Sunday, December 11, 2022

4482. EXPRESSING MOTION. The panning technique

Panning is used to express motion in wildlife. Use a slower shutter speed, pan the camera to track the animal to isolate the subject. The background and anything other than the moving animal will become a blur.

1. Stop down your aperture to f/8.
2. Adjust ISO so that the shutterspeed is at f/15.
3. Put into manual mode and lock the settings.

When you locate the moving subject, get it in focus and pan your camera.
Once your panning feels smooth, gently press the shutter and keep the panning motion going thoughout the shot.

A mirrorless camera. Turning on the electronic shutter keeps the viewfinder from going black during the exposure to help keep the subject stable. 

Outdoor Photography - May 2022. How to take Dynamic Wildlife Photos by



Canon R5. AV Mode. ISO 200 - 400. f/8. Tripod. Focus on eye panning camera left to right, before the waterhen appears in the frame.

.The waterhen wanted to cross my path, saw me and scurried down the river bank. He hurried from L to R hidden by reeds and plants 🌱 out in by NParks. This bird 🦢 does not trust humans and will not stay for one second. I placed my tripod to his R and took over 100 💯 photos to get one sharp one. Focus on his eye.


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