Monday, February 26, 2024

5652. Legal matters: Section 7D of the citizenship law in India

Section 7D of the citizenship law bars overseas citizens of India (OCI) from conducting research, journalism, mountaineering, missionary work or visiting "protected" areas without a permit.

The government can remove the OCI status of individuals if they "express dissaffection towards the Constitution...or in the interest of sovereignty of India, security of state or in public interest."

India created the OCI in 2005 under the Citizenship Act, 1955, to allow foreign citizens of Indian origin or foreigners married to Indian citizens to enter India without a visa, and to reside, work and hold property, among other benefits. OCIs have no voting rights. More than 4.5 million people across the world are OCIs.

If the OCI card is cancelled, one is blacklisted in India.  Banned from travelling to India. Many in the Indian diaspora fear state action against their families in India or hope that their status would be reinstated it they stay silent. If they speak out on social media, they request anonymity to prevent reprisals. 


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