Monday, May 13, 2024

5870: VET CASE STUDY. Telehealth consultation of a cat having difficulty peeing for the 3rd time.


13 May 2024. To Dr Sing Kong Yuen. WhatsApp 9668-6468, Singapore. 4am.

Hello sir, sorry to disturb in the wee hours of the night, but i would like to enquire about whether toa payoh vets has slots to walk in later in the afternoon. my cat currently has UTI and i might have to bring him in  later

Please phone 6254 3326 at 10am for appointment.

How do you know your cat has uti? Please send a video.

because hes had it 2 times before, its the same symptoms and he is in pain when i slightly apply pressure to his bladder area so i highly suspect its UTI
thanks for replying at this timing though really appreciate it

Can he pee normally?
Was x ray done?




cant see much from the video but he is trying to relief pressure from his hind area when he tries to sit or lie down
never done xray before
the previous 2 times it was just the tubing into the tract

What food do you feed?
Brand of food
his diet now mainly is the urinary tract food from royal canin and wet food time to time

Do you feed cat treats?
maybe once or twice a month
but im not sure whether its still UTI because he has been vomitting and theres dark green sticky stool

What is brand of other dry food you feed, other than Royal Canin?
when the royal canin was on delivery previously we temporarily replaced with snappy tom
but his main diet is still the royal canin one

Have you been feeding snappy Tom for the last 3 weeks?

is it a bad brand?
cause we have another cat and she mainly eats that with no issues
so sometimes when the other cat is eating he will chase her away and he will eat instead

I will need to check his urine, do blood tests and X-rays if you are okay and explain to you after the tests. Please tell my clinic that you wish to make appointment with me, Dr Sing Kong Yuen.

alright could i get a rough estimation of the cost so i have time to gather the budget. (costs given orally).

Hsu, make appointment for me at 11am. Dysuria haematuria for 3rd time in around 1 year and vomiting in a cat. Urine tests, blood test and x rays needed. Tel 9003 2583.

sorry not 3rd time in one year
the previous time was more than one year ago

sorry. 3rd time now, but the 2nd time was one year ago.


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