Sunday, October 18, 2020


Singapore wildlife: Green spiders in Singapore

A very rare sighting. On 16 Oct 2020, in Yio Chu Kang Crescent,  I saw two green spiders of less than 0.4 inches long. 


Green lynx spiders seen in Singapore Yio Chu Kang Crescent. 
The adult is less than 1 inch long. They don't spin a web but pounce on the prey with their legs, like a lynx cat.  The following image shows a young spider at around 0.4 inches long.


Lighter green yellowish colour. 
Young green lynx spider 0.4 inches long.


Young green lynx spider around 0.4 inches long

Adult green lynx spider around 0.8 inches long



Dr David Sing
+65 9668-6468




INTERNET SEARCHES - green lynx spiders. Photos are NOT for sale.

Peucetia viridans

Peucetia viridans, the green lynx spider, is a bright-green lynx spider usually found on green plants. It is the largest North American species in the family Oxyopidae. This spider is common in Jamaica.

The species name, viridans, is Latin for "becoming green". It should not be confused with either

 Peucetia. viridana, a species that occurs only in India and Myanmar, or P. viridis from Spain and Africa.

The body of the female may be as much as 22 millimeters (0.87 in) long. The male is smaller, being more slender and averaging 12 millimeters (0.47 in) in length. There often is a red patch between the eyes, with a few red spots on the body. The eye region is clothed with white appressed hairs.

The dorsal surface of the abdomen bears about six Chevron-like marks with the centres pointing forward. The legs are green to yellow, bearing long black spines such as appear on the legs of most species of Oxyopidae, and with a generous scattering of black spots. Peucetia viridans is confusingly similar to Peucetia longipalpis, the other Peucetia species to occur in the United States, but Peucetia longipalpis tends to have a shorter, fatter, more domed abdomen, with less pronounced markings in its upper surface.

Late in the season Peucetia viridans is prone to change its colour from predominantly green to paler yellow, typically with streaks of reddish, suggesting degradation of the tetrapyrrole pigment in the blood. Gravid females may change their color to fit their background. This takes about 16 days.[1]


The green lynx spider very seldom bites humans, and when it does, its venomous bite, though painful, is not deadly[3] but may cause surrounding swelling (edema) up to 7"-10" in diameter.[4]

The species is primarily of interest for its usefulness in agricultural pest management, for example in cotton fields. The spiders have been observed to hunt several moth species and their larvae, including some of the most important crop pests, such as the bollworm moth (Heliothis zea), the cotton leafworm moth (Alabama agrillacea), and the cabbage looper moth (Trichoplusia ni). However, they also prey on beneficial insects, such as honey bees.[5]

Female green lynx spider

Green lynx spider

By Vengolis - Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0,

Green lynx spider with egg sac

Madhumay Mallik - Own work

Lynx spiders are hunters specialized for living on plants. This species does not use a web to capture its prey. In our region, it often lies in wait for insects in the blooms or on the pads of prickly pear, for which its bright green color offers ideal camouflage. It pounces on its prey in a cat-like manner, which is the reason for the name “lynx.” It is active during the day.

AaronD12 - Own work

A close-up picture of a Green Lynx Spider on a rose, in the public rose gardens in Tyler, Texas.

Scott.Batson - Own work

Green lynx spider with carpenter bee

Green Lynx spider in our garden, Big Bear City, CA 92314

Odubslaine - My personal camera. Previously published:

Jagualex - Own work

Green lynx spider 

ErgoSum88 - Own work

Green-colored spider, identified as a green lynx spider by the wikipedia reference desk

Wintertanager J.T. Storey - Own work

Peucetia viridans (Green Lynx Spider), female, Mason Regional Park, Irvine CA

Wintertanager J.T. Storey - Own work

Peucetia viridans (Green Lynx Spider), female, Mason Regional Park, Irvine CA

Male Green Lynx Spider, Chesapeake, VA

TheLivingDead111 - Own work

Male Green Lynx Spider on a Sunflower.

Friday, October 16, 2020

Ladyfinger's flower and fruits seen today 15 Oct 20


The average Singapore will rarely see how
a ladyfinger's flower look lide. See these videos.

Monday, October 12, 2020

Presentation, Thinking and Design Ed Gruwez

 Book into 2 parts.

1. insights, presentations, brain work, logic of TLSM method.
2. 4 phases to construct your presentation. Practical tips. 

1. Presentations are difficult to create
2. Most presentations are poorly prepared.
2.1 Lack of reflection.
Too many details.
Conclusion too late
Too long
Unclear message
Too quick to opt for power point
Bad content
Not critical enough

3. slides for the speaker instead of the public

4. Bad habits are contagious.

5. Too much of a good thing.

6. Insufficient knowledge of the software


Good orator

1. Focus on the feelings of the audience

2. Show good character and benevolent spirit.

3. Use emotions to strength your message

4. Be moved by your own message.

5. Use imagery that touches a chord with the audience. 

Good presentation

1. Achieves objectives of the speaker
2. Concise but complete

3. clear, logically structured, easy to understand
4. attracts and keep attention.

5. relevant for the audience

6. entertaining and makes a good impression.

7. engages the mind but also touches the heart. 

Boost your creative thinking

1. Think as a beginner. Look at a subject as though you know nothing about it.

2. Think 'out of the box'. Free yourself from your paradigm (model, pattern), break fixed habits and escape from close structures. 

3.Be prepared to make mistakes.

4. Steal with your eyes.

5. Go out.

6. Choose the right moment.   Always keep a notepad or smartphone handy to jot down those brilliant ideas when they strike.  

7. Be enthusiastic.  Live, breathe and eat the subject. 

8. Make the most of limitations. 

Two ways to better presentations
1. Make sure that you understand how your audience thinks.

2.  Use a process to design your presentation. TLSM method. 

1. Make sure that you understand how your audience thinks.

The impact of emotions

Emotions are stored in our brain together with memories

influence which stimuli will get attention

play a role in decision-making processes

strengthen our memories, so that we remember them longer. 
These are 4 very good reasons for working emotions into your presentations.

2.  Use a process to design your presentation. TLSM method. 


ethos: The Thinking

logos: the Logic

pathos: the Story 

the fourth: the Media


Friday, October 9, 2020

3162. Vasectomy for a male guinea pig is not possible

 No guinea pig owner has had requested for such surgeries," I told the owner who wanted vasectomy for his male guinea pig so that he will retain his male characteristics. "I don't want him to be effeminate, as he is affectionate towards the female now."

The owner has had to monitor both to prevent pregnancy. I asked for photos of the guinea pig and measurements. He sent them as follows:




Thank you for the excellent photos. A physical examination is needed. Please come at 10 am with the guinea pig food and water.

Vasectomy is not recorded to have been done on guinea pigs. I showed the owner the illustrations of vasectomy in a dog. "The vas deferens is much bigger and longer as the dog is much bigger than a guinea pig," I said to him. "In the adult male dog, the vas deferens is around 4 mm in diameter. 1 cm
of the vas deferens is cut off."  In the guinea pig, the vas deferens is around 1 - 2 mm and therefore, not of sufficient size for ordinary surgery to pull it out to ligate."

The owner agreed to the neutering. This was done. 

Thursday, October 8, 2020

3161. INTERN*****. VIDEO CREATION. Singapore Wildlife stories. Esplanade lizard performance on 6 Oct 2020


To edit video.

Use the following footages:

The young Oriental Garden Lizards flashed his "gular sacs" several times. This is an uncommon sighting. Usually, the male will do this to attract the ladies. In this case, he may be warning Dr Sing who was videoing him.   

1:51 - 2:08. Dr Sing Kong Yuen visited the Esplanade to check on the Oriental Garden Lizards as some days, there were none or one or two. 

Today, a surprise.

ACT 1. The young lizard hopped on the bench and came towards his side...down the ground and disappeared. Flashed "gular sacs" once or twice briefly. 

Went to back of bench and I was able to take close up photo at 1 foot away of him at the side of the bench, see below. He did not attempt to run away. 


VERY RARE sighting of the young ones of this species. A review of the Oriental Garden Lizard in the internet shows 99% adult ones from various countries. Dr Sing was just 12 feet away, and this young lizard was not running away, but appeared to give a one-to-one performance in the Forecourt Garden of the Esplanade - Theatres on the Bay on 5 Oct 2020, around 11 am.


A SOLO PERFORMANCE WITH ENCORES of flashing the "gular sacs"  

0:00 to 0:31  saw Dr Sing videoing and flashed the orange "gular sacs"
0:55 - 1:05   went down the tree trunk, facing the ground

1:12 - 1:24   again flashed the "gular sacs"
2:16 - 2:47  flash again very short bursts

3:15 - 3:34 Dr Sing was around 10 feet away

3:47 - 4:01 

4:33 - 5:00

Ran to back of tree trunk and hop to the ground, ending the performance.

0:37 - 0:50  bobbing the head and chest up and down to intimidate predators/others. Usually seen in adult males in breeding season.

3160. VENTRAL NECK FOLD ABSCESS in a 25-year-old male red-eared slider. Neck collar


2:46 TO 3:52

This video shows Day 8 of inpatient treatment by Vet 2 (Dr Sing Kong Yuen) for ventral neck fold swelling and edema, diagnosed as bacterial infections of the ventral neck fold. This would total 13 days since consulting Vet 1. The video was used as a training instruction for his two veterinary assistants on the care of ab anorexic  (not eating) slider with a swollen neck fold. 


TITLE - Ventral Neck Fold Edema in a red-eared slider


  The slider has a painful swollen ventral neck fold. The medical condition is known as ventral neck fold edema or swelling.  He stopped eating. The owner had been applying anti-fungal cream on his swollen neck fold but failed to cure him. Instead, he became anorexic. 

The likely cause was bacterial infection from the sharp toe nails of the other slider penetrating into the ventral neck fold. 


 Vet 1 had treated the slider for 5 days for neck edema and had asked the owner to take the slider home to nurse herself. The slider was eating 5 pellets per day and would require syringe feeding of Critical Care to prevent malnutrition. But the owner said she was unable to do the syringe feeding and consulted Dr Sing Kong Yuen. The slider was warded for another.... days till he ate 40 pellets daily.

This is a case of a severe infection of the ventral neck fold due to:

1. TANK SIZE. Housing of two adult red-eared sliders in a small tank. The aggressive slider used his toe nails to lacerate this slider's neck fold, causing at least 3 penetrating lacerated wounds. Physical examination confirmed this. With infection inside the ventral neck fold, the bacteria multiplied, caused inflammation, pain and swelling of the ventral neck fold.


Treatment is by
1. Inpatient nursing as the owner will be unable to syringe feed the Critical Care probably and sufficiently.
2. Lancing, drainage and irrigation of the inside of the swollen neck fold to eliminate the bacteria and debri.  I used hydrogen peroxide to irrigate the inside tissues of the swelling after lancing with a scalpel blade. 



3. antibiotics and pain-killers. Critical Care and mutlivitamins. 

It is important to incise, drain and irrigate the inside of the neck fold swelling. This will remove thh infected dead skin cells, pus and debri inside the swollen neck fold. 


Otherwise, the ventral neck fold might be a hard rough lump impeding the movement of the red-eared slider, causing more pain and wounds from friction when the slider walks on the floor. 

Prompt and early veterinary treatment will be preferred. As at 9 October 2020.....get photo of the RES by phoning the owner.






Facebook of Toa Payoh Vets
8 October 2020.


Fold edemas are usually caused by neoplastic or non-neoplastic conditions.   

This old red-eared slider has a SWOLLEN NECK FOLD with 3 claw scratch wounds. Vet 1 diagnosed NECK FOLD EDEMA and treated as an inpatient for around 5 days and asked the Owner to bring him home as the slider was eating 5 pellets. 

I was consulting on this Thursday.
The Owner was unable to give the oral medication and Critical Care by herself and requested me to treat him till his appetite recovered fully. NECK FOLD EDEMA in this case, in my examination, was due to bacterial infections of the ventral neck fold for a long time. The bacteria entered the inside of the neck fold through traumatic injuries from the sharp toe nails of the other adult red-eared slider. 


TANK SIZE:BOTH ADULT SLIDERS WERE HOUSED in a small plastic tray (the owner posted me an image of the blue tray around 4 feet x 2 feet x 1 foot.

This slider's lower neck fold was penetrated by the sharp toe nails of the other slider for many weeks and had become thickened  one-hundred fold. 

Inpatient treatment for another 2 weeks was needed as the slider was not eating. I lanced the lower neck wound and syringed 3% hydrogen peroxide to irrigate and flush out the inside of the thick neck fold. 

This video shows Day 8 of my inpatient treatment. Syringe feeding of Critical Care, vitamins, antibiotics and pain-killers were given. When the slider at at least 40 pellets by himself, I sent him home. 

Many Singapore slider owners are not experienced to syringe feed thie sick slider. It is this syringe feeding that sustains the life of the slider and enable a full recovery. Adult sliders should eat at least 40 pellets per day by themselves. Otherwise, they become emaciated, malnourished and die.


The owner said that the neck fold swelling was still present, but the slider has excellent appetite. She had difficulty feeding the antibiotics. The multivitamin was smeared onto the pellets. The slider at twice a day and was all right. I advised around 2 hours of water per day per feeding and direct sunlight to aid healing of the wound. Her apartment area did not have direct sunlight.

It is a pleasure to see this 25-year-old slider recovered his appetite. Sliders are said to live up to 30 years in captivity or 40 years in the wild. 

See images and videos below:


More information at: (THIS BLOG).




Wednesday, October 7, 2020

3159. An encapsulated facial abscess in a dwarf hamster.

 Some owners take a long time to consult the vet. The facial abscess has time to form a capsule to wall off the pus. The family vet lanced and drained the abscess two time as the facial swelling recurred.

The owner consulted Toa Payoh Vets. Under anaesthesia, Dr Daniel Sing excised the whole abscess including the capsule 



Some vets may not realise that an abscess can also be encapsulated. If the abscess recur, it is time to put the hamster under general anaesthesia to excise the whole abscess with capsule. Refer to a hamster vet if you do not perform such surgeries rather than lance and drain again.