Sunday, June 16, 2019

3342. 3rd Oriental Garden Lizard and 3 dragonflies on Sunday Jun 16, 2019

Sunday Jun 16, 2019
Morning walk 7.30 am to 9 am. Bright sunny. Oriental Garden Lizard (lizard).

First new significant sighting was 3 dragon flies. They did stay long enough for me to photograph.

Second new significant sighting was the 3rd lizard. 
The first tree lizard was on the side of the tree later when I came back. He appeared thinner and darker. I did not go near him as he is aware of me. In previous days, he would hop off the tree or somersault to climb facing up-tree. As I walked away, I saw this 3rd lizard for the first time.

Saturday Jun 16, 2019
Morning walk.  I noticed that PNGP were seldom seen for the past few days and wondered whether they had migrated elsewhere. Usually there would be at least one, high up in the tree.
Significant sighting: A couple of pink-necked green pigeons together on top of a tree sunbathing for over a minute for me to take their photo. The male left some time later. Two other single PNGP flew around.

Evening dinner near the Esso Station. A PNGP perched high up on the tree in this park. I saw this type of bird in same location before. 

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