Saturday, November 25, 2023

4967. PHOTOGRAPHY tips: The Sponge Gourd in a private house garden.

 PHOTOGRAPHY TIPS: Use TV as there is a breeze.

Canon R5, TV, Handheld, ISO 1000, f/4.5, 1/500 sec, 37mm.
23 Nov 2023, 8.40 am. Bright sunny morning. Lentor Loop private house garden. Red ants.

Luffa cylindrica var. insularum


Sponge Gourd, Dish-cloth Gourd, Smooth Loofah

There are no gourds like the Sponge Gourd! Not only can the young tasty fruit be cooked and eaten, the fibrous mature fruit can be used as a natural sponge. The high shock and water absorbency of these fibres allow for its infinite use, ranging from general cleaning, cosmetics, biofilters to machinery insulation.

Fauna Pollination Dispersal Associated Fauna


Pollination Method(s)

Biotic (Fauna) (Insects (Bee))

Luffa cylindrica  is a very fast growing climber. Its leaves are 7 - 20 cm across and have three lobes. Flowers are bright yellow with 5 petals.  The fruits which grow to about 60 cm in length are oblong or cylindrical, smooth and contain many seeds. The fruit is brown when mature and dries on the vine to develop an inedible sponge-like structure.


Economic and other uses

The dry fruit of Luffa cylindrica  can be used as a sponge. Young green fruits can be boiled and eaten as a vegetable.

Environmental and other impacts

This species is capable of invading disturbed areas.






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