Wednesday, December 6, 2023

4983. PHOTOGRAPHY TIPS: A truck driver smokes. Traffic junction. Camera ready for smoking shots.

PHOTOGRAPHY TIPS: A truck driver smokes. Traffic junction. Camera ready for smoking shots.
I was inside my car and saw this truck driver hanging his arm out so that the cigarette ash can disperse outside the truck. We were at the red lights.  I had my camera on the car seat and took 3 shots. No time to check my settings which were:

5 Dec 2023. 3.23pm. Canon R5, AV, ISO 400, 35mm, F/8.0, 1/320secTO BUY PHOTO:

Always set your camera to AV Mode to capture sudden shots. ISO should be 100 but I didn't have time to adjust.


SMOKE GETS IN YOUR EYES - a song that transcends time. The imagery is that the pain that comes with losing someone you loved also lingers on like the smell of smoke.







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