Tuesday, June 20, 2023

4846. HEALTH TIPS: Safety in the National Steps Challenge - Fatty liver issues

18 Jun 2023: 

Walking a minimum of 5,000 steps per day is important as I want to reduce my degree of FATTY LIVER. This is one way as there must be a healthy diet and exercise. This video shows me having walked around midnight in Lentor Estate to achieve my target of 10,000 steps daily. 

It is best NOT to do such walking as the area is deserted. There may be bad hats around as the world is no longer safe, even in Singapore.  




Monday, June 19, 2023

4845. PHOTOGRAPHY OF BIRDS. A sunbird sips nectar from the hibiscus flowers on 19 June 2023.

19 Jun 2023. A bright and sunny morning. I spotted a sunbird amongst the hibiscus flowers.
My Canon R5 lens is 24-105 mm. The bird was far away.
I set TV Mode - the shutter speed at 1/1000, f/4.5 and ISO Auto. Took over 20 shots. The one shot below
is really unexpected but it is excellent image of the sunbird.

4844. VET CASE STUDY. Hamster wart or tumour treatments

Vet Case Study by Dr Sing Kong Yuen, BVMS (Glasgow).
Case 1 - WhatsApp tele-consultation by a hamster owner on 18 Jun 2023.
Case 2 - Case study of a hamster with a back skin wart operated and recovered from the Toa Payoh Vets case files.

A lady owner of a dwarf hamster WhatsApp me an image of her hamster's back wart today 18 June 2023. "Is it a wart or tumour? What treatments are available?".  It was very difficult for her to WhatsApp to me sharp images. "Get close-up image of the growth," I WhatsApp. She tried a few images. "Get a video," I texted. But the video was of no use as the owner could not restrain the owner from moving about.

I asked her to schedule an appointment for consultation at Toa Payoh Vets as my tele-consultation could not determine whether the back growth was a wart or tumour.

I am making an educational video about the treatment of hamster wart or tumour. Basically, surgery is the preferred and only option in the vast majority of cases.


4843. HISTORY SINGAPORE. Demolition of Redhill SIT flats in progress

14 Jun 2023.

A large part of Redhill Estate which is one of the oldest public housing estates in Singapore has been demolished. The video shows the remaining 7-storey block near the Bukit Merah Community Centre awaiting its turn.

My old primary school was Bukit Merah North Primary School which was located near to the Community Centre. It has long been demolished together with Bukit Merah South Primary School and Redhill Primary School. They are replaced by Gan Eng Seng school. 

Redhill Estate was built by the S.I.T (Singapore Improvement Trust) set up during the post-war years to build public housing. It is the precursor of the HDB (Housing Board).


11 Jun 2023, 5 pm. Redhill Estate flat demoltion. Canon R5, TV, 1/125 sec, f/10, ISO 100 

The shutterspeed 1/125 sec will be sufficient as the blocks are not moving unlike birds where 1/1000 sec or more may be necessary.

TO BUY PHOTO/VIDEO:  www.shutterstock.com/g/toapayohvets





Sunday, June 18, 2023

4842. PHOTOGRAPHY TIPS: A junglefowl hen and 3 chicks cross the road - photo.

17 Jun 2023: Photography Tips: Use Shutter Priority Mode.

I set Canon R5 to AV Mode, 1/1000 sec, f/4.5, ISO Auto.
I focused on the eye of the hen crossing the road. Took 10 shots.
The hen did look right but on-coming cars have had stopped.
She crossed the road to look for lunch in the bushes on the other side.

Canon R5, TV, 1/8000 sec, f/4.5, ISO 400   Springside, Singapore, 17 Jun 2023, 12.16pm

TO BUY PHOTO:   www.shutterstock.com/g/toapayohvets 





Friday, June 16, 2023

4841. Vet Case Study. The Westie X becomes a picky eater. Dental pain.

VET CASE STUDY. The Westie becomes a picky eater.

Dr Sing Kong Yuen, BVMS (Glasgow). Toa Payoh Vets
Updated:  16 Jun 2023.

Today, 8 Sep 2022, I vaccinated the 7-year-old Westie since he was a 3-month-old. The couple in their late 40s consulted me as their dog now had little appetite. In the past months, he became a picky eater. For example, the owner would add eggs into the wet kibble, but the dog would not eat. "He might lick a few pieces, but he would rather starve to death," the wife said.

I put the Westie on the consultation table and placed my right hand on top of her nose to open her mouth with my left hand. "Your dog moved her head away to prevent me from opening up her mouth," I said to the owner. "She's well behaved and did not bite me."

The rotting smell of halithosis wafted up the room. The owner was used to the bad breath or was not bothered by the smell.  "There are loose front teeth," I said. "The back teeth are encrusted with tartar. Many show the exposed roots and maroon red inflamed gums. One canine tooth had dropped out."

"He has dental pain and hence would not want to eat solid food," I explained. "Softer food is easily swallowed but he had toothache. Therefore, you think she has become a picky eater."

"I am worried that she may die under anaesthesia if I let her get dental examination," the career lady in her 40s said. "Hence I had not sent her for dental check up over the past 10 years."

"A blood test will let you know if the dog has liver, kidney or blood diseases," I said. "X-rays of the teeth and gums and ultrasound of the abdomen will help you to know her health status.  Most senior dogs safely undergo anaesthesia unless they have chronic medical conditions."

The owner agreed to the dental work as blood tests showed that the dog was in good health. She did not want dental X-rays or ultrasound to save on costs.


1. Brush your dog’s teeth regularly from a young age. Use a doggy toothbrush or a finger brush. You can also use a child’s soft toothbrush or your finger. Buy specially designed dog toothpaste. Do not use human toothpaste since the fluoride can be toxic, and avoid using baking soda because dogs may swallow it. Brushing your dog’s teeth should take about a minute. Focus on the outer surfaces of his teeth.

2. Feed your dog “dental food” which is designed to promote good dental hygiene by cleaning his teeth, preventing plaque buildup and helping remove plaque. 

Consult your vet to ensure the dental formula is appropriate for your dog’s age and beneficial to his overall health. Ensure he will be able to chew the new food.

3. Chew toys can aid in keeping your dog’s teeth clean. Many older dogs may not chew enough to make clear the plaque or tartar.

4. Another option is dental treats instead which can help rub off some of the plaque on his teeth.

5. Some owners put a powdered or liquid oral care additive in his water bowl but it helps mainly to freshen his breath. There are commercial products claiming that it will remove plaque and therefore no need dental work or brushing!  The owner has to make his own judgment.

In conclusion, it is advisable to have your dog’s teeth professionally cleaned by your vet. An annual dental examination will keep your dog's teeth free from dental pain and disease to old age.

In Singapore, many small breeds live past 15 years while big breeds live past 10 years. Hence good dental health is important as the dog will lose weight and become malnourished if it is a picky eater.



4840. BE KIND TO PETS - Neck wounds

15 Jun 2023

Hello Sir, I have one red eared slider. He has a lower neck injury but seems to be not healing. He is 28 years old, the injury probably got from climbing the housing and abrasion. Now he got saggy neck. Should I bring him to see you?


Please phone 6254-3326 for appointment to check out the wounds.  Although the wound looks healed, it may be a festering wound which has pus and bacterial infection and/or foreign bodies. The vet will be able to examine it. 

Saturday, June 10, 2023

4839. A 86-year-old man feels it is better to have dementia

 Fri 9 Jun 2023

I had a quick walk to Lentor Place Playground to achieve some 3000 steps and exercise before going to see Dr Alexander Chung at SGH M Clinic to consult him about my 11-cm liver cyst which was of similar size in 2021.

Mr Ong, a 86-year-old wheel-chaired man was on the pavement alone. The maid had to do housework and he had an electric wheel chair.

"It is good that you have no dementia," I said. "Many as young as 50 years old, can't remember or communicate due to dementia!"

"It is better to have dementia," he said in a soft voice. "I am unable to walk since I fell and had pins onto my neck vertebta. I could move my neck after the surgery but I am paralysed from the waist down." I noticed his thighs have shrunk to the bones,  due to sarcopenia (muscle wasting due to inactivity).

"I used to work from the age 10 to 81," Mr Ong said. "I had a stroke and now only my right hand is mobile." He wriggled his right hand which controlled the switch to his electric wheel chair.

"I have to be careful that the wheel chair does not run out of electricity," he pointed to the 2 green, 2 amber and 1 red light on his wheel chair arm. "Once I was stranded out on Lentor Road as my battery was flat. The passing cars would not stop to help me!"

"Maybe the motorists have to rush to work in the morning," I asked.
"No, it was in the afternoon. The residents would not help me."
"Why don't you phone the police for help?" I asked.
"I don't have a phone. I live nearby and I don't need a phone."

"A mobile phone is important as the police will help you in such situations. Who helped you eventually?"
"My adult daughter who came out," he said. "But the patrolling police car had stopped to check on me 3 times.  At one time, the car reversed and came to ask if I was abandoned by my family!"

A police patrol car does its round of Lentor Estate on most days.

My wife phoned as we had to go to the SGH at 8.30 am if we were to take a Lentor subway. I took leave of Mr Ong. He is a gentleman, but with long life, he is unable to use his left hand and two legs. In retrospect, I think he does not want a handphone or a spare replacement charged wheel chair battery because he has only a functional right hand.

Sometimes, it may be better not to live to a ripe old age if one is infirmed or diabled.


Thursday, June 8, 2023

4838. VET CASE STUDY. Video 1/1 and 2/2. The hamster has a large ear tumour. What to do?

1. The hamster has a large ear tumour. What to do? Video 1/2

The lady owner knew that the large ear tumour can only be treated with surgical removal. A big black scab capped the top of the globular tumour. She is knowledgeable. She made an appointment for surgery on 7 Jun 2023. 

2.  The hamster has a large ear tumour. What to do? Video 2/2

Surgical excision of the large tumour is the only treatment. Anaesthesia carries a risk of death on the operating table. The owner decided to go ahead. The tumour was removed by Dr Daniel Sing on 7 Jun 2023.The hamster went home on the same day and is living a normal life without the irritation of a large itchy infected ear tumour. 





1. Consultation (see below)
2. Surgery (not available, deleted by mistake)





Wednesday, June 7, 2023


5 April 2023

Hello, I would like to make an appointment to see Dr David Sing for my terrapin who is suspected to be egg bound on Thu, 6 Apr 2023.


 6 April 2023

Oxytocin and calcium injections IM and SC. No eggs laid.



9 April 2023. Video.  Hind leg paddling. But no eggs laid in water or floor.


13 April 2023. Video. Eating romaine lettuce hungrily. 

Good morning. Appetite very good. Past two days, ate 60 pellets (40 with multi vitamin dip), 4 romaine lettuce leaves, 3 dried shrimps and 3 prawns. Also had a chunk of banana. 


29 May 2023.
Hi doctor! Just to give you updates on our terrapin. She is always very very hungry but acting normally. So we didn’t reach out to you. Should we be nervous? She has no more egg laying behavior. 


Is it time to X-ray again to be sure she is ok?  WAIT 2 WEEKS.

6 Jun 2023
Hi, we are thinking of taking her for X-ray this week. We will send you the results then?




Around March and April 2023, a 30-year-old red-eared slider had non-stop hind leg paddling, wanting to lay eggs. Vet 1 in Mar and I in April treated with oxytocin and calcium injections. But she did not lay the 3 eggs as shown in the X-ray. 

VET CASE STUDY. PART 2/3. The owner followed up with me as at Jun 2023. No leg paddling. Voracious appetite. She wanted an X-ray. I was OK with it. I did not suggest X-rays as there were no signs of hind leg paddling.   
