Sunday, September 22, 2024

4631. VET CASE STUDY: Penang hamster bites operation site stitches after tumour removal. What to do?

 VET CASE STUDY: Penang hamster bites operation site stitches after tumour removal. What to do?

TELE-CONSULTATION with Dr Sing Kong Yuen, BVMS (Glasgow).


Sun 15 Sep 2024


Video enquiring cost of surgery for 1.5-year-old hamster's tumour in Singapore.
Went to Penang vet (Vet 1) as owner is resident in Penang. Cost RM389.90

Vet 1 sent image of tumour removed. Vet 1 gave antibiotic and anti-inflammatory.
Hamster took off the e-collar put on by the vet. So, no bandaging.

Hamster removed its stitches. Owner applied cotton and wrapped it. Worried about wound being infected.

Owner's own DIY shirt. Made 2 holes for her hands to wear it.


IMAGE 1. Hamster in DIY shirt.

Mon 16 Sep 2024. RETURN TO VET 1.

VIDEO 3 & IMAGE 2.   




FOUR VIDEOS SENT - not clear as to whether all stitches had been removed.

Hamster on exercise wheel. Scratching left ear with left hind leg.

has removed its stitches. Owner apply cotton and wrap it. But not sure if it will get infected.

Sent to Vet 1 urgently. 

Wrap her. "Doctor said put wire." Owner WhatsApp to me.
"No point using wire stitches as the hamster will bite them off too!" I phoned the owner. 

VIDEO. Vet 1 re-sutured, sprayed some medication and wrapped her. 2 to 3 days to return to change dressing. 



Wed18 Sep 2024

Image of sutured hamster




Friday 20 Sep 2024

She is 1year and 6 months. She had the tumour when she is 6months old.
In August 31, I realise the tumour become very big and red. No fur
Our house has the charlie insect. Dk if is the insect trigger
I don't have the photos. I have 4hamster. Rarely take my hamster video

4630. PHOTOGRAPHY TIPS: Claude Monet statue. Tripod, AV, focus on face "eye".

PHOTOGRAPHY TIPS: Claude Monet statue.  Tripod, AV, focus on face "eye".

SINGAPORE - 1 SEP 2024: 12.01pm. 

A statue of French painter Claude Monet (1840-1926)" painting at his home garden in Giverny, France", exhibited at Gardens By The Bay.

Focus on his "eye". 

 Statue of Claude Monet painting in his home garden. 

Canon R5, tripod, AV, 53mm, 1/15 sec, f/16, ISO 100.  







4629. PHOTOGRAPHY TIPS: iPhone 14 image of street artist in Yangon, Myanmar

PHOTOGRAPHY TIPS: iPhone 14 image of street artist in Yangon, Myanmar. 

Handheld smartphone images can be good, but you must have steady hands and focus on the eye, if possible.

Good lighting will be better for such images. This image was taken in the evening. 

The face of the man is not as sharp as I like it to be.

 4 Sep 2024 evening. Hledan Street Market, Yangon.

A painting for USD 0.95 (2000 kyats), Yangon, Myanmar, 4 Sep 2024.

iPhone 14 image






Saturday, September 21, 2024

4628. PHOTOGRAPHY TIPS: Use Manual Mode for lemon fruit photography.

PHOTOGRAPHY TIPS: Use Manual Mode for lemon fruit photography if there is no breeze swaying the fruits. Otherwise, use the Shutter Priority Mode.

Canon R5, Manual mode, 100mm, 1/640 sec, f/4, ISO 200.  

A roadside lemon tree planted opposite my Airbnb bungalow in Coogee, Western Australia. 

I guess none of my family members would give it a second look!






 PHOTOGRAPHY TIPS: Use Manual Mode for lemon fruit photography if there is no breeze swaying the fruits. Otherwise, use the Shutter Priority Mode.

 A lemon tree in Coogee, WA, Australia. 8 Sep 2024. Canon R5, Manual, 61mm,
1/400 sec, f/4, ISO 200. 
Very rare for a tourist like me to find a roadside lemon tree by itself for photography.The trees are not commonly seen as ornamental plants in Western Australia. Probably hard to grow the tree. This tree has white fungal spots on leaves.








Friday, September 20, 2024

4627. PHOTOGRAPHY TIPS: Use TV (shutter priority) for garden flowers swaying in the breeze.

 PHOTOGRAPHY TIPS: Use TV (shutter priority) for garden flowers swaying in the breeze.


 The Spider Flower (Grevillea) in Murdoch Univ campus garden. 7 Sep 2024

Canon R5, 83mm, 1/125sec, f/4.5, ISO 100.  Set shutter speed to AUTO.






Thursday, September 19, 2024

4626. PHOTOGRAPHY TIPS: Use the AV Mode and tripod for indoor photography

PHOTOGRAPHY TIPS: Use the AV Mode and tripod for indoor photography.

Set at AV, f/11, ISO 200 and AUTO shutterspeed. Tripod.

 Mooncake vendors, Vivo City. 17 Sep 2024 (mid-Autumn Festival). 

Canon R5, AV, 24mm, 1/60 sec, f/9, ISO 200




17 Sep 2024: Mid-Autumn Festival day. Last day for the sale of mooncakes by vendors at the level 1, Central Court, Vivo City. probably the most colourful, brightly lit and beautiful design of the mooncake vendor stalls of all malls in Singapore. Numerous new vendors with names like "Home Favourites" compete with established brands.

See photo attached.
PHOTOGRAPHY TIPS: Use the AV Mode and tripod for indoor photography 

HEAVY RAINFALL today. Drizzle at night. Moon can't be seen.

Wednesday, September 18, 2024

4625. PHOTOGRAPHY TIPS: Sharp image from front to back. Set to AV, f/11, ISO 400, auto shutterspeed.

PHOTOGRAPHY TIPS: Use AV Mode for offices.

Use AV Mode for some bright indoor photos. Set to AV, f/11, ISO 400, auto shutterspeed.

Use AV Mode, f/11, ISO 400, AUTO shutter speed. 

Focus on “Canon” text on wall to the left of photo. Image is sharp from front to back.


17.9.2024. I sent my Canon R5 for repairs as the shutter had malfunctioned. One of the shutter bars had fallen sideways, so I see a diagonal bar of 8mm broad in my image. My camera had reached its maximal clicks, hence the shutter now needed replacement, costing S450.  

This image is produced after replacement of shutter and repair of "out of focus" focusing. It looks sharp as I could focus on the "Canon" text in the office wall.







Tuesday, September 17, 2024

4624. Hyphema in a cat in Myanmar. Tele-consultation by Dr Sing Kong Yuen

 Hyphema in a cat in Myanmar. Tele-consultation by Dr Sing Kong Yuen

1.  Hyphema (Bleeding Within the Eyeball)  Causes include uveitis, traumatic injury, a tumor within the eye, detachment or tearing of the retina, high blood pressure, clotting disorders, birth defects, and glaucoma. Sudden, severe bleeding usually has a good outcome if the cause is identified and treated.


2. How do you treat hyphema in cats?

Topical corticosteroids as an ointment or eye drops will be prescribed to the cat. Corticosteroids will reduce the inflammation in the anterior chamber and around the eye. The cat will also be prescribed atropine eye drops, which dilate the pupil.

Does hyphema go away on its own?

Hyphema usually resolves on its own in a few days. Even if you only need conservative treatment, the first five days after you develop hyphema are the most important. You'll be at a higher risk of re-aggravating your eye, which can cause the bleeding to start again.

4. What are 3 causes of hyphema?

Blunt eye trauma is the most common cause of hyphema, although penetrating trauma and spontaneous hyphemas can occur as well. Certain medical conditions put patients at risk of developing a hyphema, such as leukemia, hemophilia, von Willebrand disease, sickle cell disease, and the use of anticoagulant medications.


5. Can hyphema cause blindness in cats?

Sudden, severe bleeding usually has a good outcome if the cause is identified and treated. Recurrent or longterm hyphema has an unknown or poor outlook because glaucoma or blindness is likely.

6.  What are the stages of hyphema?

The following is the clinical grading system for traumatic macrohyphemas:

  • Grade 1 - Layered blood occupying less than one third of the anterior chamber.
    Grade 2 - Layered blood filling one third to one half of the anterior chamber.
    Grade 3 - Layered blood filling one half to less than the total of the anterior chamber.

7. When should I worry about my cats eye?

Your cat's eyes, when healthy, should look clear and bright. However, if you notice anything unusual about them, such as goopy discharge or discolouration, it may be a good idea to bring them to the vet.

*Above is from the internet.

 The writer has not mentioned

1. wearing an e-Collar to prevent scratching of the eye.
2. keep cat in a dark area, away from outdoors and sunlight.
3. no corticosteroids if eye ulcer is present.
4. tarsorrhaphy or 3rd eyelid flap by a vet.

In conclusion, it is best to consult your vet as no two cases are alike and treatment advice from the internet cannot be relied upon.


Hyphema in a cat in Myanmar

Hyphema is bleeding within the eyeball.



Right Eye traumaic injury during cat grooming 1 month ago. Vet prescribed antibiotic eyedrops for 1 month, but no E-collar. 

Hyphema and healed corneal ulcer. Complaint of chronic conjunctivitis. 2nd opinion in another vet in Myanmar. What to do?  

Teleconsultation of Myanmar case.  17 Sep 2024. 







Monday, September 16, 2024

4623. PHOTOGRAPHY TIPS: A bee sips honey using its proboscis. Use TV Mode.

PHOTOGRAPHY TIPS: A bee sips honey using its proboscis. Use TV Mode.


 AUSTRALIA - 7 SEP 2024: 9.06am.

A bee uses its proboscis to sip honey from a flower.

 Canon R5. 105mm, 1/250 sec, f/14, ISO 100, shutter priority.


A proboscis (in many insects) an elongated sucking mouthpart that is typically tubular and flexible.






Saturday, September 14, 2024

4622. STOCK PHOTOGRAPHY - METADATA SeeYouThere for black travellers.



In addition to using the SeeYouThere keyword, please consider the following suggestions: Since we are looking for global travel, incorporating the location of your content in your title and keywords is crucial. This ensures our large travel customers can find accurate representations of the vacations in a particular region. 

Alongside SeeYouThere, include relevant keywords specific to your content. Consider using terms like: Adventure, beach, passport, suitcase, food, plane, hotel, airport, traveller

 To stay true to your contributor terms of service only use this search terms when applicable. 



 Styling and Casting Suggestions


Diverse Body Types and Skin Tones: Capture a wider range of Black body types and skin tones to ensure more diverse visual representation. 

Black Hairstyles: Include a variety of Black hairstyles, such as cornrows, box braids, sponge-brushed curls, twists, and Afro puffs, in the content. 

Various Ages: Represent Black travelers of different ages, with a particular focus on middle-aged and older individuals. 

Female Black Travelers: Feature more female Black travelers, especially those who do not fit conventional beauty standards. 

Black Families: Showcase Black families enjoying and exploring both popular and less common tourist destinations.



Iconic Places and Major Tourism Landmarks: 

Capture Black travelers enjoying and exploring globally renowned landmarks and destinations. 

European Cities: Show Black tourists experiencing and enjoying the unique culture and activities in European cities. 

Families Actively Traveling: Whether it’s waiting in line for a taxi or boarding a plane, there is great demand for authentic travel content. 

African Destinations: Show Black travelers exploring and immersing themselves in the diverse cultural heritage and stunning landscapes of Africa. Highlight their experiences at iconic landmarks like the Maasai Mara in Kenya, the historic sites of Cape Town, or the vibrant markets of Dakar, while focusing on positive and authentic interactions. Avoid the common negative stereotypes by emphasizing their joy, engagement with local traditions, and the unique natural beauty of each location. 

See some of the destinations Black & Abroad offer