Friday, May 18, 2018

3155. Images of Orange breasted green pigeons seen during exercise in a pubic fitness park in Singapore

May 18, 2018

The orange-breasted green pigeon (Treron bicinctus) is a pigeon found across tropical Asia

nape blue green
crown yellowish green
uppertail coverts are bronze
lowertail coverts are umarked rufous

male - pinkish band on the upper breast
           a broader orange band below

female - bright yellow breast

Singapore sightings on a tree opposite my fitness machine in a public park. I used a Canon zoom lens 55-250 mm, Autofocus, Program mode while seated in the exercise machine (extender).

The pigeons were on lower branches, posing for me, except on May 22, 2018 (top of tree)

Exercise extender (right). The tree (not in image) faces me on the left.

April 2, 2018. Easter Monday

Apr 4, 2018  (Guan Yin's birthday)

April 12, 2018. Whole body is available to be photographed

May 22, 2018  Tuesday 8 am. Around 2 pigeons were seen fluttering at the top of the trees. Bodies could not be seen clearly.

Very difficult to photograph the whole bird on May 22, 2018.

An illustration seen in the internet

An illustration


Wednesday, May 16, 2018

3154. Vet Case Study. 2018. A Silkie Terrier keeps licking her front paw - lick granuloma surgery

If your dog has been licking excessively and has developed a skin lesion on the front or back leg around the wrist or hock region, that is often enough to diagnose a lick granuloma, as the location and appearance of the lesion is the guide to diagnosis.

A complete physical examination may help your vet determine the underlying cause of the skin lesion. They may also recommend an x-ray of the limb to check for any arthritis or other bone/joint condition that could be causing pain or discomfort.

Skin testing of the lesion itself, such as an acetate test, a skin culture, skin scraping, or a skin biopsy, might be ordered:

  • An acetate test is when a clear piece of tape is used to adhere to the lesion, then removed. The tape is placed on a microscope slide and examined for the presence of bacteria or fungus.
  • A skin culture is when a swab is used to wipe the surface of the skin lesion. The swab is then used to determine which, if any, antibiotics, or antifungal medications would be best to treat your dog’s lick granuloma.
  • Skin scraping is used to diagnose a mite infection. However, in long-term cases of lick granulomas, the affected skin gets so thick that traditional diagnostics are not definitive. If this occurs, a skin biopsy is taken. This is when a piece of the skin is cut away and sent to the lab for analysis.
TREATMENT depends on the cause. Possible causes are behavioral due to boredom or stress, allergies, arthritis and infections.

If left untreated, continued licking can also cause serious infection in the skin’s underlying muscles and bones. Dogs with a lick granuloma that get early treatment have a better prognosis for recovery than dogs with a chronic or severe condition.


The lick granuloma had been electro-excised. 



The pressure bandage is applied to stop bleeding. The rubber band  tourniquet above the surgical site had been cut and disposed. No more complaint of licking after surgery.

Toe and leg lick granulomas are common in dogs. Owners neglect early vet attention. The recommendation of the vet is to cut it off. Veterinary surgery is not always the answer to inflammatory granulomas in the toes.

The first step is to reduce the granuloma size using drugs," I explained to my assistant. "If the granuloma disappears, there is one happy owner. 

If not, the size will be reduced and surgery to cut it off will be easier and the hole will be much smaller."

In most cases, the removal of the lick granuloma resolves the continuous licking problem.

Monday, May 14, 2018

3153. A 4-year-old Spitz loves to eat. High total cholesterol

Sat May 12, 2018

Ref: 45856.  The mother and son brought the 4-year-old female spayed Spitz for the annual vaccination. The dog was overweight at 18.2 kg.  Her Body Condition Score 7/9.

The son bought pre-cooked food from

"My Spitz just loves to eat this food," the son said. "The company is HSA certified.  I feed her 40g 2x per day. Now she is overweight!".  "It is best to do the health screening by a blood test," I advised. "The last was done last year."

Total cholesterol  8.20 mmol/L  (3-6.6)
Triglycerides        1.19 mmol/L (0.33 - 3.27)

The mother was advised to feed a therapeutic diet called Hill's R/D. "Give 10% of total amount of food (pork + rice) per day during the first week, then increase to 15% and so on for the following weeks. Your dog will get used to the new food and will not reject it. Most owners feed 100% of R/D and give up when the dog rejects it, hence failing to reduce the weight."

Within 2 months, the Spitz had reduced weight.


Ref 50424.  A 14-year-old male neutered Golden Retriever on the same day.  The eye skin area was bald due to eye rubbing on the floor.  Bad breath. However, the ears were clean as the owner had maintained them regularly.

The owner was worried as the dog kept sneezing and had coughing for 2 days. Possibly a kennel cough as the dog was not vaccinated. Her total cholesterol results are shown for comparison to the Spitz above.

Total cholesterol  5.40 mmol/L  (3-6.6)
Triglycerides        0.98 mmol/L (0.33 - 3.27)

Thursday, May 10, 2018

3152. A rabbit has malocclusion and broke his front teeth

Malocclusion. The teeth overgrow as they do not wear normally. The owner decides to get the front teeth extracted by Toa Payoh Vets.

Video. Pre-extraction anaesthesia

Wednesday, May 9, 2018

3151. A 2-year-7-month-old dwarf hamster has a lump on the lower body. To operate or not?

May 9, 2018

The young lady loved this dwarf hamster very much. She discovered a lump of 8 mm x 6 mm on the lower body on the left side of the belly.

"Last time, you said it is risky to anaesthesize the old hamster," she was very worried about the anaesthetic death.

"Anaesthesia is always risky and it is more risky now that the hamster is much older," I told her that the life span of the dwarf hamster is around 2.5 to 3 years.


May 23, 2018

"I am surprised that your hamster did not bite off the stitches," I met the young lady owner who to get the stitches removed today. "He can't bite them off," she said. Fortunately, she had come early as I noticed a big 3-mm pimple on the upper eyelid of the left eye. "This pimple will grow bigger as it is a bacterial infection and the hamster rubs it daily," I advised lancing and drainage. There was still the big worry of anaesthetic death. She gave consent. The hamster fell asleep within 30 seconds of smelling anaesthetic gas given at 5%.  This hamster is very old, but he can still climb 3-levels up to his feeding area. "His weight is now 40 g compared to 43 g when I operated to remove his tumour 15 days ago."

"He passes a lot of big-sized stools and drinks more," the lady could not explain why there is weight loss. "Can he break sunflower seeds?" I asked. "No," he can't. So she will have to crush the sunflower seeds and feed him some daily to let him gain weight.

The lady showed a video of the hamster inside a white hamster bowl throwing out the seeds. "Use a flat plate for his seeds instead of a deep bowl, as some seeds may poke his eyelids causing pimples."

The hamster took some minutes to wake up from just 30 seconds of gas anaesthesia. Younger ones wake up within a second. So the vet must be vigilant during anaesthesia. A dead hamster is not good for his reputation.


Flashback to 15 days ago, the image did show a very small pimple on the upper eyelid

 Compare to May 23, 2018

All ended well. The young lady and her boyfriend are relieved and happy.

Bigger sized stools unlike those from other dwarf hamsters
Stitches are still present 15 days post op

Right eye looks OK but there is some rubbing
Scent gland is cleared. Stitches removed.

The hamster is aged but active. He is equivalent to 90 years old in human age

Monday, May 7, 2018

3150. A 3-year-old red-eared slider is eating less

May 7, 2018
Eating less. Owner wanted an X-ray to check for eggs. No eggs.

Aug 2017. 2 years old. Less appetite. X-rays show no eggs

Inappetance or eating less can be a sign of illness or egg impaction in female red-eared sliders. In this case, there are no eggs. Antibiotics for the next 7 days are prescribed.