Wednesday, August 4, 2010

148. Weighing hamsters

"It is important to weigh hospitalised hamsters daily," I explained to Ms Lai. The dwarf hamster with cellulitis had lost 4 grams since admission with a foul stench. A rotting flesh smell permeated the consultation room. On Day 1, 48g bodyweight , it was bathed.

Still has bad body smell. Now 44g. Lost 4g. Bathed on Day 3 (I took pictures of bathing hamster. He seemed traumatised but had to bathe him as he was very dirty and infected).

1.We bathed the hamster in warm water as he was still active. No cold water. A lot of dirty white flakes and hairs washed away.
2. Dried with tissue gently on ventral aspect. Do not be too heavy-handed as lower body skin is infected badly
3. Baytril and pred oral. Electrolytes.
4. Need to hand-feed.
5. Hamster ate the next day.

Day 4. Felt better. Given electrolytes every hour or so. Ate. Passed stools.
Day 5. More active. Liked to eat golden yellow flakes. Passed stools. Skin on shoulder not so red. Picture taken. Loose yellowish brown stools observed on photograph. Stop electrolytes. Now 41 g.
Got to hand feed him ground pellets every hour or so but he is eating too.

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