Saturday, December 16, 2023

5013. PHOTOGRAPHY TIPS: A jumping spider 10mm long. Use tripod and TV mode

PHOTOGRAPHY TIPS: A jumping spider 10mm long. Use tripod and TV mode


 The Jumping Spider (10mm long) jumps to catch its prey e.g. ants, flies, other spiders. This one was watching a line of small busy ants passing it up and down the stalk of the plant in Lentor MRT Station garden. What is the best way to prey on one ant? Will the other ants come to the rescue? So many decisions to make to eat breakfast!

15 Dec 2023. Lentor MRT garden



Spotted this small jumping spider 10mm long in Lentor MRT station gardens on 15 Dec 2023. 9.47 am. It sees a line of busy small red ants patrolling the stalk. A feast as this type of spider jumps to grasp its prey to eat. But it has to be aware of the environment. What if the rest of the small ants attack it if it jumps onto one for breakfast? It will die. So, a dilemma is created in a situation of feast.  "Think before you leap?







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