Thursday, January 12, 2023

4550. VET CASE. Video 1/3. What to do when you adopt a hamster with a leg fracture?

VET CASE. Video 1/3, 2/3, 3/3.  What to do when you adopt a hamster with a leg fracture? 

12 Jan 2023 Consultation.

"I adopted this hamster via a Facebook advert which said that the owner had cats and could not keep this hamster!" the courier lady in her late 30s told me. "He was lame on the right hind leg, but I did not think it was serious."

"He has a lower leg bone fracture," I told her. "I could feel the sharp end of a broken bone protruding out of the skin!".

"It could just be hairs," my assistant commented based on observation, without examination.

"The white piece certainly looks like hairs," I replied. "However, I could feel it and it was sharp at the end."

My assistant agreed it was a fractured piece of femoral-tibial bone of the right hind leg. Physical examination is most important.

"You have two options for treatment," I said to the owner who has two Syrian hamsters.
"Option 1 is to amputate the infected painful foot below the knee. The hamster will live normally with 3 good legs.

"Option 2 is to treat the big infected swelling with medication - antibiotics and anti-inflammatory. The chances of success are very slim as the bone fragment had protruded out of the skin and infections had gone inside, leading to a big red swelling."

The owner said, "A dwarf hamster costs $20.00 only as compared to the surgery. But I have had adopted him and will help him." She decided to pay for the amputation surgery.    

This was a very kind-hearted lady. Surgery will be done 2 days later by Dr Daniel.








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