At Royal Asia Veterinary Surgery, common cases are heartworm diseases, parvo, corona and distemper diseases. The black dog came in as he was lethargic. But his gums were white as snow. "Heart worm disease" diagnosed by test kit. Dr Thein Tun Aung pointed to the oscillating to and fro movements of the eyeball which is unusual for heart worm disease. I saw the hind limb tremors. So, was there canine distemper as well? The test kit showed negative for distemper.
The couple brought in this puppy for a medical check up on Dec 2 after purchase. Clients are nowadays more sophisticated than before. It had coronavirus +ve. Now the couple came to visit. Dr Aung repeated the test. It was negative for coronavirus now but positive for canine distemper.
Dec 5- 14, 2015. I visited Myanmar. A hot and humid month but clear skies.
Favourite images are shown in this webpage..
1. I left Singapore by SIA on Dec 5, 2015 for Yangon. I had a good picture of the propeller planes at the airport on arrival, using zooms lens. I had a video of the plane taking off. The sun was bright and sunny, permitting me to capture such good pictures. It is hard to take good pictures of propeller planes as there needs to be time and opportunity.

2. Free Funeral Services (Yangon) was started to provide free funeral services to the destitute by one man and his wife many years ago. I met the wife (right in picture below). Now it provides free education in its own school building to train the poor in food and beverage skills, management, movie production and other course free of charge.
I was much surprised to find that it has a school library filled with many English books donated by others. It distributes many English books to the village schools in Myanmar. Library membership is free. Categories include fiction, health, political, science and maths (see video). I found a sun-faded copy of Lee Kuan Yew's book there too. According to the volunteer, many readers like to read books on politics. A large wall painting of Nelson Mandela is present on the wall of a staircase.

The volunteer shows me two unbelievable events as evident in the photos in the room documenting the work of the FFS. One was a picture of a standing left foot which appeared in the FFS premises. It was a foot of a poor man whose leg was cut off by the train. Another picture showed a facial image of a deceased on the wind screen of the ambulance 9 days after she had died. Donors who wish to donate books to FFS, let me know.
3. Tamwe township night market, Yangon on Dec 6, 2015.
My hosts went for the massage by a Japan-trained masseuse. Not for me.
I had over an hour full of photographic opportunities of the market stalls unlike the regulated night market in Singapore. Only one stall sold water melons in this hot and humid night. Few buyers compared to another stall selling fried pan cakes. A prata shop makes and sells prata in the dark area and he seemed to have fewer customers. Intense competition for food vendors and restaurants. Modern ones like Mr Chef (coffeeshop) attract a younger crowd with spending power but not many were seen on Sunday. Illegal CDs are sold. A newer small air cond mini-mart was crowded.

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