Sunday, December 4, 2016

2982. A 2-year-old Holland Lop rabbit has smelly urine for past 6 months.

Saturday Dec 3, 2016

The young man is knowledgeable about rabbit medical conditions.
"This rabbit suffers from urine scalding," I showed the matted, rough patchy hair loss on the backside and private part area. Dark pigmentation also occurs. A fever was present at 39.8C

"Yes," he knew what I was saying.
The rabbit was groomed monthly by a groomer specialising in rabbit for some 6 months.

"Your rabbit has passed urine many times a day," I stated. "She can't control her bladder as she has a UTI or urinary tract infection."
"Yes," he confirmed urinary incontinence.
"How many X/day does she pee in the past 6 months?"
"Smelly yellow urine. 2- 3 X/hour instead of 1x/few hours."

I hospitalised the rabbit to treat and to clean up the urine scalded area under anaesthesia. She was a stout strong one and resisted handling. Antibiotics and pain killers may eliminate the bladder infection and give the rabbit a respite from continuous licking and cleaning her backside.

Vit C and digestive pill alternate day. 80% hay and 20% pellet. This young man knows about rabbit nutrition. Urine scalding is bad for the rabbit as it is stressful to have to groom herself every 2-3x/hr when urine leaks from an infected bladder.

X-rays showed no bladder or kidney or urinary stones. That was good news. The rabbit should recover after treatment. 


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