Sunday, September 22, 2024

4631. VET CASE STUDY: Penang hamster bites operation site stitches after tumour removal. What to do?

 VET CASE STUDY: Penang hamster bites operation site stitches after tumour removal. What to do?

TELE-CONSULTATION with Dr Sing Kong Yuen, BVMS (Glasgow).


Sun 15 Sep 2024


Video enquiring cost of surgery for 1.5-year-old hamster's tumour in Singapore.
Went to Penang vet (Vet 1) as owner is resident in Penang. Cost RM389.90

Vet 1 sent image of tumour removed. Vet 1 gave antibiotic and anti-inflammatory.
Hamster took off the e-collar put on by the vet. So, no bandaging.

Hamster removed its stitches. Owner applied cotton and wrapped it. Worried about wound being infected.

Owner's own DIY shirt. Made 2 holes for her hands to wear it.


IMAGE 1. Hamster in DIY shirt.

Mon 16 Sep 2024. RETURN TO VET 1.

VIDEO 3 & IMAGE 2.   




FOUR VIDEOS SENT - not clear as to whether all stitches had been removed.

Hamster on exercise wheel. Scratching left ear with left hind leg.

has removed its stitches. Owner apply cotton and wrap it. But not sure if it will get infected.

Sent to Vet 1 urgently. 

Wrap her. "Doctor said put wire." Owner WhatsApp to me.
"No point using wire stitches as the hamster will bite them off too!" I phoned the owner. 

VIDEO. Vet 1 re-sutured, sprayed some medication and wrapped her. 2 to 3 days to return to change dressing. 



Wed18 Sep 2024

Image of sutured hamster




Friday 20 Sep 2024

She is 1year and 6 months. She had the tumour when she is 6months old.
In August 31, I realise the tumour become very big and red. No fur
Our house has the charlie insect. Dk if is the insect trigger
I don't have the photos. I have 4hamster. Rarely take my hamster video

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