Wednesday, November 2, 2016

2954. Travel Myanmar - Images

Excellent service. When there was no apple in this Yangon trip on board A300, the cabin crew (above) gave me a plastic box with grapes, pineapple and melon instead. There was an alternative solution.


Donation by Drs Thin Thin Soe and Tun Thein Aung to the monastery. Lunch celebrations for all the villagers.

October & November are donation months. Donations to the monastery from the public. A donation tree is placed on the roadside stall or shop to solicit gifts and money needed by the monastery. Silver bowls are for collection of cash and are used by volunteers at road sides to get money from passing motorists



Donation of a water tank to a remote village school by Dr Sing Kong Yuen.

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

2953. A 5-year-old male French Bulldog cannot stand on his left hind leg and limps on the right hind

Oct 26, 2016

What is the cause of this paraparesis? The dog drags his left paw which lies extended flat on the floor. He can occasionally and weakly walk on his right hind limb, that is, he bears weight on it.

As at Oct 26, 2016, the owner sent me a video of the dog at home.
He had much improvement in his left hind as he could bear weight more. His right hind bore more weight more times as he walked over 12 feet to pee and poop. 

He was much more active and ate. He even barked now.

I advised confinement to 6 ft x 6 ft area, with no wet tiled floors by using newspapers
and videoing his gait once a day. No more long-distance walk across the wet tiles to climb up a high tiled bar and down as seen in the video. 

2952. A 3-month-old Syrian hamster has a large abdominal swelling for over 1 week

Oct 26, 2016

A large abdominal lump is the complaint. Anorexia and drinks little. Smelly urine obvious.
Palpation - a "fish-ball" lump inside abdomen. X-rays above.

Hamster is stressed when palpated. Overgrown lower incisors clipped 3 mm off.

Abdominal tumour esp. splenic tumour
Pregnancy (but other mate is female for past 3 months)
Cystitis with bladder obstruction -- smelly urine. Urine passed during consultation was clear. During anaesthesia, some yellow pus appeared.

After expression of bladder, the lump is noticed to be on the right hand side of the abdomen.
Splenic tumour or constipation of ascending colon?

Need another X-ray V/D view.
