Saturday, October 23, 2021

4035. LINKED IN POST NO. 3: Practice Makes Perfect - Photographing neighbourhood wildlife for history- red dragonfly, grasshopper glossy legs

LINKED IN Post 3. 23 Oct 2021: Advices for young people - Practice Makes Perfect - Photographing and documenting your neighbourhood wildlife for the younger generation.

I am Dr Sing Kong Yuen, 71 years old semi-retired veterinarian from Singapore. The Covid-19 pandemic has adversely affect job security and has caused business failures and losses. In this uncertain future, I write this post in LinkedIn to advise YOUNG people to create things rather than consume by spending hours watching soap operas online during their free time.

One way is to acquire digital imaging skills daily. Practice makes perfect. As an example, I show this image of the red dragonfly that used to be more than one during the April - Jun 2020 lockdowns when all construction and deforestation were suspended. On 21 October 2021, I saw only one during my trip to Yio Chu Kang Crescent open forest path, facing the Seletar Bus Depot. This path is over a 5-minute stroll. Yet only one red dragonfly is visible. This is due to regular plant and grass cutting and likely anti-mosquito fogging, drastically reducing the number of insects and plant food for the dragonflies. The use of LinkedIn is one way to showcase this photograph for sale. More importantly, it is to encourage the young people to acquire digital imaging skills through practice daily. Photographing a sharp image of the dragonfly with a 18-200 mm lens handholding is not easy. There must be no breeze and good sunlight. The image is sharp because this dragonfly posed patiently for me for more than a minute, instead of flying off. I was around 6 feet away and took about 25 images of various positions. Shutterstock accepted this image as stock photo.  

In conclusion, acquiring digital imaging skills as an amateur photographer will be very useful in your project or office work. Selling stock photos is secondary as there is "no demand" for red dragonflies, in my past 12 months on Shutterstock! Shutterstock pays me USD 10 cents image per download depending on the Buyer's plan. I hope this third post will motivate one of the young people to create, not consume. Please email me at or tel +65 9668-6468, if you wish to know more about my luxury leather face mask to protect against Covid-19 viral transmission. My instagram is @davidsing1. 

Good luck.




21 Nov 2021: Singapore Wildlife. A rare sighting of a grasshopper with glossy green legs, in Yio Chu Kang Cres forest. It posed for several minutes for me. Most grasshoppers seen by me over the last 3 years and 300 visits have dull green legs. They are now also rare due to habitat loss from deforestation.

To buy photo:

4034. My Posts in Linked In. Post No. 1. passive income in stock photos

 Post 1. 20 Oct 2021: Advices for young people - create, not consume

I am Dr Sing Kong Yuen, 71 years old semi-retired veterinarian from Singapore. The Covid-19 pandemic has adversely affect job security and has caused business failures and losses. In this uncertain future, I write this post in LinkedIn to advise YOUNG people to create things rather than consume by spending hours watching soap operas online during their free time.

One way is to earn PASSIVE INCOME ONLINE - making and then selling stock photos.

Rather than preaching, I show what I did during the past 12 months of Covid-19 lockdowns and curbs. I submit photographs to I am amateur photographer, hence more than 80% of my photos have had been rejected as they were not up to standard! I am still doing more research on how to create best quality stock photos.

The above Oriental Common Mime butterfly image was accepted by Shutterstock. That is the FIRST step to display my creations to a global market, without me having to pay shutterstock any money via subscription or membership fee. How I took this image is shared on my blog:

Presently, I sold 486 images for US$131.00. I get US$0.27 per image. Many readers, esp. accountants and high fliers will say this is not worth their time. I agree, but I am trying to motivate the average young person who does not earn high income or who cannot network a lot.

The low revenue is due to a start-up business. I have to stock good quality photos that the world, not just Singaporeans want. This will take time. I am acquiring useful digital imaging skills through being hands-on. These skills are useful for my veterinary case studies and family photography too.

In conclusion, there are different ways to earn passive income online. It will be hard work and very competitive - Shutterstock has more than 380 million images as of June 30, 2021. However, you will acquire skills like good writing and creating good graphic designs.

I hope this post will motivate one of the young people to create, not consume. Please email me if you wish to know more about Shutterstock. Good luck.

Tuesday, October 19, 2021

LINKED IN POST 4. Just take photographs daily and process the good ones.

COMMON GRASS YELLOW BUTTERFLY (Eurema hecabe contubernalis)

Linked In image   2000 px by 600 px is required for best image.

LINKED IN Post 4. 25 Oct 2021: Advices for young people - Just Take Photos Daily to acquire digital imaging skills

I am Dr Sing Kong Yuen, 71 years old semi-retired veterinarian from Singapore. The Covid-19 pandemic has adversely affected job security and has caused business failures and losses. In this uncertain future, I write this post in LinkedIn to advise YOUNG people to create things rather than consume by spending hours watching soap operas online during their free time.

One way to acquire digital imaging skills is to "Just Take Photos Daily". You must process and post at least one good photo in your blog or LinkedIn. If you take photos without processing it regularly, you will NOT acquire digital imaging skills in the long term. Here are my tips for the time-pressed readers starting digital photography. 

TIP NO. 1:  AVOID CAMERA SHAKE. Place your camera on TOP OF THE RAILING of the fence, as in my case. In this way, there will be no hand holding shakes and out of focus images as the butterfly is distant, at 30 feet away.

TIP NO. 2: SETTINGS. For beginners, I advise the "P" (Program Mode), instead of the "M" Mode. This is time-saving for daylight wildlife photography as you don't waste time adjusting ISO, Aperture, Shutter speed if you are not interested in more technical manipulations.

Photographing a SHARP image of the butterfly more than 30 feet away if you hold the camera (a Canon EOS 90D, EFS 18-200 mm lens in my case) will not get you a sharp image usually. This is due to your hand shaking, loss of focus and shutter movement, excluding breezes blowing the butterfly and butterfly movements.

This image is sharp because this butterfly was stationary sipping nectar for more than a minute, instead of fluttering from flower to flower most of the time. There was no breeze. A very good 9 AM sunlight was very helpful.  which is stringent on quality has accepted this image as stock photo. 

The main tip is that I placed the camera on top of the fence  of the shrub area where the butterfly sipped nectar. If I had hand-held the camera, I will never get a sharp image. A tripod is an alternative to placing the camera on the fence rail, but I don’t carry one/ 

TIP NO. 3: HAVE THE CAMERA WITH YOU WHEN YOU ARE OUTSIDE. Be prepared as some images are unique and one of a kind which pop up during your walk or travel. If you don’t carry your camera with you, you will never get a second chance to take unique stock or family images. 



I hope this fourth post with my tip to use “P” Mode will motivate one of the young people who do not have time to fiddle with the technical details of ISO, Aperture and Speed settings to create, not consume.

In conclusion, you have to just start shooting photos daily and post the better ones on your blog to record and review what had not contributed to a sharp image.

I use Linked In to showcase this photograph which is for sale as an example that I do what I “preach”. More importantly, this image is to encourage young people to spare time to acquire digital imaging skills through practice daily. 

Please email me at or tel +65 9668-6468, if you wish to know more about my luxury leather face mask reviewed in Post No. 2 to protect against Covid-19 viral transmission. My instagram is 1

Good luck.


1. Little Yellow
Landing on a flower with a deep tunnel.

2.  Focused on sipping nectar 9.30 am Yio Chu Kang Cres near Lentor Ave for around one minute.

Usually fluttering from flower to flower like the hyperactive person.

This species has a thick brown wing border visible when wings are expanded (see above).

3.  A MALE butterfly came to ask her to play. She was not distracted. She ignored him.
Females are paler yellow. 

She continue sipping nectar. 

Grass Yellow butterfly sips nectar for some seconds. Little movement.
Place camera on top of fence rail, therefore not handheld - 
Canon DSLR EOS 90D, EFS lens 18-200 mm.
'P' Mode, AF. Focus on eye. Single point focus. Click a few continuous images. I was lucky to get the sharp ones as my camera was on top of the fence and not shaky.

This butterfly, with its bright lemon yellow wings with black bordering on the upperside and dark brown markings on the underside, is often very variable, particularly in the underside markings. Female is larger and paler yellow, with broader black but diffused markings on the uppersides of both wings. The dark brown marking at the apex of the forewing is rather distinct. However, there are specimens where this marking is very small or even not present.

SINGAPORE WILDLIFE.  20 Oct 2021.  Dr Sing Kong Yuen, BVMS (Glasgow). 
COMMON GRASS YELLOW BUTTERFLY (Eurema hecabe contubernalis)
Deforestation to build the North-South Corridor connecting North Singapore to the city centre has had destroyed many habitats in Yio Chu Kang Crescent/Lentor Ave area, leading to a great loss of other species of butterflies.  This Common Grass Yellow butterfly, said to consist of 6 species, is common in Singapore as its caterpillar is not fussy about eating only certain species of plants in the wild.

Most of the time, you will notice that the Grass Yellows flutter from flower to flower, not staying for more than 2 seconds usually. This one sips nectar for several seconds, focused on having a good breakfast. A companion came to ask her to fly with him or her. NO DISTRACTIONS. 

This butterfly teaches me the importance of being focused on a task. A good breakfast is also very important, not only for this butterfly, but for people who wish to be healthy mentally and physically.   



1. She chose a flower with deep funnel and purple directional landing guide. 

2. Sips nectar single-mindedly for over a minute

3. A male came to ask her to play - "fly with me". She ignored him. This was 
her breakfast, around 9AM.  

4032. My resume in LinkedIn as at 1 Oct 2021


1. Licensed veterinary surgeon, Singapore.
2. Licensed real estate agent, Singapore.
3. Community education of veterinary students and pet owners.
Some case studies at:
4. Shutterstockphoto contributor.

Monday, October 18, 2021

4031. Ultimate LinkedIn Sales Guide Daniel Disney Writing articles on Linkedin

 18 Oct 2021


5 key pillars to LinkedIn success

1. Profile

2. Network

3. Messaging

4. Content

5. Personal brand. 


PROFILE. It summarises how great you are. Readers don't actually know what you do, what you offer or how it can help them.

Readers go away with an interest in buying from you or your product you sell, but not realising that you sell it.

2. Build a valuable network of prospects, customers and peers.

3. Turn your network into leads and sales opportunities through effective messaging - well-crafted conversation-starting messages, no spammy sales-pitch messages.

4. create sper-engaging content that provides value to your prospects, generates leads and build trust.

5. Personal brand to become a trusted and respected figure in your industry.


How to design a fully optimised profile, back it with content and building a personal brand -- generate regular inbound leads.

But LI can generate OUTBOUND sales opportunities. One way is to message people who view your profile. 

Paid upgrades on LI which allow you to see everyone who has viewed your profile, not just the most recent few.Paid upgraded Premium or Sales Navigator account.

Update profile, check views on a regular basis, build it into your daily routine and make it a part of your outbound sales strategy.



My goal is to help YOU generate leads from LinkedIn.

1. How to create the ultimate LI profile to convert viewers into prospects, leads and customers.

Do a full team profile audit.

1. Do you have a professionally taken headshot?

2. professionally created LI banner that tells people what you do in an engaging way? 

3. Does your headline tell people what it is that you do?

4. profile summary closer to the 2,000-characgter limit?

5. profile summary focused on your ideal customer and not on you?

6. your contact details included?

7. strong relevant media attached to it?

8. skills listed to include the most relevant ones in your top 3?

9. more than 5 recommendations in your LI profile?

Once you optimised your LI profile, look at WHO is viewing it...Free account, see most recent 4 per day unless you view breakfast lunch and dinner..

Upgraded, see EVERYONE which holds a lot of business and sales potential. 

Qualify them. Simply message them, thanking them for viewing your proifle and asking them something relevant totheir role or the product/service that you offer and how they're current utilising that.

Keep checking those views EVERY SINGLE DAY. Make it one of your sales day activity. 



1. Poor profile picture  e.g. wedding, holding a pint of beer 
2. No background / banner image

3. Weak or no summary (which increase your inbound and outbound sales opportunities).

4. The salesperson summary (aa if you are looking for a job). Ok for recruiter. Prospect know you are after one thing - sales to them.

5. Zero recommendations. One of strongest features of LI. Easy to gain. 

6. Creating a customer-focused LI profile. NOT an online CV.  Become customer focused, not sales focuses. How you can help them, not how great you are.



A. Key points are:

1. Write content that is valuable to your prospect
2. Make the content engaging and enjoyable to read

3. Have a strong CTS (call to action ) at the end to show people how you can help.l

4. Include your contact details. 


1. Introductin/Opening Hook. A strong opening sentence or paragraph. This should connect to the title, capture their attention and create desire and intrigue to read the article.

2. The Story. Break the story into easy to digest parts.  Break the story up with quotes, media or links to help drive engagement.

3. CTA. Direct reader as to what you'd like them to do next. E.g directing them to other articles, a website or content engagement.

4. About the author. Similar style to your LI summary. Discuss what is is you do and how you help people and how pepole can get in touch with you.  


1.The phone is not dead

2. Social selling is not dead

3. Email is not dead

4. Sending letters is not dead

5. Networking is not dead

So go out there today, lok at your opportunities and look at all the amazing tools at your disposal. Be creative, be persistent, be passionate and try harder and help people solve more problems with your product. 

If you enjoyed this blog, please click LIKE and click SHARE to share it with your network, thank you!

If you enjoyed this post please take time to read some of my other recent posts.

About the Author:

Daniel Disney is .....

 Daniel is a highly in-demand

To inquire about Daniel keynoting or sepaking at your company or event, or to find out more about his 1-day LinkedIn/social Selling Masterclass, please email.....



The key is to create viral content that is relevant.

1. FB  viral --- hundeds of thousands of likes

2. YouTube --- multiple millions of views

3. LinkedIn --- Daniel says 200 likes

STAGE ONE.  0 - 25 likes for most posts

     25-100 good post.
     200 and above - Stage 1 viral



Disney's experience of the key to viral content on LI

1. the right subject

2. The right format
3. The right time.


Look thru your LI  feed, LH hastags or Twitter hastags or Twitter hasstag


CHAPTER 18. Building an industry-leading personal brand.

Do you need a personal brand?   People buy from people they know, like and trust

How do you build a personal brand? Mainly built up from the content you share and the engagement you provide on a regular basis. If you shae one piece of content per week compared to three times a week...less popular. 

To grow a successful personal brand

1. Consistency and value. If you stop sharing content for more than a week, your personal brand will shrink.

2. Build a personal brand 15 minutes per day

a. Grow your network (5 min). If you add 10 connections per day = 3600 prospects a year. Increase chance of generating inbound enquiaries and to start outbound conversations via messaging.

b. Share and create content (5 min).
Share two bits of news each week and create 3 posts each week. His advice to subscribe to as many industry-relevant news channels as possible - latest industry news to your inbox daily. Find a good article and click the LI icon to share, plus adding your own thoughts take up 5 min.

Creating a nice post - quick photo of yourself in a specific location with some writing, a quick story, some insight or even a short 3-min video --- easily create something impactful in 5 minutes. 

Done right, you generate inbound leads and opportunity to start conversations with prospects.

 c. Social post engagement (5 min).

liking, commenting on a few posts. Prospect's content (you earn credibility) 

and industry-relevant content.

3. Personal brand top tips
Think before you do and make sure what you do aligns to your brand. 

70% - 80% professionally relevant content
20-30% personal content

CONSISTENCY IS KEY. Schedule time daily weekly to do your personal brand building activities.  Adopt a GIVING mentality. Create content TO GIVE VALUE, NOT FOR ENGAGEMENT. 


CHAPTER 19.Generating leads from LI

Highest performing lead generation techniques are:

1. Content and personal brand. biggest generator of leads for Daniel and students.
A LinkedIn article is one of the best forms of content for lead generation because it has:
"About you" section to goes into detail about what yo offer and how they can get in touch.
Thee aen't any other forms of content that allow you to do this, except advertising style.

Other forms of content work well - when you ceat good, engaging, value-packed posts, that in a very subtle way, hightlight how you help and the results you can help people achieve.

Remember 3 key things:
1. row your audience with your target prospects or people who may recommend you to your target prospects. Grow it every single day. 

 2. Engage with idnustry-relevant posts to get your name out on a regular and consisent basis

3. create your own authentic and industry-elevant content on a regular basis.

A good personal brand generate inbound leads for you but done right, prompt and encourage other people to tag you into potential hot leads for people posting about your porduct or service or throuh more direct introductions and referrals. 


is a lead generator. make your profile customer facing and focus on how you can help them, not what you can sell them. Biggest impact in lead generation are your profile background/banner image and your summary with your profile photo having a small influential factor as well.


DO interviews on other people's content.  eg. guest on an industry-elevant podcast, writing a guest blog for an indusry publication, doing a LI LIVE interview with someone. A strongest generator of inbound leads for Daniel.  



1. Share content regularly, what you're doing, events you'e atending, industry news that you'e reading, books, stories, insights etc.

2. Engage with their content. Click LIKE writes a COMMENT

3. Other platforms like FB, Twitter IG
4.Video and audio messaging to send update messages or catch-up messages that are more engaging than written ones.



1. to schedule content in advance. Hootsuite does the same.

2. to create a lot fo the content he shares as well as creating LI banners.

3.  record, edit and share great videos both for content and for prospecting.

4. Shield analystics. to see deeper analytics of my content on LI and what's working best. 

5. Mematic on iPhone to create memes.

6.   add subtitles/captions to my videos

7. Qucktime Player and iMovie to record and edit videos.

8. Logitech C920S came for his videos, webinars, LI LIVESs and podcast.

9. snowball Ice microphone to record and capture all of my audio.

10. Docooler Ring Light. ensure lighting is as good as  possible during videos.

11. LinkedIn Sales navigator to help with all my social selling activities. 

12. CRM to track and ecord social selling insights and results.  he recommends Hubspot, Gold Vision CRM, Salsforce, Microsfot Dynamics, Pipedrive, SET for Business and Freshworks CRM

13. Lead Forensiscs. to track who is viewing your websitge, which you can integrate into your sales and social selling stragegy. 

14. Sales Engagement platform that help sreamline your sales and social selling actiities. Outreach, VanillaSoft and Salesloft. 


Wednesday, October 13, 2021

4029. Oriental Common Mime Butterfly in Yio Chu Kang forest

13 Oct 2021. Yio Chu Kang Crescent forest. 

Oriental Common Mime (Papilio clytia clytia Linnaeus)

This butterfly was patiently posing for me. No breeze shaking the flower and butterfly. Good morning sunlight. Took 9 images at one continuous mode. This was the 7th image. Image is judged by how sharp the eyes are. In this image eyes are sharp.

Oriental Common Mime (Papilio clytia clytia Linnaeus)

The above photo is for sale at:

As at 20 Oct 2021, 19 images are available for sale at  

In my assessment, m
y image is the most useful for printing on mugs, T-shirts, project work
(Personal prints, cards and gifts, or reference for artists)
for the following reasons:

1. Sharp image
2. Good contrast of butterfly 
3. Uncluttered background - no blurry flowers 
4. Action: Sipping nectar from a commonly seen wild flower, Bidens pilosa.


As at 20 Oct 2021, 1 image (with left wing clipped) is available for sale at  



Canon DSLR EOS 90D, EFS 18-200mm lens,  P Mode*, single point focus, continuous mode.
Handheld. I focused on the eye. Shot 9 images continuously. The 7th image was sharp.
The butterfly was sipping nectar for several seconds. No breeze. 10 AM. 
* Professional photographers use Manual M Mode and settings. 


It is very difficult to take sharp images of butterflies without a better lens. The use of a tripod is advised. Handheld movements, shutter clicking movements, breezes, butterfly movements result in poor quality images. Continuous shots more than 9 will be better to get more chances of capturing one sharp image.




Post 1. 20 Oct 2021: Advices for young people - create, not consume

Bachelor of Veterinary Medicine and Surgery at Glasgow University United Kingdom

I am Dr Sing Kong Yuen, 71 years old semi-retired veterinarian from Singapore. The Covid-19 pandemic has adversely affect job security and has caused business failures and losses. In this uncertain future, I write this post in LinkedIn to advise YOUNG people to create things rather than consume by spending hours watching soap operas online during their free time.

One way is to earn PASSIVE INCOME ONLINE - making and then selling stock photos.

Rather than preaching, I show what I did during the past 12 months of Covid-19 lockdowns and curbs. I submit photographs to I am amateur photographer, hence more than 80% of my photos have had been rejected as they were not up to standard! I am still doing more research on how to create best quality stock photos.

The above Oriental Common Mime butterfly image was accepted by Shutterstock. That is the FIRST step to display my creations to a global market, without me having to pay shutterstock any money via subscription or membership fee. How I took this image is shared on my blog:

Presently, I sold 486 images for US$131.00. I get US$0.27 per image. Many readers, esp. accountants and high fliers will say this is not worth their time. I agree, but I am trying to motivate the average young person who does not earn high income or who cannot network a lot.

The low revenue is due to a start-up business. I have to stock good quality photos that the world, not just Singaporeans want. This will take time. I am acquiring useful digital imaging skills through being hands-on. These skills are useful for my veterinary case studies and family photography too.

In conclusion, there are different ways to earn passive income online. It will be hard work and very competitive - Shutterstock has more than 380 million images as of June 30, 2021. However, you will acquire skills like good writing and creating good graphic designs.

I hope this post will motivate one of the young people to create, not consume. Please email me if you wish to know more about Shutterstock. Good luck.

Tuesday, October 12, 2021

4028. PHOTOS FOR SALE - Singapore flora and fauna and images

12 Oct 2021.

PHOTOS FOR SALE - Singapore flora and fauna and images for project work and print on demand things.


Some photos are rare sightings of Singapore fauna. Deforestation, habitat loss and climate change have had reduced their numbers in the past 3 years and they may be extinct in Singapore soon.

Go to:


4027. Keep our parks clean


Singapore environment cleanliness is policed by the NEA (National Environmental Agency) which contracts cleaning on tender basis. In this case, SembCorp Waste Management is contracted to keep the Teachers' Housing Estate Children's Playground clean of fallen leaves and litter 7 days a week.

The NEA officer may check the garbage bins. On Sundays, the colour of the garbage bag to contain the fallen leaves which had been hoovered to a pile and then swept into the grey garbage bag as shown in the videos will be put inside the bin. If the NEA officer sees a different colour on Sunday, he knows that there was no area cleaning. For each bin with a non-grey garbage bag, the fine to SembCorp is S$50. 

An area may have a hundred garbage bins which should contain grey garbage bags with leaves on Sundays. The fine could be very high if the cleaner does not bother.

In my opinion, three times a week of area cleaning of the leaves will do, to save on the usage of plastic bags and to save the environment. 7 days a week is good for the residents, but bad on the environment as too many plastic garbage bags are used and not all will be 100% full.