Sunday, October 25, 2020

3416. Photoshop 2024 with AI features including Sky Replacement.

PHOTOGRAPHY TIPS: Replace dull sky in Images:

19 Feb 2024:

Digital Camera World   Issue 271   Aug 2023

10 techniques for shooting dramatic shoreline scenics, by Jon Adams and Andrew James

1. Try a long exposure (neutral density filters act like sunglasses allowing longer shutter speeds in brighter conditions). Tripod. ISO to minimum value i.e. 100. AV mode. Dial in small aperture e.g. f/16 or f/22 which will give you the slowest possible shutter speed in the light that's present. If not slow enough, fit a neutral density filter over the lens to further slow the shutter speed. 

2. Get high for an abstract angle - drones used
3. Compose with boats
4. Shoot coastal landmarks (lighthouse)

5. Replace dull skies - fast ( go to EDIT, SKY REPLACEMENT, select a new sky from available options. Alternatively, click on SKIES DROPDOWN ARROW, click on the COG icon, click on GET MORE SKIES, then select IMPORT IMAGES  to add your own sky shots to the library. Or add PRESETS from Adobe CC free of charge. See tutorial in Adobe CC.

You can tweak the foreground and background. See:  21 tips including Sky Replacement in Photoshop 2021:  







Sky replaced in Photoshop

6. Don't forget the details
7. Make it minimalist
8. Mono magic (black and white)
9. Intentional camera movement


10. Capture the power of nature (crashing waves). Freeze the Action of waves. Use TV, at least 1/1000 sec, continuous shooting, room for full wave 'explosion'.  1/1000 sec, f/5.6, ISO 400

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