Tuesday, December 5, 2023

4980. PHOTOGRAPHY TIPS: Kopsia fructicosa - small new bloom high up the shrub

 PHOTOGRAPHY TIPS: Kopsia fructicosa - small new bloom high up the shrub. Lentor Place playground. Singapore. 4 Dec 2023,

Canon R5 on tripod. Hold tripod up higher to angle onto central core of flower. Use TV and 33mm focal length, NOT to USE 105mm to enlarge image, 1/500sec as image will not be sharp. This tripod is actually a folded one, becoming a monopod to be carried higher up to focus on the centre of the flower which is further in and small.

Handheld shots without the "monopod" may be OK but you may not get sharp details in the centre part of the new young flower. Enlarging image by using 105mm did not give me any sharp  details of the core. Take multiple shots.








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