very smelly right nostril discharge and phlegm on few days around 23.1.2025
Went to KTPH to get filling done. It was well done as seen in PM1 (R) in Image 2 on 23 Jan 2025.
On 23 Jan 2025, a very bad breath from R nostril comes from tooth infection in M1 (2nd from L).
Molar 1 is the fractured tooth (90% teeth has been lost) and bacteria had gone into
the nasal sinuses, causing a foul smelling discharge from the right nostril.
PM1 needs root canal treatment in 3 phases. On 11 Feb 2025, NDCS first appointment
for root canal treatment of PM1.
root canals (said to be two) in PM1. In this root canal, half of it was calcified as the
tissues walled off the cavity preventing bacterial infections.
In the 2nd phase, Dr Chan will remove the calcified portion to reach into the
of gum in the root area indicated inflammation.
meant to remove dead nerves and blood vessels in the pulp and seal the canal, hence
preserving the tooth, as contrasted to extraction.
not extraction, as the patient will need implants, bridges or dentures.