Monday, October 24, 2022

4148. 2011 CASE STUDY. A dwarf hamster tries to pull off the big dangling mass out of her mouth

2011 case study


The dwarf hamster is stressed out by an everted gangrenous cheek pouch. It required surgical removal (amputation) of the exposed pouch. However, the family vet did not do hamster surgery. What to do? The young lady researched the internet and came to Toa Payoh Vets which does hamster cheek pouch amputations under anaesthesia. The pouch was excised using electricity. The hamster returns to a happy owner and leads a normal life able to eat and drink as usual. Cheek pouch eversion is an emergency. 


In some early cases, no surgical amputation is required as the vet can push it back. Consult a hamster vet early.







2011 CASE STUDY by Dr Sing Kong Yuen, BVMS (Glasgow).

The young lady's vet gave a baytril 1% oral antibiotic 2 days ago. He said he would not operate as he was not able to do so.

So the young lady must have had surfed the net and brought her hamster to me. I did not ask her. Nowadays, young people are "google" people and they sometimes know more than the vet regarding specific niche conditions of their pets! A vet has to know everything in the hamster from nose to toe and that is only one species. How about dogs, cats, terrapins, guinea pigs, birds and fishes, iguanas and others? This comes from time in practice. 

She knew that her hamster's left pouch had turned inside out and needed to get a vet to operate. A pink mass dangled from the left cheek. One end had become black, a sign of gangrene. Blood supply had been cut off. The surrounding part had turned yellow due to bacterial infection. A speck of yellow pus dried on the upper eyelid.

"Antibiotics will not shrink the dwarf hamster's cheek pouch inwards," I said. "Your hamster needs surgery and the end of the infected pouch needs to be cut away. There is anaesthetic risk. Will you accept the risk?"

The young lady had no choice. If she did not consent to the operation, the hamster will die from infections. If she consented, the hamster may return to a normal life.

I would operate by amputation of the cheek pouch in this case. Everted cheek pouch surgery is best seen early as it may be pushed back and there is no need for surgery. The risk is not surgery but anaesthesia.

Isoflurane gas was used. The assistant must focus on this. "It is a simple surgery compared to Caesarean section or spay. Clamp the pouch first," I said to my assistant. "Cut and stitch".

It is easy to lecture. The hamster woke up from the gas anaesthesia and needed to be given the gas again. The necrotic end was excised with scalpel. Anaesthesia again. Stitched cut end of pouch with 6/0 absorbable sutures x 3 in pattern of simple interrupted sutures.

"Don't stress the hamster," I gave this advice to my lady assistant. "Unclamp as the hamster had woken up and may die of fright struggling with a clamp. The correct way is to give the gas anaesthesia again."

On unclamping, the cut end of the pouch shrank inwards. "No problem with that," I said. "Use the forceps to pull out the cut ends to give 3 simple interrupted stitches".

As long as the hamster is anaesthesized adequately without killing him, the stitching is not a problem. The pouch was thus stitched with 6/0 absorbable sutures. The hamster went home to a happy young lady. There was slight bleeding and she would take care of it. "Use the other vet's antibiotics to save you some money," I said. "Do you want to take the excised pouch home with you?"

She shook her head. I showed her the illustration of how the pouch was excised. She seemed to be in a hurry and so I did not detain her. Overall, this was a satisfactory outcome. As long as the hamster survives the anaesthesia, the hamster owner is usually very delighted with the surgical outcome.

Questions asked by owner:
1. Feed liquid food? No need.
2. Can she store food? Not much as 80% had been cut off in the left cheek pouch. The right cheek pouch is still there.
3. What if she did not get surgery done?
Pus already in pouch. Gangrene tip. Hamster will die from infections.
4. "The hamster had pulled out a stitch," she phoned me later. "The stitch could have been cut longer and therefore looked loose," I said. But she did not turn up for a check up. I presumed all are well as I did not see her 7 days after surgery nor hear from her by phone.







CASE STUDY IN 2011. The young lady's dwarf hamster has a pink mass
Her vet had prescribed baytril oral antibiotic 2 days ago, "My vet said he would not operate as he was not able to do so."

So the young lady must have had surfed the net and brought her hamster to me. I did not ask her. Nowadays, young people are "google" people and they sometimes know more than the vet regarding specific niche conditions of their pets!

(A vet has to know everything in the hamster from nose to toe and that is only one species. How about dogs, cats, terrapins, guinea pigs, birds and fishes, iguanas and others? This comes from time in practice. Vets are not Gods and will need time to become experienced. Pet owners need to understand this.)   Not for video production. 

She knew that her hamster's left pouch had turned inside out and needed to get a vet to operate. A pink mass dangled from the left cheek. One end had become black, a sign of gangrene. Blood supply has been cut off. The surrounding part had turned yellow due to bacterial infection.  A speck of dried yellow pus settled on the upper eyelid.

"Antibiotics will not shrink the dwarf hamster's cheek pouch inwards," I said. "Your hamster needs surgery and the end of the infected pouch needs to be cut away. There is anaesthetic risk. Will you accept the risk?"

The young lady had no choice. If she did not consent to the life-threatening operation, the hamster would die from infections and malnutrition. If she consented, the hamster had a chance of a normal life eating and drinking normally, with a painful septic pouch which would turn gangrenous.

See case in 2022.

Cheek pouch surgery is best treated early. The risk of death will be anaesthesia, not surgical procedures. 

Isoflurane gas was used. "It is a simple surgery compared to Caesarean section or spay. Clamp the pouch first," I explain to my young vet assistant. "Cut and stitch".

It is easy to lecture. The hamster woke up from the gas anaesthesia and needed to be given the gas again. The necrotic end was excised with electro-surgery. Anaesthesia gas was given on and off again, based on effect. I stitched the cut end with three 6/0 absorbable sutures in an interrupted pattern.

"Don't stress the hamster," I gave this advice to my assistant. "Unclamp as the hamster had woken up and may die of fright struggling with a clamp. The correct way is to give the gas anaesthesia again." 

When the forceps was unclamped for inspection, the inner side of the cheek pouch shrank inwards. "No problem with that," I said to my assistant. "Use the artery forceps to pull out the cut ends to complete the 3 simple interrupted stitches".

As long as the hamster is anaesthesized adequately, the stitching is easy. The pouch was thus stitched with 6/0 absorbable sutures. 

The hamster went home to a happy young lady. There was slight bleeding and she would take care of it. "Use the other vet's antibiotics," I said. "Do you want to take the excised pouch home with you?"

She shook her head. I showed her the illustration of how the pouch was excised. She seemed to be in a hurry and so I did not detain her. 

Overall, this was a satisfactory outcome. As long as the hamster survives the anaesthesia, the surgery is not complicated and the hamster owner is usually very delighted with the surgical outcome. 

Questions asked by owner:
1. Feed liquid food? No need.

2. Can she store food? Not much as 80% had been cut off in the left cheek pouch. The right cheek pouch is available for storing food.

3. What if she did not get surgery done?

Pus and infection is already present in the pouch. The tip of the pouch is gangrenous as it has no more blood supply. The gangrene will spread to the whole pouch. The hamster will die from infections and malnutrition as she will not be able to eat and drink normally.

See case in 2022.

4. "The hamster had pulled out a stitch," she phoned me later. "The stitch could have been cut longer and therefore looked loose," I said. But she did not turn up for a check up. I presumed no news is good news as I did not see her 7 days after surgery nor hear from her by phone.


Sunday, October 23, 2022

4147. The mother hamster has a bleeding right eye

HOOK 1 - Owner's tele-consult video x 2 to merge. See email. Do not use video of 1:26 sec as it has problems

HOOK 2 - Day 1 video during Dr Sing's consultation.

If no time, just use HOOK 2 which is clearer (see below).

Hook 2. 12 sec. exam at Toa Payoh Vets.


The mother hamster has a bleeding right eye
Veterinary story by: Dr Sing Kong Yuen, BVMS (Glasgow).  3 Nov 2022

Eye injuries are emergencies as prompt and early veterinary treatment prevents loss of eyeball and vision.

The young couple WhatsApp me the bleeding eye of the nursing hamster with a 2-day-old pup. I asked them to send a video which would show the living conditions of the mother. The couple who lives in Singapore and loves travel, got the hamster within 24 hours for veterinary treatment at Toa Payoh Vets. 


General gas anaesthesia is needed for proper examination and treatment. The 3rd eyelid was perforated leading to profuse bleeding. Clearing the eye debris, eye drops, antibiotics and painkillers for 10 days. 


No more litter and crammed space for the nursing mother - just towels and tissues. Eye drops 4 x per day for at least 10 days.

The couple was pleased with the happy outcome. On Day 15, a white corneal scar indicated healing. Eye drops to be continued for another 10 days. A happy ending is due to the couple's seeking prompt veterinary treatment. 


Procrastination would mean the hamster rubbing out the eyeball from its socket and blindness. The pup would have died from starvation as the dam would not be able to nurse her. 










    extra images etc

13 Oct 2022. Bleeding from eye. Perforated injury into the 3rd eyelid. Rubbing painful eye. More bleeding.