Monday, October 23, 2023

4226. PHOTOGRAPHY TIPS: Storm water canal at 4 pm, Plaza Singapura. Use AV

PHOTOGRAPHY TIPS: Storm water canal at 4 pm, Plaza Singapura. Use AV. Support your elbow on the railing of the bridge to get sharp image.

Canon R5, AV, f/11, ISO 100, 1/100 sec, 24mm
19 Oct 2023, 4 pm.


Good Morning

from fishes in a storm water canal near Plaza Singapura 







Good health (clean waters of the storm water canal) is due to a government who cares, execute and enforce no waste disposal into canals many years ago. Hence now we see fishes in this canal, not dead chicken and garbage. Good health of a person begins with daily sustainable health care for yourself.

Good health of a person begins with daily sustainable health care for yourself.

Do you have the motivation to eat healthy, exercise and get knowledge on how to keep yourself in good health?

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