Friday, June 10, 2016

2954. A 62nd pregnant Corgi had an elective Caesarean section

Jun 6, 2016  10 pm. Arrived from Yangon by Silk Air. Informed the breeder of Corgis I was back in Singapore. He had asked me to stand by for his Corgi dam, 62nd day pregnant on Jun 7, 2016 and he might want a C-section. 

Jun 7, 2016  9am
I operated on this 62nd-day Corgi as she had no labour contractions. She had 8 live pups 8 months ago, C-section by Dr Daniel. The pups were farmed out as she had no milk. All 8 pups passed away, according to the breeder.

In this C-section, I excised 1 cm away from the previous scar of the first C-section at the uterine body, I got 4 live pups out. The 3rd pup had a placenta wrapped around it and took some time to be taken out. The left uterine horn had 2 pups and appeared to have twisted as I had great difficulty milking out this 3rd pup (black and white).

Follow up: Jun 10, 2016 9 am
The 3rd and 4th pup had passed away. According to the breeder, the dam produced "toxic milk". He noticed too late the next day and farmed out the other 2 pups. They are still alive. "Even with my years of experience," the 80-year-old breeder lamented. "My judgment still cannot be perfect. When the dam has thick yellow milk, I should not let the newborn suckle. But it is difficult to know when to do it."

I introduced to him one lady who wanted to buy a Yorkshire with a full coat.

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

2953. A 16-year-old Shih Tzu has a painful swollen left eye - Pictures as prompts in writing a chapter of a story

In March 2010, I documented a surgical case to share with dog owners and vet students as part of my "BE KIND TO PETS" veterinary educational project.  At that time, I dared not use video, considering it to be a very time-consuming subject to do and upload as compared to posting images online. So I posted the above 3 pictures and never saw the dog again. The owner did not come for a follow up and this is to be expected.  Did his corneal ulcer heal?  Probably. Or the owner could have sought a second opinion as the outcome was bad.

In April 2016, I connected with this Shih Tzu after not seeing her for the last 6 years. The owners had sought emergency treatment for her bad left eye which was suddenly swollen. The vet advised removal of the eyeball but warned that this old dog might die under general anaesthesia. To do or not to do? The owners discharged the dog and brought her to see me. "You operated on the right eye and recorded the surgery," the lady in her late 20s said to me. I could not recall.  She retrieved the above 3 images for me. I was most surprised that I had even illustrated my operation procedures.

Did the operation produce an excellent outcome? Yes, as you can see the 2016 image below. No inflammation of the cornea or eye white. Just a brown circular spot of around 3 mm diameter where the deep corneal ulcer had existed and had healed. It was a descemetocoele treated surgically. "I did not return to you for stitch removal as you used dissolvable stitches," the young lady informed me.
"However, the left eye suffered a similar injury in 2010 and was treated by another vet. This vet prescribed just 2 types of eye drops. The eyeball seemed to have sprouted water outwards and sunk but had recovered its shape. Then another attack in 2013 and I applied eye drops twice daily for the past years.


Sunday, April 17, 2016

A 8-year-old Chinese girl dislikes Chinese

Sat Apr 12  2016

It is extremely difficult for a 30- year old single mother to earn a living in Singapore.  She was the boss of a pet shop and had as many as 4 groomers at one time. She opened pet cafes in petrol kiosks.The landlord increases the rental during the boom if past 3 trs.

Thursday, April 14, 2016

A 2-year-old female hamster has an irritating interdigital wart

April 14, 2016

Anaesthetic death is always a worry for the Thai lady owner and her husband. So, when she came to take back the hamster post-op, she snapped a picture from her handphone to show her husband that Spiky 2 had survived the anaesthesia.

Isoflurane gas + oxygen anaesthesia for a few times as it is hard to assess the depth of anaesthesia. The hamster reacted to the electrosurgery twice when I started cutting. So, she needs gas again. Finally, I managed to get out the wart which is friable and measured 3 mm across. See video.

The hamster has such a thick coat. On her right chest, there was a tumour around 1.3 cm across. To operate or not?

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

2950. A 7-year-old male Shih Tzu is totally blind

Mar 24, 2016

The male 7-year-old Shih Tzu is totally blind and now has a severely infected eyeball.
"Your vet said to put him to sleep," the owner told me.
"Are you sure? Dr Daniel will never suggest that. The dog is blind but is still active."
"Maybe it was my friend who suggested it as the dog is blind in both eyes."

He brought the dog in for eyeball removal since his 80-year-old father is against euthanasia.
Blood test showed high total white cell count at 22.6 (6-17) and high neutrophils 89% (60-70%) and high absolute numbers 21  (3-11.5).

Dr Daniel did the op, warded the dog for 2 days and gave medication. The dog is OK now. Blindness is surprising but the owner had not requested detailed check up.

Friday, March 25, 2016

A 40th day pregnant Corgi vomits twice and has no appetite - acute kidney failure

Mar 18  2016
I got a tel call at 8am from the breeder. The 2-year-old Corgi is heavily pregnant. Vomited once yesterday and today  yellow vomitus. No appetite. Why?

Blood test.
High blood urea and creatinine. Leucocytosis - a higher than normal number of total white cell count indicating a possible bacterial infection.

"Acute kidney failure," I gave the breeder the bad news. The sudden onset of uraemia causing vomiting led me to diagnose acute kidney failure in contrast to chronic kidney failure. 

"Why and how the Corgi suffers from kidney failure?" the breeder asked. "She is only 2 years old and this is her first litter."

"There are many causes," I explained. "Infections, dietary management, toxicity, kidney injury, kidney pressure on the ureters due to too many foetus (the Corgi was later found to have 10 foetuses). It is possible that there is a kidney infection based on leucocytosis."

I gave IV therapy and antibiotic. The IV therapy was continued at the farm for the next 3 days. The dog still vomited after drinking and had no appetite for the next 3 days.

Mar 20, 2016
The dog miscarriaged with 2 premature puppies born. I gave oxytocin as the others would be dead too. There were 10 puppies in total. Most of the 10 placentas came out the next day. The dam was more alert but had no appetite. "The IV drip for the next 3 days is critical. It is for dialysis to clear out the waste products of urea by the functioning glomerulus cells of the kideys to filter the toxic waste.  It provides the dextrose energy and fluid to prevent dehydration," I explained to the breeder. 

Mar 23, 2016
I phoned the breeder. He said that the dam started eating yesterday and is ok.  He was most happy. "Breeders will not be happy with the vet if the dam dies during Caesarean or treatment as they tend to blame the vet for being incompetent for achieving a poor outcome," I said.
"Well," he replied. "If the factory is shut down, there will be no production."
I had never thought of the dam as being a factory but this analogy is realistic.