Saturday, September 15, 2018

3288. INTERN. Spondylosis in 2 older dogs (a 12-year-old and an 18-year-old)

Singapore is a busy metropolis with too many malls for shopping. There are more food and beverage outlets opened every year.

Over 80% of the 6 million residents live in high rise apartments.

Many lead hectic lives and have little time for their older pets. Both pet owners and pets do live longer nowadays. It is common to see men and women over 80 years old nowadays.

Many dogs live very long years as in this case. As in old people, they have difficulty getting up or walking. Many Singapore residents lead hectic lives. However treatment of the dog with back pain is necessary as the dog may lose appetite and become emaciated or malnourished.

WHAT IS SPONDYLOSIS? (Read the X-ray text)

Dog is 18 years old

In 2017, after the X-rays showing spondylosis, the dog could stand up and walk. She walked a bit slow but had no pain symptoms.

However, in Sep 3, 2018, the dog screamed in pain after falling down and so consulted Dr Daniel Sing of Toa Payoh Vets. No X-ray was taken.

Blood test showed high blood urea of 25 mmol/L (4.2-6.3) and creatinine 204 umol/L (89-177).
ALT/SGPT 126 u/l (Haemogloblin 11.7 g/dL (12-18)
Red cell count 5 (.5.5 - 6.5). The dog is anaemic.


Most old dogs are given painkillers. They can live a normal life with medication.

This dog was prescribed painkillers. On follow up 7 days later, the owner said the dog was walking and was not in pain. 


Another case of spondylosis confirmed by X-rays

3287. A constipated red-eared slider. Day 7 of in-patient treatment for constipation.

Day 7.

Constipated slider still had not passed stools on her own.  Give oil laxative for the past 5 days.
 Loose oily stools were seen in the swollen anal area today. Such stools were also cleared on Day 5. (video).

These were removed by forceps. Gastric impaction should be cleared by today.

Swims lop-sided to the left after stool clearance from inside the cloaca

Friday, September 14, 2018

3286. INTERN. A dwarf hamster keeps licking his leg wound for 1.5 months. What to do?

Around 80% of the Singapore residents live in high rises and many lead hectic life-styles. Hamsters are popular pets as they need very little space compared to dogs.

Toa Payoh town - older apartments

A Chinese temple in Toa Payoh

See the case 1.5 months ago:

Unlike the case in dog, it is not practical to
1. Put on an Elizabeth-collar in hamsters to prevent leg licking.
2. Give medication for a long time as it leads to diarrhoea and death.
3. Bandage the leg to prevent licking and biting.

Leg amputation in this situation

3285. INTERN. A Shih Tzu Cross suffers from itchy paws, ears, body and tail for many years

Singapore is a busy metropolis. Over 80% of the residents live in high rises and their hectic life styles may mean less time to bring their pets to the vets for skin disease reviews as in this case.

Sep 13, 2018
The old couple remembered consulting me many years ago.

For many years, the dog scratches and licks his body and paws

As the dog had not recovered from the chronic itchiness after consulting the other vets, the owners consulted me.

1. Clipping bald in generalised skin diseases is important, to get rid of infected hairs and expose the skin surface for shampooing. Some vets may refer the clipping to the groomer.
2. Hyperpigmentation (black skin) is a sign of long-standing scratching and licking of the skin, causing the skin to blacken and thicken. 
3. Monthly skin disease reviews are needed, but many owners do not return for reviews.  

1.  Skin diseases need monthly reviews and follow-ups. Do make time for your sick pet.
2.  Ears and anal sacs are frequently infected in many cases of skin diseases.

National flag displayed on National Day

Wednesday, September 12, 2018

3284. Travel images. Denmark, Norway, Sweden
