 12.32pm

PHOTOGRAPHY TIPS: Sculptures "Family" at
Family and Juvenile Court on 21 Feb 2024, 12.32pm. Use AV Mode.

‘FAMILY’ bronze sculptures  @ Family & Juvenile Court, Singapore

21 Feb 2024. 

Canon R5, AV, 24mm, 1/60sec, f/11, ISO 400





21 Feb 2024:

Today is the first time in over 70 years of living that I visit the Family and Juvenile Court.  I had to be present as a bond 'guarantor' for my friend who attends the hearing with his lawyer.

Some days ago, he was issued with a warrant of arrest for failure to attend a family court hearing although he did not receive it. When he drove to go to Johor Baru, he was arrested at the Woodlands check point and sent to the Woodlands Police HQ detention cell to stay.  He phoned me. I signed a bond of S$2,000 at the Woodlands Police HQ so that he could be released from detention.

So this is how I visit the Family and Juvenile Court for the first time at his hearing at 11am.

The service from the auxiliary police screening my belongings and the counter staff keeping my camera and tripod was excellent. I noted that the staff attending to my friend's case was courteous and helpful too.  

Keep up the good work.  Five stars for the good services.

The entrance has a set of bronze sculptural figures named "Family".   They were contributed by Brother Joseph McNally in 2002!

I cannot understand why the figures look badly maintained - see photograph.

If you visit the Esplanade forecourt garden, there are statues of the family. They look very clean and well maintained!

I hope the authority will consider cleaning up the sculptures yearly and brighten the visits of anyone who has to go to the Family and Juvenile Court.  

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