Tuesday, December 25, 2018

3385. INTERN. 13-year-old dog had 7 loose teeth extracted on Christmas Eve, remaining teeth were snow white

Dec 24, 2018

Christmas Eve. The owner came in early at 10am.

The last time I saw this dog owner was some 9 years ago when I spayed her poodle. "Do you remember the operation? It was done on the last day of 2009. I adopted her as she was having bloody discharge and my friend with 3 other male poodles did not want her.

"I am sorry I cannot remember the operation."

"I still have the image of your receipt!" the insurance agent asked if I wanted to have a copy.

"I am OK as today you are requesting dental work, not to spay her. Your poodle is thin, below the ideal weight, but her gums look pink and normal. Some old dogs are anaemic. You have either not fed her sufficient amounts or she is having poor appetite due to tooth ache!"

"I controlled her weight by restricting the amount," the slim woman in her 40s said.

The dog had 7 teeth extracted. Some of the other teeth had exposed roots but all were gleamingly white as you can see in the blog.

I was glad to meet an old client again.  Her business  card had her photo of her not wearing spectacles. "I have a photo printed in my name card so that my clients will remember me," she explained when I asked her.

"Your photo shows you not wearing glasses, but you do" I commented. "Are you sure your client can recognise you? 

We had a good laugh as she told me I still looked the same as 9 years ago. It cannot be as a person ages with time!  

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