Monday, March 11, 2024

5669. PHOTOGRAPHY TIPS: Magnolias in early Spring in Shanghai

PHOTOGRAPHY TIPS: Magnolias in early Spring in Shanghai. Many internet photos do not show magnolia flowers on their own as there are many other flowers or objects in the background or at the side.

Beautiful white and pink flowers on a tree blossom in early Spring in a park in Shanghai on 8 Mar 2024, 10.40am.  Makes an impressive row of snow white-flower tree in a public park or house garden.

Canon R5, AV, 105mm, f/7.1, 1/250sec. Handheld.  

Magnolias in a Shanghai park, 8 Mar 2024, 10.40am. Canon R5, AV, 105mm, 1/250sec, f/7.1, ISO 100. Avoid photos of other flowers 



Magnolias need plenty of sunshine and shelter from strong winds and frosts, which can damage the flowers. Heavy pruning in summer will remove the developing flower buds and will also stress the tree, preventing it from flowering. Lack of water can also stress the tree. Blackened foliage is due to frost damage.







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