Friday, June 14, 2019

3339. Old female dog has recurring mammary tumour spreading to the lungs

In March 2018, the mammary tumour was removed and the dog was spayed by Vet 1. In May 2018, the tumour recurred.Vet 2 removed the tumour and took a chest X-ray. The X-rays showed multiple nodules in the lungs. These are secondary tumours from the mammary glands.

Between May 2018 to Jun 2019, the owner had consulted Vet 2 as the tumour had recurred and ulcerated. "Vet 2 gave me a wash and antibiotic powder, asking me to bring the dog for euthanasia later. But my dog keeps dripping blood from his tumour and we need to clean up after her!"

Jun 6, 2019.   The dog's tumour had grown to a sausage-shaped mass about 8cm x 4 cm. One end was eaten up by maggots. Blood dripped out continuously, soiling the apartment. The dog was not eating and had a lower than normal rectal temperature of 37.7 deg C

The tumour recurred but Vet 2 would not operate. Yet the dog had been active and so the owner did not want to put her down.  The tumour became badly infected.  When seen by  Toa Payoh Vets, the blood test showed leucocytosis and anaemia, indicating a blood-borne bacterial infection and chronic blood loss.

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