Tuesday, November 24, 2020

3911. Photography tips. E-greeting card for Thanksgiving

Thursday 26 Nov 2020 is Thanksgiving Day but it is not a holiday in Singapore. 

Thanksgiving Day is a holiday in the USA. It occurs on the fourth Thursday of November. Americans celebrate the story of the Pilgrim's meal with the Native Americans.

That day is spent with loved ones and for giving thanks. Most families observe with a large meal and sometimes a religious service.

An e-card is appreciated by your host who invites you for dinner. Turkey is the main attraction, hence a photograph of a roast turkey is suitable for a greeting card. Some use pumpkins.

The following shows how the final photo is created, using Photoshop 2021.

Original photo from 

Contributors permit free 
commercial or personal use, but there must be some
changes in the image.  

I removed the bowl on the bottom and the corner area 
on the right bottowm. I use brightness and contrast and shadows to 
lighten the photo but it is too bright. I use "Smart sharpening"
to sharpen the image. 

This photo has not much space to 
put in more text. I use "Impact" fonts. HAPPY THANKSGIVING
is arranged away from the turkery.  

I usse "Curve" to darken the image a bit. This card is good to send.

Photoshop 2021 has "Filters--->Neural Filters
which create the following. They look terrible and are not
 suitable for sending to others.

Practise every day and you will be good at your digital photography.
You may be able to upload on www.redbubble.com and get a sale if your image as a "greeting card" if it is excellent. 

Hence you earn passive income, but note that there are a lot of people getting into this e-commerce platform and many fail to get a sale.  

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