Wednesday, November 25, 2020

3912. Final Video. How is dental work and scaling done in your dog? Final Video.

Owners of old dogs are worried about anaesthetic risks in doing dental scaling of their old dogs. However, with lowered dosages and careful observations, most all old dogs do not die of anaesthetic reasons during dental scaling.  

Bad breath and loose teeth are very common in many old dogs in Singapore. Many of the older generation of owners do not bring in the dogs for annual dental check up. The younger generation is more caring of their companions.

Thick tartar envelops the molar. Gum inflammation.
Periodontal Disease 

At Toa Payoh Vets, I use minimal injectable sedation which is 10% of the recommended dosage for the body weight of this 17-year-old dog.  

For some old dogs with heart disease, I use isoflurane gas anaesthesia exclusively and they do not die on the operating table when dental scaling is done. 

Tartar cracked and removed. Plaque has been scaled away

If the dog has severe heart disease, I will reject any dental work. An exception was made in one case when the lady owner gave informed consent for dental work on her very old dog with heart disease coughing and dying from not eating. 

She did not want any anaesthesia and that was her condition. The dog recovered her appetite and lived another few months, much to her delight.

See Case Study 1 at:


See Case Study 2. A successful dental work in a 17-year-old dog at:

Final Video: Dental scaling in the dog.

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