Sunday, February 21, 2021

3959. Creating a video based on the objective of the script - inpatient report.





Today is 20 February 2021, 11th day of inpatient services at Toa Payoh Vets.  This 6-year-old male, 420- g Red-Eared Slider was warded for the treatment of shell rot.  He had multiple white spots on his upper (carapace), lower (plastron) shells and left and right bridges.

DEFINITION. White spots are ulcers on the shell. They are infected by bacteria and fungi.

DIAGNOSIS. They can be seen as changes of shell colour, usually presenting as white spots.

TREATMENT. Daily for 14 days the following procedures:
1. Brushing with medicated shampoo (CLOSE UP VIDEO, exclude things on the sink or table top).

2. Rinsing the shell (GLOVED HANDS). 
3. Application of anti-fungal and antibiotic cream (COTTON BUD on shell).
4. Dry docking overnight.

5. Syringe feeding of antibiotics. 
6. Syringe feeding of Critical Care, if not eating.
7. Sunshine around one hour daily in the morning (VIDEO OR CLOSE UP OF RES).
8. Repeat Steps 1 – 7.

Today is the 11th day of inpatient services. Most of the white spots have had disappeared. (CLOSE UP OF SHELLS AND BRIDGES).  The slider has excellent appetite (VIDEO TO SHOW OWNER).


The report is not easy to read. Write short sentences. Be concise. Use active voices. 
All photos and videos to show only the relevant footage. Do not show other unrelated objects on top of the examination table or sink e.g. food bowls of dogs etc. 


1 Mar 2021.

1.  Presently two videos with no narration have been produced by Ginny. 

Video 1 in portrait format

Video 2 in landscape format. Video 2 is to be used partly for the 3rd video.


2.1. HOOK. Show footages of you "scrubbing and rinsing the red-eared slider" for around 30 seconds. Ask viewer what and why you are doing this. (This is a ..........15th day in patient etc). E.g. 
Why is this red-eared slider being brushed at Toa Payoh Vets? He had been brushed daily for the last 14 days. What is happening to his shells?  

Narrate using the following: Around 80% of Singapore's residents live in apartments. 

Many prefer red-eared sliders as pets as they do not take up much space and are easier to maintain. However, they do fall sick and need to be warded for treatment sometimes.


2.3  Narrate as you insert:

2.4  Introduce TITLE and read the text

2.5. Be consistent. Use "red-eared sliders" or "sliders" but NOT "terrapin".

2.6  Use the text in the slides as much as possible. The slides did not say "terrapin".

2.7. Do not insert "insert clip of improved shell" in this video as it spoils what is an excellent video.

2.8. Best to use "Youtube royalty free music for video production" rather than your own selection as it is hard to tell whether your "royalty free" music has certain other conditions other than acknowledgements.  (Google Youtube for such music for video production.)

2.9. Font colour. Black fonts on white background. No purple fonts on white background,
as in "Step 6....". It is hard to read purple on white as contrast is poor.
3. Adopt the basic movie structure as recommended in the blog:.  See the procedures for all interns at:

4. Conclusion is important. How you conclude is to summarise or give tips and advices. Do not conclude abruptly as in Video No. 1. 

5. Then show and narrate the following:

6. Credits
6.1  Vets

6.2 Others

Date of video creation and narrate the following:

Do NOT say "Thank you for viewing".  

7. Narrate the text subtitles in your next video with your voice. Use various tones. Do not speak monotonously. Buy a microphone on behalf of the clinic as it is better to use a microphone. The interns used their handphone or laptop microphone. Pl ensure not dog barking or telephone sounds in the video.  

8. The aim of this video is "How is Shell Rot treated at Toa Payoh Vets?" and show that it needs to be an inpatient treatment rather than consult and go. This is because many owners are not familiar with treatment of the slider.

Show its outcome of this case and the other two or three cases in Point 9.

9. Show short clips of two or three other cases (you need to do your research on Final/Other Videos in Toa Payoh Vets). This will conclude the video with depth and interest..

10. Create a video following this title as close as possible but give a good conclusion AND energetic narration. Otherwise, it is just another "how to treat shell rot" video by any non-vet or pet owner..


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