Saturday, March 17, 2018

3406. Mushrooms on Mar 16, 2018 8am

Mar 16, 2018  8 am mushrooms

By 5 pm, these mushrooms had disappeared (wilted) under the hot afternoon sun.


3405. Mushrooms seen March 16, 2018 at 11 pm and March 17, at 1 am

Mar 16, 2018  11pm

Mar 17, 2018  1am mushrooms

Friday, March 16, 2018

3404. X-rays. A 6-month-old guinea pig died from pregnancy complications

Mar 15, 2018

Guinea pig, F, 6m
Anorexia 2 days. Separated from male 2 days
37.9C (Normal 37-39C)

I palpated 3 large foetal lumps over 5 inches long.
X-rays - 3 pups, gastric distension with gas
Died around 10 hours after admission.

Sow was too young and light to be bred.
Ideally, sows should be 6 months old and more than 750 g body weight.

Thursday, March 15, 2018

3403. *Narrative. A 2.5-year-old dwarf hamster has a gigantic right hind led tumour

Mar 15, 2018

"I googled 'hamster surgery Singapore', the young lady of around late 30s and her husband came to Toa Payoh Vets. She told me that the hamster was 2 years and 6 months old but later said the real age was 1 year and 9 months. .

After surgery, she recalled that she was 1 year and 9 months old. A lot of difference for dwarf hamsters whose life span is 2.5 to 3 years.

Electro-surgery. Big nasty tumour, as in the pet mouse operated yesterday by me. 4/0 stitches.

Right-hind tumour in a pet mouse and hamster were the same medical condition but two of a kind.

The hamster went home to a happy couple. There was another tumour under the right arm pit. Will need to operate 2 to 4 weeks later before it grows gigantic and prevented movement.  Biting off stitches is likely.

This hamster has arthritis joints (see video). A rare condition of arthritis seen by me as I had not seen arthrititic joints in over 1000 dwarf hamster consultations.

A pet mouse had similar located tumour but a gigantic one.

3402. Mar 14, 2018 8am Short-lived mushrooms

Mar 14, 2018

Short-lived mushrooms - Parasola species
seen in my garden on Mar 14, 2018  8am


Wednesday, March 14, 2018

3401. 3 key tips for macro

Mar 14, 2018  Issue 183
3 key tips for macro
28-year-old. Passion for entomology (esp. spiders)

1. Know your subject. Some bugs are easy to shoot, some aren't.
2. Learn to stack. Focus stacking is a most beneficial technique for macro photography. Lots of great software. Rails not necessary for small stacks. Just make sure that your images are well aligned.
3. Use a flash. In field  macro photography, a flash freeze the acion of moving bugs and shaky hands and ensure a sharp photo. A home made softbox made from cardboard, tinfoil and paper towel can be created for home use to provide lighting.


3400. A breeder asks for quotations

Mar 13, 2018

"My pet shop is just round the corner," the seasoned and grim breeder saw me visiting this veterinary clinic. "I wish to know how much you charge for vaccination.". The breeder wanted the quotation and if it is cheaper, he would switch business to this clinic. The other clinic was further and charged $10.00 per dog for vaccination. Alas, the price was higher and so he thanked the receptionist.

"I know the breeder for some 12 years ago," I told Laila. "He wants the lowest prices and not how much time your vet would spend examining the puppy before vaccination.  I had to travel to his pet shop to vaccinate 10 puppies for $100. It took me over an hour to go to his shop and back. Later, he switched to another vet!". I had no more contact with this pet shop operator and breeder for over 10 years, although at one time, I went to his shop to vaccinate the puppies almost every 2 weeks.

"Now, the government has tightened regulations," the breeder said. "All puppies must be microchipped and reported to the AVA, including those from Caesarean sections! Puppies can only be sold at 3 months of age."

"Do you buy puppies from home breeders?" I asked.
"No, as the AVA wants to know the dams of the puppies!".  
So home-breeders nowadays have to quit or sell themselves.