Saturday, January 28, 2023

4573. PHOTOGRAPHY. Hermes' firework maker on horseback, Singapore. Google Review 3 stars on statue.

27 Jan 2023. I am David Sing Kong Yuen. Three stars in my google review refer to the maintenance condition of the Hermes' statue in Liat Towers, Singapore.

I like the statue of Hermes' firework maker on horseback carrying two silk scarves. It is very difficult to get a sharp photo using hand held position.

This statue is said to be one of two installed in Hermes' stores worldwide. Two years ago, I took a photo of this statue. The horse was white and relatively clean. Today, the horse has much black and green fungus (see the photo).

I hope Hermes' management will scrub and clean the statue and paint the cap which had white spots (I had photoshopped off the spots). At one time, the Merlion was in a similar fungal infested state too, but nowadays, it appears well maintained.

A bigger photo to view is at

Photo was taken at 10 am, 27 Jan 2023. Canon R5, Tripod. AV Mode, ISO 100, F/16.

May I wish Happy Chinese New Year to all the staff in the store.


Thursday, January 26, 2023

4571. The left ear tumour looked cancerous. The owner did not want the ear lobe removed, just the tumour.


VET CASE V 2/2. 

26 JAN 2023:
The smelly left ear tumour was removed under anaesthetic by Dr Daniel Sing 2 weeks ago. The lady owner did not want the whole ear lobe plus tumour removed as advised by me. My reason was that the large tumour looked cancerous and could have had spread further. It will recur if cancerous. Removal of the ear lobe and tumour would save the owner money and stress. Since no biopsy is done pre-op and no histology of the tumour is done post-op (to save medical costs), I cannot be 100% sure. If cancerous, the ear tumour will recur within 8 weeks.






4570. Penang Hill Railway

MALAYSIA - 28 DEC 2022: The Penang Hill Railway, opened in 1923, is a one-section steep funicular railway which climbs the Penang Hill from Air Itam, for 1.2 miles (1,996 meters). iPhone 13 Pro Max by Shah. 



Wednesday, January 25, 2023

4569. Video of the Goffin's Cockatoos

As the Goffin’s Cockatoo is quite energetic, inquisitive and intelligent, a lot of room is imperative. Allow them to fly freely around the home during the at day, and for night time they should have a large, spacious cage.

These cockatoos should have a lot of free room. 



The biggest threats are some of those common dangers to all parrots – cold temperatures, drafts, toxic fumes, excessive heat and lack of ventilation. This, as well as good hygiene and diet, should always be under control.

Personality & Behavior

High intelligence as well as an affectionate -but often spoiled- personality are the main traits of Goffin’s cockatoos. They can often act like drama queens (and kings) showing you loud and clear that things are not as they want them to be. They also tend to bond deeply to a single person in the home and then act grumpy and territorial towards other family members. These traits are generally evened out with their sociable and loving side, and the endless fun and goofy antics.



Goffin’s cockatoos are almost completely mono colored, but nevertheless cute and beautiful parrots. They are entirely white, with black feet and a gray beak. A small spot between the eye and the beak is colored in bright pink, which serves as a distinct marking. There is also a slight yellow tone on the underside of the tail and wings. Despite the lack of exotic patterns and striking colors, this cockatoo is equally pretty and captivates with its graceful, gentle look.

With its gentle and elegant look, the Goffin’s cockatoo offers a welcome change from all the exotic and brightly colored parrots.

Care and Feeding

A varied natural diet that consists of different fruits, seeds, nuts and palm flowers, is closely resembled in the standard commercial seed mixes designed for cockatoos. This should be supplemented with a regular addition of fresh fruits and vegetables, such as spinach, kale, cabbage, apples, oranges, and bananas. As these cockatoos are avid chewers, a cuttlebone is a smart choice – it helps keep the beak trimmed, and serves as an important dose of calcium and other vitamins.

Health and Common Conditions

When first bred in captivity, the Goffin’s Cockatoo endurance and ability to adapt were praised. They are generally very healthy and hardy birds. The biggest threats are some of those common dangers to all parrots – cold temperatures, drafts, toxic fumes, excessive heat and lack of ventilation. This, as well as good hygiene and diet, should always be under control.

As the Goffin’s Cockatoo is quite energetic, inquisitive and intelligent, a lot of room is imperative. Allow them to fly freely around the home during the at day, and for night time they should have a large, spacious cage.

These cockatoos should have a lot of free room. Their size and inquisitive personality should be taken into account.

Personality & Behavior

High intelligence as well as an affectionate -but often spoiled- personality are the main traits of Goffin’s cockatoos. They can often act like drama queens (and kings) showing you loud and clear that things are not as they want them to be. They also tend to bond deeply to a single person in the home and then act grumpy and territorial towards other family members. These traits are generally evened out with their sociable and loving side, and the endless fun and goofy antics. Without a doubt, the Goffin’s cockatoo can become a funny and loving addition to every family.




Special Characteristics

  • The Goffin Cockatoo is a fun-loving parrot who is a born entertainer.

  • They are clever, loving, curious, playful and energetic.

  • These exciting parrots are a joy to own.

  • Like most Cockatoos the Goffin Cockatoo is comical, and snuggly, but unlike the other Cockatoo breeds the Goffin is quite small, making him very attractive to those who love Cockatoos but do not have room for the large breeds.



Not all can mimic human voice or noise of machines etc.


It is important to tame a Goffin Cockatoo. They can be terribly noisy at times that can be subdued by proper training. These birds are smart, witty, affectionate, inquisitive, active and playful. Some Goffin Cockatoos are extensive talkers. But it would be a mistake to think a Goffin Cockatoo will automatically learn to speak. Some never learn, others only a couple words and yet others will learn a large array of birds. Generally the Goffin Cockatoo is not regarded as a talking parrot, though they can be very loud. Some owners say they scream in a way similar to many Amazons.

Goffin Cockatoo As A Pet

The Goffin Cockatoo is an excellent choice for families as they are usually great with children. It should be noted that as with most of the larger parrots, the Goffin Cockatoo can get quite loud. Because they are intelligent and social creatures the Goffin Cockatoo can be demanding of their owner's attention.

One of the greatest joys in owning a Goffin Cockatoo is receiving their snuggles and cuddles, but they expect to receive as much love and affection as they give. Some Goffin have been known to talk extensively, but this is not the norm.

2567. Bird visit on Day 3 of Chinese New Year 24 Jan 2023.


The above image has been photoshopped in Adobe CC 2023 and is as follows:


2568. VET SURGERY: Enucleation (removal of the eyeball) in the dog.

25 JAN 2023 REVIEW – A vet student from India enquired about the Vet Opthalmology Book title.

40,203 views SINCE 11 Dec 2018

5 Nov 2018. Each vet has his own method of enucleation of the dog.

This video shows one approach adapted from an early edition (before 2018) of: Veterinary Ophthalmology edited by Kirk N. Gelatt, Gil Ben-Shlomo, Brian C. Gilger, Diane V. H. Hendrix, Thomas J. Kern, Caryn E. Plummer.

The narration of the surgical procedure is meant to educate VET STUDENTS.

The actual surgery performed by Dr Sing Kong Yuen, BVMS (Glasgow) at Toa Payoh Vets is not shown as it will be too traumatic for many viewers of YouTube.

This video is meant to educate vet students and interns, using the illustrations in the above-mentioned book. This edition has been updated in 2023 which may or may not show the illustrations.









Tuesday, January 24, 2023

4566. Packaged tours

Will packaged tour agencies be out of business
since the younger Singaporean generation
prefers free and easy tours and Airbnb homestays?

Going to Montreux, Switzerland, 30 Apr 2013A fellow travellor fell going up the speedy escalator to a hotelon the hill top. Fast-paced Grandma Judy (9th from R)did slip and fall, but in another country down the cobblestone street! The ladies shielded her with a towel while caring for her wounds!  




Monday, January 23, 2023

4565. "The old dog vomits again. No hope of survival!", the patriarch said.

VET CASE. IS THERE HOPE FOR THE OLD VOMITING AND ANOREXIC SHIH TZU? Dr Sing Kong Yuen, BVMS (Glasgow) 23 Jan 2023.   "No hope of him living longer," the patriarch saw his old companion weak and hiding in the corner of the living area, beside a standing fan. "Vomiting and not eating. This is not the first incident. The dog is old. Let him eat what he wants!"  

But the young adult daughter WhatsApp me on 10 Jan 2023 as her pet had been under my care during puppyhood. I advised the IV drip treatment with medication. Dr Daniel put him on IV drips and medication at Toa Payoh Vets for 3 days. Blood test showed he had a very high total white cell count and increase in neutrophils - a bacterial infection of the blood which can be treated with antibiotics.  

The first 15 seconds of this video shows that the old dog lethargy and hiding in a corner after vomiting. "His urine smelled bad," the patriarch said that my nurse had also mentioned this to him. "His urine was never smelly!"  

As at 23 Jan 2023, the 2nd day of the Chinese New Year, the dog is active as evident by his following the wife everywhere and barking loudly. He would bite the patriarch when given the crushed medication mixed with water and given via the syringe. "Three people must restrain him," the patriarch said. "Otherwise he would spit the tablets out or bite me." This male 15-year-old Shih Tzu had bitten his mother-in-law once as well as the family members. The family members love him to bits, especially the patriarch who would stop his Grab ride-hailing business to bring the sick dog to Toa Payoh Vets whenever he was sick.  "No hope" was his way of teasing his wife and daughter who would always seek prompt medical treatment for the old companion. 

Some owners would not seek veterinary treatment again. This dog was alive on Chinese New Year which fell on 22 Jan 2023. He would have had died of septicaemia with bacteria and toxins causing organ failure and leading to death. 



0:00 - 0:15.  10 Jan 2023. Vomits. No appetite. Lethargy. Lies in the corner.
0:16 - 0:25    23 Jan 2023. Full recovery. Eats Hill's K/D diet if sprinkled with fried luncheon meat. Barks and follows wife around. Needs 3 people to restrain him to give medication. Bites. Spits out tablet.

0:26 - 1:49   Pre-10 Jan 2013 video shows him eating ravenously and active after earlier treatment at Toa Payoh Vets. He has kidney and bladder stones, hence he is on Hill's K/D diet.

01:50 - 02:30. I did a gait analysis test confirming his right hind leg swings out when he walks. He has slight lameness on his right hind, but it is not affecting his quality of life. He had a long period of right hind dew claw tumour that was not operated for some months and wore an Elizabethan collar 24/7 to prevent him licking the RH dew claw.

I excised his dew claw and he does not need to wear the collar. 

02:31 to end. Video shows the normal stance and behaviour of the old dog pre-10 Jan 2013. Attentive, barking for attention, poops on the floor (poo marking) but the family loves him very much.







9 JAN 2023. Vomits. No appetite. Hides in a corner. Lethargy.
Smelly urine. What to do?




Kidney and bladder stones




Sunday, January 22, 2023

Carpenter bees in Forecourt Garden, Esplanade

Scientific name: Xylocopa flavonigrescens
Common name:Yellow-and-black Carpenter Bee


Hoardings and billboards

Billboard is a large outdoor board for displaying advertisements.

A hoarding is a large outdoor board for displaying advertisement in Singapore. It is only found around building construction projects as a combination of a safety barrier and promotional display.

A billboard is used for promotional display but can be located at various locations.


 FINLAND - 13 MAR 2023: 2 am. A smartphone Galaxy S26 billboard advertisement on a downtown Helsinki building with high traffic. It  creates brand awareness to the highest number of drivers and pedestrians.

Canon R5, lens 24-105mm. AV Mode. ISO 500. 2 am. Back focus. Rm 802, 8th floor, Hotel Vaakuna, Helsinki, Finland.