Saturday, July 23, 2022

4173. THE TNR Program in Singapore - Stray Cats. A volunteer of 20 years.

Dr Sing Kong Yuen, BVMS (Glasgow)

1. Culling the stray cat and dogs using the pest control companies and professional trappers paid on performance, shooting of stray dogs in the early 1980s or feeding them poisoned food have been practised in Singapore. Over the past years, kind individuals and NGOs (Non-government Organisations) and the AVS (Animal & Veterinary Service) have successfully executed the TNR Program.

 2. The TNR (Trap-Neuter-Release)  Program involves the following: 

2.1 Cat trappers are either volunteers or professionals who use the cat trap cage to entice the cat with cat food to trap them.

2.2 Cat welfare activists who are volunteers will transport the stray cats to and fro this clinic for this service.They may be cat trappers as in these two videos.

2.3  A veterinary clinic that participates in the TNR (Trap Neuter Return) program provides low-cost sterilisation of the stray cats.

The two videos show the kindness of an individual --- a 70-year-old woman (VOL) who operates her TNR program for the past 20 years.



VIDEO 1/2. 

In this video, she is putting a cat trap into the boot of her van after retrieving it from the veterinary clinic. She spoke about her self-funded services to stray cats and dogs in Singapore. This is a rough translation of her Hokkien to English conversations with Dr Sing Kong Yuen (SKY). 

SKY: This is a cat volunteer. Are you a volunteer (in the TNR program)?

VOL:  Ah...Volunteer? You can say that.

SKY: You are not paid (for doing this TNR program)

VOL: No (payment of) money lah! (for doing this work)

SKY: You have had been doing this workfor 10 years?

VOL: 20 years

SKY: Do you feed stray cats?

VOL: I feed 10 cats. I have two at home.

SKY: Do you feed stray cats?

VOL: Yes, yes, yes

SKY: Does the Cat Welfare Society give you money (for the TNR work)? 

SKY:  Do you feed stray cats?

VOL: Yes, yes, yes

SKY: (Do) you buy your cat food?

VOL: I buy the food myself

SKY: Does the Cat Welfare (Society) give you money (to buy food)?

VOL: No lah!

SKY: It does not provide you money?

VOL: No lah! I am self-funded. 

VOL: I feed (strays) in Harus

SKY: Not many (strays) in Harus nowadays?

VOL: Very few

SKY: You feed stray cats or dogs?

VOL: Dogs and cats. Harus has no stray cats. Cats are in Simei

SKY: Do you feed (strays) daily?

VOL: Yes




1. The TNR (Trap-Neuter-Release) Program involves the following: 

1.1 Cat trappers are either volunteers or professionals who use the cat trap cage to entice the cat with cat food to trap them.

1.2 Cat welfare activists who are volunteers will transport the stray cats to and fro this clinic for this service.They may be cat trappers as in these two videos.

1.3  A veterinary clinic that participates in the TNR (Trap Neuter Return) program provides low-cost sterilisation of the stray cats.

A kind 70-year-old woman (VOL) operates this TNR program for 20 years.


SKY: (This bike is used) for feeding (stray cats)? This bike is not for catching dogs?

VOL: No, No! Others will trap dogs. I don’t have the expertise.

SKY: (You use this bike) in Kranji?

 VOL: The (stray cats and dogs) will be waiting for me. 

SKY: The dog trappers have trapped the dogs. They will be waiting for you to accept the dogs?

VOL: This bike is used for feeding dogs

SKY: To bring food for the stray dogs?

 VOL: Yes. Yes. My van cannot be driven inside some places in Kranji (Industrial Park). I use this bike.

SKY: Kranji (Industrial Estate)? Kranji has numerous stray dogs?

VOL: Yes!

SKY: Kranji is famous (amongst the stray dog trapping volunteers). They must feed (stray dogs in Kranji) at night?
VOL: Yes

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