The Border Collie was limping on her right hind limb this morning. X-rays show the right femoral head has dislocated entirely out of the right hip joint. A Femoral Head Osteotomy surgery is advised.
"The chances of being back to normal without surgery are slim.," I said. "Without surgery, I can apply the Ehmer Sling. In this treatment, I use adhesive bandage to wrap around the affected leg and then sling it across the body. The dog may still be lame. The surgical option is likely to be lasting as most dogs do not limp after the surgery."
"I prefer surgery." The femoral head was cut off under general gaseous anaesthesia. The femoral head was excised.
March 5, 2017
The owner came as the dog had swallowed a rubber toy.
I asked about the time it takes the border collie to recover normal gait after femoral head excision.
"She took 3 months to recover and walk normally!"

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