Thursday, December 19, 2019

4032. FINAL VIDEO. A female hamster's passes a lot of fresh blood. Why?

Thu Dec 19, 2019
Dr Sing Kong Yuen


"My hamster keeps on passing blood daily," the tall lady owner said. "She will clean herself. So you do not see any blood at the consultation room!

The female hamster passes a lot of fresh red blood for some weeks. What is the problem?


The vet felt the hamster's abdomen.with his two fingers.  "I can feel a small lump of 5 mm across in the lower abdomen," the vet said. "It could be the swollen uterus or a lump in the uterus. At the end of palpation, lots of fresh red blood gushed out of the hamster's private part, staining the paper with multiple red spots.  

The daily vaginal bleeding is likely from the uterus as the urine is not discoloured as seen on the bedding. The normal sized stools are solid and has no blood.

Two possible causes of the bleeding are here are uterine tumour or pyometra (uterine infection). As the hamster is old, surgery to remove the uterus is not advised. Daily cleaning and massage of the uterus will be done for the next 3 days. Antibiotics and pain-killers will be given for the next 7 days.   

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