Tuesday, August 27, 2013

1102. Follow up: The old Maltese with uterine torsion & closed pyometra still snapped at the vet

Aug 27, 2013.

The dog is alert and is hosptialised for 7 days after her surgery.

She ate all a/d. Still she would snap at my hand should I go near her. She never forgives or forget.
At 15 years of age, her blood test results were unremarkable. Except for a decrease in creatinine and an increase in neutrophils, she has normal values. No increase in total white cell count unlike other closed pyometra cases I encountered despite such a gigantic womb and being so old.

Around 90-100 years old in human age. Still strong and alert.

1101. Stray cat activism. Soft masses inside abdomen in a stray cat

The kind teacher brought one of these stray cats that had lost weight and was not eating for the past 2 months to Dr Daniel on Aug 19, 2013.

Blood tests were unremarkable. X-rays show a circular mass in the abdomen. Exploratory laporatomy showed the lumps which are sent for histopathology.

"There seems to be a stalk," Dr Daniel said.
"They appear to be encapsulated abscesses, peritoneal tumours or some worm masses e.g. round worm larvae migrating from the mouth to the intestines causing such reactive masses."

Mine was all speculation. Histopathology may enlighten me. Stray cats eat hazardous materials as part of their life-style. Did this cat swallow fish bones and perforated her intestines. Then such masses form to wall off the holes in the intestines?


1100. HOW YOU OLD DOG CAN LIVE LONGER? Bladder rupture

Case study

TP 44384. Maltese, Female, Not Spayed, 12 years. Vet: Dr Daniel
The old dog was still active but had lost appetite yesterday. No vomiting or diarrhoea. Rotten teeth. First consultation on May 7, 2013. Complaint of stranguria and haematuria. Given antibiotics. Advised urine test, dental, spay and X-rays but the owner did not accept these advices.

Then on May 14, 2013, dog came in and the following tests were done.

Amber, turbid, pH 7.0, SG 1.026, Nitrite +ve, Protein 2+, Blood 4+, White blood cells >2250, RBC >2250. Bacteria 3+, Crystals Amorphous phosphate 2+

Urea  62.6 (4.2-6.3)
Creatinine 882  (89-177)
Total white cell count  44.3  (6-17)
N=98.7%, Absolute = 43.7   --- very high

X-rays not done

52 minutes of isoflurane gas anesthesia after sedation
Ruptured bladder repaired.
Dog was vomiting post-op on 2nd day.
Owner decided on euthanasia

Relevant medical advices were given as regards urination problems.

1. Dogs over 7 years old - yearly health screening (blood & urine test) and dental work.
2. Urine test and blood tests & X-rays to be done when there is urination problem rather than wait and see.


1099. To publish*****: Veterinary stories. The optometrist's 3rd daughter


Date:   27 August, 2013  

Focus: Small animals - dogs, cats, hamsters, guinea pigs, turtles & rabbits
The optometrist's 3rd daughter  
Dr Sing Kong Yuen, BVMS (Glasgow), MRCVS
Date:   27 August, 2013  
Be Kind To Pets
Veterinary Education
Project 2010-0129


Sunday Aug 26, 2013's interesting case

"I work very hard to raise and educate 3 daughters," the 67-year-old optometrist used to work from 9 am to 9 pm said to me. "Now, two are married and I don't get a cent from them." His 3rd daughter who is slim and good-looking, wearing dual-colour short pants laughed."Do you really expect the younger generation to give parents some money from their earnings every month?" I read of many Americans living with their parents nowadays, owing to economic downturn. "They have different values of hard work and thrift. They want work-life balance and so they don't work long hours generally. If they don't need your money as adults, you should consider yourself fortunate!"

Nowadays he closes his shop whenever he likes because his rental in downtown Orchard Road is around $4,000 while the other shop rentals in other malls were charging $8,000 - $20,000 rental per month. "I do not charge clients who are poor," he declared to me. "There was one who asked me if he could pay by installments. His family member has cancer and so I said that he could pay me when he was able to do so."

"Would you be giving free spectacles if your rental was $15,000/month?" I asked.

"Well, the clients who need free spectacles will not step into such posh shops."

His 3rd daughter in her late 20s had brought in a 13-year-old cat for me to remove an ingrown toe nail. She had phoned me at 10 am on Saturday as the cat's paw was bleeding and I suggested that she bandaged the foot and bring the cat in today, in order to save on after-hours costs which would come to over $300.
So, here she was, with her father. She would not bear to see her cat's ingrown toe nail being cut off  in her presence. So she left the op room when I did it.

"My cat claws me all the time at home," she warned me. So I expected a ferocious lion all ready to swing her claws at me. But she was very quiet and there was no need for a sedative. She just lied quietly and patiently and I got some images taken.

"Since you have worked for so many years, you must have lots of clients," I said to the father. "Is your children taking over your business?"

"No, my children are not interested," he had already given up on his 2 older daughters and this younger one was working happily in an events marketing company in publishing.

"I am interested," the 3rd daughter said she had spoken to him and would not mind attending the compulsory optometry course to be accredited.  He had not groomed the 3rd daughter.
Rentals will not stay at $4,000/month forever," he had no confidence in his children to compete and bring his goodwill and clientele business to a higher level.

"Have you got a website?" I scrutinised his name card as he said my spectacles were out-dated and old fashioned. I told him they were branded "Gap" and the thick black frames were admittedly, not modern looking.

His 3rd daughter laughed as she is from this internet generation who appreciates websites and know the leveling power of the social media. Maybe the father knows that one-man-operator optometrist practice is a dying business but I don't think so. Many such shops hire people who come and go and there is a niche for proprietors who provide personalised service and is available over the years as the family members grow up. The baby-boomer generation is ignorant in the ways of social media.

Of course, the internet generation may not be loyal clients and go for fanciful renovations and high prices. However I believe there is a place for a niche optometry personalised service with years of experience. It is very difficult to find such old veterans nowadays if you value experience over glamour.

Updates will be on this webpage:

More info at: Dogs or Cats
To make an appointment: e-mail judy@toapayohvets.com
tel: +65 9668-6469, 6254-3326
tpvets_logo.jpg (2726 bytes)Toa Payoh Vets
Clinical Research
Copyright © Asiahomes
All rights reserved. Revised: August 27, 2013

Toa Payoh Vets

1099. Sunday's interesting case - The optometrist's 3rd daughter

"I work very hard to raise and educate 3 daughters," the 67-year-old optometrist used to work from 9 am to 9 pm said to me. "Now, two are married and I don't get a cent from them."

"Do you really expect the younger generation to give parents some money from their earnings every month?" I asked. "They have different values. If they don't need your money as adults, you should consider yourself fortunate!"

Nowadays he closes his shop whenever he likes because his rental in downtown Orchard Road is around $4,000 while the other shop rentals in other malls were charging $8,000 - $20,000 rental per month. "I do not charge clients who are poor," he declared to me. "There was one who asked me if he could pay by instalments. His family member has cancer and so I said that he could pay me when he was able to do so."

"Would you be giving free spectacles if your rental was $15,000/month?" I asked.
"Well, the clients who need free spectacles will not step into such posh shops."
His 3rd daughter in her late 20s had brought in a 13-year-old cat for me to remove an ingrown toe nail. She had phoned me at 10 am on Saturday as the cat's paw was bleeding and I suggested that she bandaged the foot and bring the cat in today, in order to save on after-hours costs which would come to over $300.

So, here she was, with her father. She would not bear to see her cat's ingrown toe nail being cut off.
"My cat claws me all the time at home," she warned me. So I expected a ferocious lion all ready to swing her claws at me. But she was very quiet and there was no need for a sedative. She just lied quietly and patiently and I got some images taken.

"Since you have worked for so many years, you must have lots of clients," I said to the father. "Is your children taking over your business?"

"No, my children are not interested," he had already given up on his 2 older daughters and this younger one was working happily in an events marketing company in publishing.

"I am interested," the 3rd daughter said she had spoken to him and would not mind attending the compulsory optometry course to be accredited.  He had not groomed the 3rd daughter.

"Rentals will not stay at $4,000/month forever," he had no confidence in his children to compete and bring his goodwill and clientele business to a higher level.

"Have you got a website?" I scrutinised his name card as he said my spectacles were out-dated and old fashioned. I told him they were branded "Gap" and the thick black frames were admittedly, not modern looking.

His 3rd daughter laughed as she is from this internet generation who appreciates websites and know the levelling power of the social media. Maybe the father knows that one-man-operator optometrist practice is a dying business but I don't think so. Many such shops hire people who come and go and there is a niche for proprietors who provide personalised service and is available over the years as the family members grow up.

Of course, the internet generation may not be loyal clients and go for fanciful renovations and high prices. However I believe there is a place for a niche optometry personalised service with years of experience. It is very difficult to find such old veterans nowadays if you value experience over glamour.

1098. Dicom software to read certain digital X-Ray images & 2 tips

tpvets_logo.jpg (2726 bytes)TOA PAYOH VETS

Date:   27 August, 2013  
Focus: Small animals - dogs, cats, hamsters, guinea pigs, turtles & rabbits
Two tips for urinary stone X-rays of dogs  
Dr Sing Kong Yuen, BVMS (Glasgow), MRCVS
Date:   27 August, 2013  
Be Kind To Pets
Veterinary Education
Project 2010-0129

Blood in the urine may be a sign of bladder stones. A urine test and X-rays of the bladder and kidneys should be advised and this was done by the other vet.

A good practice is to use air-contrast X-ray of the bladder as it is more troublesome, esp. in the female dog as she has to be catheterized. The bladder needed to be emptied via the urinary catheter.
tpvets_logo.jpg (2726 bytes)6339-6340. Struvites stones in a Golden Retriever. 3 X-rays were taken - 2 lateral views and one ventro-dorsal view. This lateral view (left) shows the stones inside the bladder.   

In this young Golden Retriever , urine tests show lots of struvite crystals were performed by another practice. The owner was given the CD containing 3 X-rays. The CD does not have the specific software to automatically download the images. There are two ways of sourcing this software.

Downloaded one from the internet or get it from the supplier of the machine. The software is at:

I noted that 3 X-rays were needed to be taken as the struvite bladder stones can be seen in only one of the two lateral views. 

Another good tip is to palpate the bladder before X-rays. If the bladder is full, get the dog out to the grass to pee. Or catheterise the dog to empty the bladder to get good views of bladder stones. Otherwise, there is a need to take another X-ray if the full bladder obstructs any views of smaller stones.


Updates will be on this webpage:

More info at: Dogs or Cats
To make an appointment: e-mail judy@toapayohvets.com
tel: +65 9668-6469, 6254-3326
tpvets_logo.jpg (2726 bytes)Toa Payoh Vets
Clinical Research
Copyright © Asiahomes
All rights reserved. Revised: August 27, 2013

Toa Payoh Vets

Medical imaging software

Clients are given a CD of the digital X-rays. However, some cannot read the X-rays as there is a need to get a specific software to be downloaded. There are free software to do this. However, the supplier has the links and one of them is as follows:

Kind Attn : Dr. Sing Kong Yuen

Dear Sir,

Please click on this link :  http://www.microdicom.com/

Once you are on this site, you can download the MicroDICOM software for free.

When this software is installed on your computer, whenever you open any DICOM file, it will open with this software automatically.

If not, you will be prompted with a message like the one below , at that time select MicroDICOM

On this screen you can check the box at the bottom which says “Always use the selected program to open this kind of file” and in future all DICOM files will be opened automatically with this program

When a DICOM image is opened with this program, you will see a screen like the example below (this is for an MRI image) and you can use the tools shown on the screen.

Please feel free to call me if you need any further assistance

Assuring you of our best attention at all times.