Thursday, November 28, 2019

4009. INTERN*****The 9-year-old Shiba Inu farted and passed mucoid blood in the stools frequently.

Thursday, Nov 28, 2019

Passing blood in the stools for more than 2 months is the main complaint. How to resolve this problem?

1. Colitis - inflammation of large intestines, allergy to dog food, dog treats, worms, bacteria
2. Neoplasia - tumours in large intestines and colon.
3. Nervous temperament - stress. Cars
4. Foreign bodies in the colon and/or rectum

BLOOD TEST. Liver and kidneys OK? Check blood test report.
STOOL TEST. No worms. Blood present.

Based on the history of response to the feeding of therapeutic diet (Hill's I/D), deworming and antibiotics previously, the dog is given the same treatment.

The diagnosis is likely to be colitis due to irritation from the commercial diet and dog treats. No other food or dog treats will be given when the dog is fed the therapeutic diet for around 3 months. Dental scaling is advised. .

If the dog does not respond to this treatment, more detailed investigation will be done.  .

Dr Sing phoned the owner. No more blood in the stools. Flatulence is less. It is still early to conclude that the dog's colitis is no more. 

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