Saturday, February 26, 2022

4100. 26 FEB 2022: INFORMATION needed for 2nd opinion on a guinea pig jaw abscess

26 FEB 2022:


An example of a case of a guinea pig (or rabbit) losing weight for the past 2 months after treatment for jaw abscess by a vet in La Spezia, Italy.

The following info is required:

1. VETERINARY REPORT from your vet regarding diagnosis and treatment given.

Email to WhatsApp +65 9668-6468

2. X-rays of head of the guinea pig before abscess treatment. THREE views are needed. Dorso-ventral view, lateral view (R), lateral view (L).

3. X-rays of head of the guinea pig 1-2 months AFTER abscess treatment. THREE views are needed. Dorso-ventral view, lateral view (R), lateral view (L).  

4. Images of the guinea pig's jaw abscesses BEFORE and AFTER TREATMENT. THREE views are needed. Front view, right lateral (side) view, left lateral (side) view.

5. WEEKLY weights of guinea pig for the past 2 months.

Critical care (weight) given per day (24 hours).

7. Hay (weight or %) eaten by the guinea pig eat
per day (24 hours) for the past 2 months.

Other supplements given by owner.

Email to WhatsApp +65 9668-6468





4099. TELE CONSULTATION. Geppo The Peruvian guinea pig from Italy loses weight over the past 2 months.



Otello S

Fri, Feb 25, 11:43 PM (6 hours ago)
to me
Il 25/02/2022 10:25, Kong Yuen Sing ha scritto:
Dear doctor Kong than you for your reply, glad to meet you, thank you very much for your kind information.
preliminarily if it is considered possible to pay for her intervention via paypal.
I answer her.
Geppo is a Peruvian guinea pig,
the weights in December 21w ere around 1150 grams she ate alone and drank centrifuged peppers. perhaps he was also a little overweight.
in January, after the tooth was filed, it dropped to 1070 grams and then an abscess was created where the veterinarian intervened.
the weights fluctuated between the end of January and February between 930 and 1010,  feeding it with critical care and pellets and centrifuged vegetables and antibiotics and painkiller for the abscess that was eliminated
After a second filing and changed the antibiotic (exocin) we feed it with cryitcal care and pellets with syringes up to 200 per day. he also eats some hay by himself, such as field grass, parsley. but little compared to before.
now the weight varies from a minimum of 880 to a maximum of 950. just eaten 60 syringes of critical pellets and vegetable juices, it makes the feces and the weight drops to even more than the initial weight.
and as if not holding back the food.
the feces are formed and dark in color, have no particular odors.
now i tried milk thistle because the vet said it could be liver lipidosis, however it doesn't increase in mass.
as a social life he takes a few strolls but then basically stays in his bed
Thank you if you can answer me, glad to have met you and to devote so much attention to these magical little animals.
A warm greeting
Otello  La Spezia Italy



Kong Yuen Sing

Feb 25, 2022, 5:25 PM (12 hours ago)
to Otello
Please provide dates and weights of your pet weekly for past 3 months and treatment over 3 months in order to analyse 



Feb 24, 2022, 6:04 PM (2 days ago)
to mejudy

re . info on weight losses of the guinea pig

good morning kind  Mr Sing  compliments for your link on you tube are fab.

my name is Otello I am an accountant and with Barbara is a lawyer and we write from Italy from La Spezia (5 terre)

we have 3 (first 4) guinea pigs that we keep at home.

We have a problem that we cannot understand and I have seen that she has uploaded a range of videos to you tube.

I try to summarize the problem. Two months ago we took us to a good exotics vet in Pisa (70 km from our city) and he had found that his molars had grown and he was not eating. The vet milled the molars and the next day grew a ball on the left of the mandible. We called and the studio said it was normal. 2 days later she got very big and after another 2 days we went to the vet and he operated and emptied the abscess.

from then on we administered antibiotics and made dressings with betadyne and hydrogen peroxide. during this period it dropped but within 10% / 15%. the veterinarian then changed the antibiotic as it conformed to the antibiogram and the infection had already dropped a lot, no more pus.

from here on we feed it with quantities of critical care oxbow, pellets dissolved in water and we blend vegetables. the fact is that he continues to lose weight, indeed precisely he gains 40 grams after dozens and dozens of syringes of crital care and immediately plummets sometimes even in addition to the food we put in, such as weight shortly after defecating and urinating.
the quality of the stools are good, dark in color not soft, while at the beginning they were dehydrated and dry. but he always loses weight we are at about 24% of the weight which was 1150 grams.
we are very discouraged. we are feeding him all day and we do not sleep
I apologize if I took the liberty of writing to you because we love guinea pigs but we don't understand why it doesn't transform food into body mass.
Thank you if you can answer me, glad to have met you and to devote so much attention to these magical little animals.
A warm greeting

Otello   La Spezia 0039 XXXX office

mobile 0039 XXXX


Tuesday, February 22, 2022

4098. The Scarlet-backed Flowerpecker was seen in Lentor Street on Tue 22 Feb 2022. Palindrome. Ambigram.

Scarlet-backed Flowerpecker
(Dicaeum cruentatum)

Scientific Name: Dicaeum cruentatum

Malay Name: Sepah-Puteri Belakang Merah
Chinese Name: æœ±èƒŒå•„花鸟

Found from the Himalayan foothills to Southern China, mainland Southeast Asia, Sumatra and Borneo.

Polytypic. Subspecies are: cruentatum, sumatranum, niasense, batuense, simalurense, nigrimentum.

Local Subspecies: cruentatum

Size: 8.5-9 cm

Male looks distinctive with bright red upperparts, blackish head-/breast-sides and blue-blackish wings contrasting with the mostly white underparts. Female is a drab brown with a bright red rump and uppertail-coverts. Juvenile resembles female but has a red-pink based lower mandible and uniform upperparts with orange-tinged uppertail-coverts.

Habitat: Parks, gardens, wooded areas, secondary growth and forest edge.

Behaviour/Ecology: Feeds on flowers and fruits

Local Status: Common resident

Conservation Status: Least Concern (BirdLife International 2016)

Location: Suitable habitats like Bidadari, Singapore Botanic Gardens, Chinese/Japanese Gardens, Pasir Ris Park, Sungei Buloh, Bukit Timah Nature Reserve, Bukit Batok Nature Park and Central Catchment Forest.


Tue 22 Feb 2022. 

SINGAPORE - 22 FEB 2022: Lentor St Playground. A 9-cm bird eating seeds. This is the Scarlet-backed Flowerpecker(Dicaeum cruentatum), said to be common in Singapore.

This sparrow-size bird with iridescent red and blue colours posed for a few seconds today 22-02-2022.  22022022 reads the same from left to right, from right to left and upside down.  The date is a palindrome and an ambigram. A rare species in Lentor Street Playground.


Got a photo of a rare sparrow-sized bird on a tree in Lentor Street Playground this morning. I was photographing the leaves (red and green) when this rare bird with irridescent red and blue feathers dropped by and posed for me for a few seconds. Today is 2nd day Grandma is negative for Covid-19 ART. Today is Tue 22 Feb 2022 - 22022022 which is a palindrome and an ambigram - a rare occurrence in calendars. An auspicious day?

Is the bird below a red-crowned barbet?



Tuesday, February 15, 2022

Four rabbits with rotten teeth.


15 Feb 2022. Dr Sing Kong Yuen, BVMS (Glasgow). This post of 4 rabbit cases with rotten teeth informs and educates the rabbit owner to seek early treatment when their rabbits have swollen jaws. 1, Three X-ray views are advised. 2. Daily examination of the jaws using touch will enable you to spot jaw abscesses and swellings early. 3. Delays in seeking veterinary treatment will result in all tooth roots being infected and the teeth being lost. Appointments at: Toa Payoh Vets, +65 6254-3326, 6256-0501, 9668-6468, 9664-0404, Updates at:

2.  Another useful post for the rabbit owner is:
Malocclusion is the most common cause of rabbit jaw abscess.



4096. A red-eared slider develops a swollen head "suddenly".

A red-eared slider developed a swollen head "suddenly."

14 Feb 2022.  9.45 pm.  WhatsApp consultation.

The owner WhatsApp me a video of her red-eared slider having a swollen head after giving

vitamins and eye drops at around 7 pm. She had consulted Toa Payoh Vets for swollen

eyes of the past 4 days. The vet prescribed eye drops and medication and told her there

was a cut in the right eyelid area. In this first video she WhatsApp to me, the

slider was vigorously pawing his right eyeball several times

as if to relieve itchiness in this eye. He gasped for breaths a few times.

"Is this (condition) critical?" she asked.   

It was hard to diagnose the cause of a swollen head and eyelids on videos.

She said she did not inadvertently smeared vitamin mixture or oral medication onto the eyes

as she had followed instructions using a syringe to hand feed medicine to her slider.

The slider could have rubbed the vitamin on his eyes and caused a strong reaction.

Swelling of the head could be due to intense rubbing of the eyes. An allergy which caused head swelling?  Hard to know what happened exactly.   

I asked her to consult the emergency vet. To take the slider out from the water. She decided to

wait till the next day to consult Toa Payoh Vets, as she would not know

whether the emergency vet would have experience in turtle treatment. The video is as follows:  

. 14 Feb 2022. Video on sudden head and neck swelling. Right eyeball pawing. Both eyelids swollen over past 4 days.


15 Feb 2022. I followed up. The owner did not consult Toa Payoh Vets. She sent more images.
There was a large "cyst" on the right side of the collar, preventing the head from being retracted
easily yesterday. This cyst is not obvious in the first video, but you can see it is large. I asked her
to get the cyst checked out. Toa Payoh Vets did not do anything but asked her to wait and see, 
continuing with the oral medication.

IMAGES ON 15 FEB 2022.

Charcoal slider with "cyst' on left side of collar

A normal slider with no "cyst" on the left side of the collar  



The tank mate of the charcoal slider is this albino slider. The floating basking
platform is spacious. Drainage filter is present. Warm lighting over basking area.

From video footage, I noted that the albino red-eared slider had long curved claws.
One claw could have had lodge into the right collar of the charcoal slider, 
causing infections leading to large "cyst" which could be an abscess or haematoma.

The owner will get a bigger tank with more swimming space.


4095. A black cobra in Yio Chu Kang Crescent forest video

 A migrant worker from India came out of his truck along Yio Chu Kang Crescent forest path and said to me, "Sir, be careful of black cobras in this area. I saw one earlier. My colleagues were doing the "Indian Snake Charmer" dance and music when they saw the cobra near me. I was not aware of it and thought they were making fun of me."

They pointed to it. I took a video. This was his video. "In India, in my village, I saw many an used to catch one by the tail and swung it! Till it became unconscious!". I was grateful for his warning about black cobras. I saw one slithering away from me some months ago but near saw one in full size.

Saturday, February 12, 2022

Tele-consultation with Toa Payoh Vets


How to send useful images


What is Norwegian spruce extract good for?
People use the needles and the oil taken from the needles as medicine. Norway spruce is used for infections of the airways, acute pain, and other conditions, but there is no good scientific evidence to support any use.

Picea abies, the Norway spruce[2] or European spruce,[3] is a species of spruce native to NorthernCentral and Eastern Europe.[4]

It has branchlets that typically hang downwards, and the largest cones of any spruce, 9–17 cm long. It is very closely related to the Siberian spruce (Picea obovata), which replaces it east of the Ural Mountains, and with which it hybridizes freely. The Norway spruce has a wide distribution for it being planted for its wood, and is the species used as the main Christmas tree in several countries around the world. It was the first gymnosperm to have its genome sequenced. The Latin specific epithet abies means “fir-like”.[5]


Norway spruce (picea abies) is a type of spruce tree. People use the needles and the oil taken from the needles as medicine.

Norway spruce is used for infections of the airways, acute pain, and other conditions, but there is no good scientific evidence to support any use.

Side Effects

When taken by mouth: There isn't enough reliable information to know if Norway spruce is safe or what the side effects might be.