Wednesday, August 7, 2019

3371. Self-Publishing. New rules. New strategies. New paths to success. By Orna Ross. Writer's Digest Mar/Apr 2019.

Aug 7, 2019

Self-Publishing. New rules. New strategies. New paths to success. By Orna Ross. Writer's Digest  Mar/Apr 2019

1. Independent authors must position themselves as brands and equip themselves with business savvy to succeed

2. Alliance of Independent Authors (ALLi) founded by Orna Ross
to encourage ethics and excellence in author-publishing.

3.  Self-publishing 1.0.  Print-on-demand in the 90s
     2.0. Amazon  e-reader and app, the Kindle, a digital publishing platform, Kindle Direct Publishing and a new payment process based on commission on sales instead of royalties and advances. Amazon is the largest bookstosre in the world. Audiobook and print publishing and other services followed such as Apple iBooks, Nook, Kobo etc. The author, NOT the platform,  became the publisher. Circumvent gatekeepers.

Publishing has 7 tangible proceses:
editorial, design, production, distribution, marketing, promotion and rights licensing. Now self-publishing is thriving.  In 2017, Bowker that registers ISBN numbers in the US says it has passed 1 million for the first time.

At ALLi, 7% of membership is "Authorpreneur" category = sold more than 50,000 books in the past 2 years. A book can earn over $100,000 annually without being on a best-seller list.

Self-publishing 3.0, many authors are creative entrepreneurs, running successful and sustainable digital businesses.

Being "discoverable" in an ocean of books, finding your readers, building a brand and growing a business are all challenging. They are creative challenges unlike dispiriting rounds of REJECTION that were the only path in the past.

The state of the mind distinguishes indie authors: being creative directors of our books and author businesses. With the vast number of distribution, marketing and publicity options, we can each a truly global readership.

New technologies - artificial intelligence,  virtual reality, voice search and blockchain seem set to shake up the book business.

Whatever  changes, one thing remain constant. Only authors who have developed the INDIE MINDSET - an empowered, creative attitude that says, "I can do that!" are well placed to take advantage of opportunities.

Orna Ross is director of the Alliance of Independent Authors

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