Tuesday, July 7, 2015

2484. FIC - Feline Interstitial Cystis - A mother phoned to say her cat is now normal

Jun 6, 2015

Some 4 weeks ago, this career woman was much depressed as her cat would sit on the litter box trying to pee, affecting her sleep. She wanted to put the cat to sleep if this continued as she needed to work.

I drove to Smith Street to give the ACP anti-spasmodic tablets 12.5 mg to be given 1/4 tablet 2 x /day and painkiller meloxicam orally at 0.03 ml for 4 days. Antibiotics would be given if the first two medication did not work.

The cat should be given her own space, litter box, water and feed bowl, separated away from the other female cat.

Follow up on Jun 6, 2015.
She was most happy that the cat is back to normal.
"How did you persuade your cat to eat the Feline C/D diet?" I asked her.
"I feed him the canned C/D when I am home from work and leave the dry C/D and not feed him other food.  So he eats when he is hungry."

Many cat owners do not know what to do to change the diet and so the disease FIC recurs. She told me she did not need to use the antibiotics.

The cat had been warded by the first vet for 5 days some 4 months ago for bladder obstruction but the dysuria recurred 2 months ago. I palpated that there was no painful or swollen kidneys and bladder and so diagnosed FIC. The dysuria and polliakiuria recurred some 7 days later and the mother had considered euthanasia.  I rushed to Smith Street to hand over the above-mentioned medication to her son who worked as a bar tender. So, the medication worked and there was no need to do X-rays, blood test or urine test in this case.

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